Really, Really like you.

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Time skip: The night before the girls head back to camp.

Leah's POV: 

Alessia and I had spent the las week together. We have laughed, cried, sang, dance, you name it, we've done it. I took her on a couple of dates out, but we didn't want to overdo it just yet. After what Alessia has been through with her mum, she's understandably a bit nervous to be out to the fans. We didn't want anyone making assumptions just yet.

I got a text from Millie, my friend from home, asking if she could come and see me before I leave again. Of course, I invited her straight over.

"Less, my friend Millie is popping over quickly" I smiled. Less looked at me, slightly confused.

"Who's Millie?"

 Shit. I can't believe I hadn't told her. 

"I played with her for Arsenal under 18's, but she decided football wasn't for her and believe it or not she's a model now."

"Can I meet her?" Alessia asked me. I grinned. "Of course you can"

Millie came over, and we all sat on the porch outside of my house. Me and Millie were catching up, laughing and she was telling me everything about her modelling jobs. Alessia seemed a bit quiet, but I just assumed it was because she didn't know her. Millie only stayed for about half an hour, as she had to get home to her little sister. Once Millie had driven off, Alessia turned to me with one eyebrow raised in the air.

"I can see why you kept her quiet now" Alessia said to me. What is she on about?


"Her. A beautiful fucking blonde model. Touching your thigh right in front of my eyes. She likes you" Alessia said to me, chin up in the air.

"Less, I've been her best friend for literally ten years nearly. I don't see her like that, and she doesn't see me like that. She has a girlfriend, and so do I."

"Mhm" she just said. I grabbed her face and kissed her. "You're the only blonde model I want" I said to her reassuringly. She rolled her eyes, but I could tell she rolled them because she couldn't resist me.

We walked back into the house, ready to begin our final night here. We were sat in the living room with my entire family. Even my aunties and uncles are here, just to see me for the last time before we head to camp. Everyone is in awe of Alessia. They absolutely adore her and love the idea of us being together. Alessia and I are cuddled up on the Sofa playing Sudoku, against the rest of my family.

"No Lee, I'm telling you that's not right" Alessia whispered to me. I looked at her and smirked. I love how into this she was getting, it kind of turns me on.

"It has to be. We need to win" I laughed, writing the number 4 in the box.

My family and I all had the same Sudoku book, and we were seeing who could complete the first five pages first. Alessia and I were on the last couple of boxes on the last page, as my mum and dad yelled "Finished!" I had never seen such an angry look in Alessia's eyes, as she crossed her arms and huffed at me.

"I told you to hurry up" she said, launching the book out of my hand before glaring at me. She was too cute; I couldn't take her seriously and nor could the rest of my family. We all burst into laughter at how angry Alessia had gotten, and I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her on top of me.

Our family sat laughing and smiling until around 10pm, when myself and Alessia excused ourselves to bed. We had to be up in the morning early to head down to the camp, our home for the next few weeks, only this time we actually had matches to be preparing for. I kissed my aunts and Uncles goodbye, as well as my cousins and Alessia and I walked up the stairs to my room. Alessia threw herself on the bed and huffed slightly. I had no idea what was up with her tonight, but i didn't like it.

"What's wrong Alessia? You've been off all night?" I said, looking at her. She turned to me sharply.

"Lee, I think it's happening" she said, looking up at the ceiling. "What's happening, Less?"

"I'm at that point where I'm in so deep, I can't help but think of the worst of everything. Seeing you with Millie. Knowing you'll be back on camp with Jords tomorrow. Knowing you could do so much better than me, I'm realising it now and I don't like it" she said with a shake in her voice. "They always said your first lesbian heartbreak would be the worst, and I think I can see why now" she carried on.

"Right Less. Look at me. For one, Millie is my friend, okay? I promise that on everything. Second of all, Jords is now my friend too. Okay, we dated, but she's my ex for a reason. The universe knew you were coming, and I needed to be healed in time for you. I really, really like you Alessia" I said. I wanted to drop the L bomb, but I just couldn't yet.

She smiled at me and wrapped her arms around me. "I hope we're rooming again for camp; else I think I'll miss being in your bed a bit too much." Alessia laughed.

"I'll work my magic baby, we will be roomed together" I said, confidently.

Authors Note:

Thankyou for all of the reads already! I only started this a week ago, so it's pretty crazy!

Please leave a comment on what you want to see, no one has yet, and I just want to make sure that you're all enjoying the story.

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