Act upon it.

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Leah's POV:

As I walked back up to mine and Alessia's room, I couldn't help but replay what she said in my head a million times. Did she mean it? Was she finally having a literal gay awakening?

I laid on the bed for about half an hour, and Alessia was yet to come back into the room. I assumed she was spending time with Ella, so I got out my phone to facetime my mum. We spoke for a while about all things football, how everything was going here at camp and how i was finding the role of captain. I told her about how much I adored the new squad, and I told her all about Alessia. Just as I was about to say goodbye to my mum, Alessia walking into the room.

Alessia: "I'm not disturbing anything, am I?" she asked.

Leah: "No, not at all. Hey mum, Alessia's here who I was just telling you about. Come say hi" i smiled before looking at Alessia. She ran over gently before sitting next to me on my bed and leaning over me to see my mum. "Hi Amanda!"

They ended up having their own little chit-chat without me. They were collectively making fun of me, mocking me and my mum was telling her all of my embarrassing secrets, just like any mum would. My mum said she had to go and make dinner, but to call her when we were free again, and with that myself and Alessia said goodbye and the call ended. I rolled over and looked at Alessia who was lying next to me on my bed.

Leah: "So, how did you find today? I think you did really well." I smiled. Alessia looked at me with quite a blank expression.

Alessia: "Yeah, yeah it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be" she said, before looking up at the ceiling. I could tell she was lost in her own thoughts, and I knew exactly what it was about. Part of me just wanted to grab her face and kiss her, to help her to understand what she was feeling, but i also knew she needed to do it in her own time and by herself.

Leah: "Less, what's the matter?" I said, cupping her chin with my hand and pulling her face to look at me. A single tear fell from her cheek, and she did nothing but look at me. I looked back at her and held her hand to reassure her, pulling her close to me. I let her dig her head into my chest and just cry. I wanted her to know she was safe and that I cared, without giving it away that I had caught on to what she was feeling. 

She cried on my chest for about ten minutes, before i peered down and she'd fallen asleep. I didn't want to wake her, because she obviously hadn't been sleeping well recently and she needed this. I knew Ella was her best friend, so i took the opportunity to go and be honest with her and speak to her, because I knew Alessia wouldn't do it herself. I slowly turned Alessia over and rubbed her cheek with my finger for a few seconds before getting out of my bed and smiling at the beautiful blonde sleeping inside my bed. I left the room and went to knock on Ella and Beth's door. Ella answered because Beth had conveniently gone to film with Josh Denzel.

Ella: "Hey Lee, you okay? Where's Less?" she asked in a confused tone. She knew if we were going to go over, we'd go together.

Leah: "I need to talk to you about her, is that okay?" i said, and Ella just looked at me, putting her hands on her hips.

Ella: "I don't think you need to tell me Lee, I know." she said sternly, staring into my soul.

Leah: "Whoa hold on, what do you know?" I said, raising one eyebrow.

Ella: "That you have a huge crush on Alessia..." Ella said, covering her mouth to try and hide the deafening laugh she was about to let out.

Leah: "Ella, I'm genuinely worried about her. I don't know if it's because of me or someone else, but I truly believe Alessia needs someone that is not me to speak to. She's just cried on my chest for half an hour, all because I asked her how she felt the interview went today with me." I said looking at Ella, then at my hands and fiddling with my bracelets. "She basically admitted in the interview that she didn't know what her sexuality was, and now I think she's regretting it." 

Ella: "I'll get it out of her. Thank you so much Lee for being there, whether it's because you wanna get in her pants or not, thank you honestly" she said, taking the room key out of my hand and going next door.

Alessia's POV:

I woke up to Ella whispering "Hey Less" and climbing behind me in bed and wrapping her arms around me. I was slightly confused, why is Ella here and where is Leah? I just laid there for a minute, before moving my hands to Ella's and holding them. I rolled over to look at her, and Ella got her finger and wiped the tears from under my eyes.

Ella: "What is the matter Less? I'm here, please speak to me. It will make you feel better" she said, placing her hand under my chin.

Alessia: "I feel like you'll just laugh Ella. Like you'll laugh so hard" I said honestly. Ella doesn't do serious conversations often, and I didn't want to be laughed at right now.

Ella: "Hey, you know i can do serious when i see its truly hurting you" she said, re holding my hand. "I'm here, let it all out. I'm listening"

Alessia: "I'm just so confused Ella. Never once on my life have I ever questioned my sexuality. It's always been boys, never once have I looked at a girl and caught feelings for her. Yeah, probably thought she was pretty but never to this level. There's something about Leah that is drawing me closer and closer to her. I feel confused, I don't even know who to talk to because I don't think any of my family would understand. I can't help but want to grab Leah's face and kiss her, I can't help but wish I was sleeping next to her, and I don't know why and it's driving me fucking crazy Ella. I even fucking exposed myself in the interview earlier, telling the world I'm in a gay crisis, like i'm in an episode of Heartstopper. I'm so angry that I'm in this crisis that it's making me fall for her harder, and want to kiss her more" I cried, tears falling down my face as i punched the bed.

Ella: "Then do it, Less." Ella said, staring at me dead in the eye and shrugging. "You don't feel this way for no reason. You don't need to label yourself right now. Yeah, you've dated boys, but it doesn't mean you can't date girls, too. Leah knows and is comfortable in her sexuality, and i'm sure she can support and lead you Less." she said, stroking my hair.

I looked up at her. Fuck it, what have i got to lose?

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