Where I belong.

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The same night

Alessia's POV:

In all honesty, I was feeling overwhelmed but extremely happy at the same time. I knew my heart was with Leah, and I knew she was what I wanted, but maybe we should keep it a secret for my own sanity and sake. I knew i needed to speak to her and ask her about it, but all of a sudden i heard a loud bang from outside. shit. thunder.

Leah didn't know me well enough to know I was absolutely terrified of thunder and lightning. I was laid in my own bed after the shower brushing my hair when I jolted slightly every time i heard the noise. I was struggling to cope with just the loud noise as it was, until the room started flashing from the lightning. I began to shake a little, and to my surprise Leah noticed straight away.

Leah: "Hey, hey Less it's okay. It's just a bit of thunder and lightning" she said, jumping into bed next to me and pulling me straight onto her chest.

Alessia: "I'm sorry Lee." i said, with a tremor in my voice. She held my hand and said nothing. She rubbed my hand with her thumb and kissed my forehead constantly. "When i was younger, i was at training when one of the girls nearly got hit by lightning and ever since I've been beyond terrified. I'm sorry" i said, wiping a tear from under my eye.

Leah: "Don't be sorry Less. You're here with me, it's okay. There's a roof above us, it won't get close enough to you to hurt you, my love." Leah reassured me. I dug my head into her chest and listened to her heartbeat. One, Two, Three. 

Leah's phone buzzed, she looked at it and looked at me.  

Leah: "Lucy just texted asking if we wanted to go to her room and watch a movie. I think it would be good, it will take your mind away from this" she said, wiping a tear away from under my eye. 

Alessia: "Yeah, yeah for sure, let's go" i smiled.

I didn't mind Lucy and Keira knowing about me and Leah, mainly because we were close to them and they were also out to everyone, so I knew they'd understand. I threw on a pair of grey tracksuit bottoms, and accidentally picked up Leah's shirt off the floor. I put it on anyway, just to see Leah's reaction. She was too busy brushing her hair to notice me putting it on, so when she turned around, I was met with a big grin. She walked closer to me, held her shirt and then wrapped her arms around my waist.

Leah: "Wearing my kit already i see?" she winked.

Alessia: "Yeah. It was an accident but i suppose I'll keep it on now" i said, trying to ignore the deafening sounds of thunder in the background.

Leah: "You look beautiful" she whispered into my ear, before placing a soft kiss on my lips. "Come on pretty girl, let's go" she said, grabbing my hand and leading me out the door. 

We walked down the hallway hand in hand, and luckily no one was around to see us. Leah kept looking at me with a big smile on her face, and it made me feel incredibly happy knowing i had that effect on Leah. We got to Lucy's room, and luckily it was just her, Keira and Beth Mead sat there.

Lucy: "Nice kit, Less" she laughed at me, before inviting us in. All the girls' heads turned to look at me and Leah, and they all gave us a cheesy grin before Beth gave me a look.

Beth: "Have you been crying Alessia? What's Leah done" she said, very seriously in fact. Leah walked up to Beth and punched her arm with a displeased look on her face.

Leah: "I've done absolutely nothing, thank you very much." Leah said with a smirk on her face and looked at Beth.

Alessia: "I'm okay now, Leah actually made me feel a lot better" i said, gaining a smirk from the other girls. "You're all such freaks" i laughed.

Lucy and Keira were laid in one bed watching the film, and myself, Leah and Beth were in the other. We were binge watching Harry Potter, because apparently all the girls are secretly obsessed with it. I can't lie, it really isn't my cup of tea, but as long as the girls are happy, especially Leah, then I'm happy too. I was sat on the end and Leah was in the middle, i slipped my hand under the duvet onto her thigh and rubbed my thumb across it. She looked at me and grinned, before shuffling herself to my level and putting her head on my shoulder.

Lucy: "You two are kind of cute. I hate to admit it, but you are" she said, Keira laughing and then agreeing.

Keira: "Yeah, you are. You balance each other out so well. Just look at you two all cuddled up, and all i get is a slap to the thigh every so often"

Lucy: "Our honeymoon period is up baby, what can I say" Lucy laughed before kissing Keira on the lips and snuggling up to her.

Beth stood up and put her hands on her hips and pouted. "I did not come here to fifth wheel" she said sternly, before walking towards the door.

Alessia: "Come here Beth, I'll give you a cuddle" I laughed, to which she ran and jumped on top of me and Leah, causing Leah to let out a loud huff as she'd just been completely squished by her best friend. Leah wrapped her arms around Beth and kissed her on the forehead, whilst still holding my hand underneath the duvet. Before I knew it, I'd fallen asleep on Leah's shoulder, with Beth snuggled in the middle of us.

About an hour later, I was woken by the feeling of being picked up and carried. I knew it was Leah carrying me back to our room, so i stayed still and buried my head into the back of her neck. She placed me down into her bed, before climbing in next to me and spooning me from behind. She placed her head on my shoulder and whispered to me, thinking I was still asleep.

Leah: "You're so beautiful Less. You've made this camp the best experience ever, you are so perfect, and I hope I can prove to you that love doesn't have to be scary" she whispered. To her surprise, rolled over and looked at her. "You weren't supposed to hear that Less. I thought you were asleep" she said.

Alessia: "I've fallen harder for you than I've ever fell for anyone. Thank you for helping me find myself, in the place that I belong" I said, kissing her lips and wrapping my arms around her.

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