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The following morning...

Leah's POV:

Yesterday, Alessia had made her debut for our team, and I couldn't be more proud and in love with her. Seeing her face when she scored, and the happy smile she had after the game, reminded me of why I love this girl, and how much I needed to tell her.

We have been 'together' for around a month now, and it only feels right that I make this girl my girlfriend. I've been thinking about ways to do it, and searching for the best time, and I think while the whole team is on a high right now, it is the perfect moment.

I was slightly hanging from last night, but the excitement I feel right now is giving me the adrenaline to get up and out of bed. I pulled the sheet off myself and wrapped it around a sleeping Alessia. She looks so content. I want to wake up to her cute little face forever. I threw on a pair of Nike shorts with a matching hoodie, and tiptoed out of the room, leaving Alessia fast asleep.

I walked along the corridor, on a search for Sarina. I had a plan, but I just needed Sarina's heads up to carry it out. I knocked on her office door and soon it opened.

"Good morning, Miss Williamson! Is everything okay" Sarina smiled at me. "Yeah, everything's good thank you! I just had a slight favour to ask you, if that's okay" I questioned. "Go ahead" Sarina smiled back.

I gave her my request of being able to leave the camp for a couple of hours tonight, to head to a restaurant to take Alessia out on a date. From there, I wanted her and my team mates to set up a few candles and decorations on the pitch, so once we were back, I could ask her to be my girlfriend, in a place that had meaning. Sarina was smiling the entire time, so I knew she'd say yes. There was a slight pause, before Sarina began to speak.

"I sort of knew there was something going on between you two. As much as I usually hate relationships within the team, I think I can let this slide. Just promise me you'll put your love that you have for each other into the game too" she smiled at me. I was happy to have Sarina's blessing, it was quite reassuring. "Thank you, Sarina. I won't let you down. Is that giving me the all okay for tonight then?" I questioned. Sarina laughed. "Of course, I'll get everything arranged for you."

I walked out of her office with a beaming smile on my face, and ran to Beth and Ella's room, in hope they were awake. I knocked a couple of times, before Beth opened the door with a big grin. "Lee! You good?" she asked me, before inviting me in. I told her my plans for tonight, and Ella gave me a massive hug. I'd gotten Sarina and Ella's acceptance, which was the best feeling in the entire world. Part of me was sad that I couldn't tell Alessia's parents all about it, but it reminded me that I can make up every single piece of love that Alessia's parents couldn't give her, and I couldn't wait to do it.


Alessia's POV:

Leah and I had just been chilling in bed today. It was nice to relax after such an exciting day yesterday, but in all honesty, it was quite draining. I was cuddled into Leah's chest, and we were watching Netflix on her laptop. Her fingers were interlocked with mine, and she was gently rubbing my hand with her thumb. The little things she does have me in a choke hold; I really, really do like her.

"Alessia?" Leah suddenly said. I moved my head from her chest to look up at her. She smiled and placed a soft kiss on my lips. "I kind of have something planned for us tonight, so you need to get ready to go out somewhere" she said. I was slightly confused, but I trusted her. "Where are we going" I said, raising an eyebrow. "I'm taking you out, that's all. Sarina's given it the okay. It's booked for 5:30, so you have an hour and a half to get ready. Is that okay?" she explained. God, I love her.

I jumped out of bed and went and sat at the desk in our room. I picked up my ring light from my suitcase, and began to get ready, as did Leah. She kept giving me the side eye and smiling so genuinely at me the entire time I was getting ready, which honestly gave me butterflies. I finished my makeup and went to find an outfit. I wasn't planning on leaving the camp, so i hadn't really packed much. I walked into the bathroom to get changed, as I wanted to see Leah's reaction when I walked out. I settled for a plain, black dressed that hugged me in all of the right places, with a nude blazer. I wanted to impress Leah tonight, so I took my time choosing what I was going to wear. 

I walked out of the bathroom to Leah stood in front of me in a beautiful green suit with heels. She looked fucking incredible. She walked up to me, brushed her hands over my hips before placing a million kisses on my lips. "Wow. You are so gorgeous" she said, with a beaming smile on her face. "I suppose you don't scrub up too badly either" I laughed.

We walked hand in hand down to the lobby, where Sarina was waiting for us. She explained there was a car waiting outside for us, whenever we were ready. Leah just grinned at me, before leading me out. "Have a lovely evening you two" Sarina said, waving us off.

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