Only human.

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Alessia's POV:

I was walking towards the car with tears in my eyes. I looked at and saw my mum and dad, arms crossed looking at me with daggers in their eyes. I opened the boot of the car, threw my suitcase in it and closed it before getting into the back seat.

"What did I tell you the rule was if you played football, you dirty bitch" my dad screamed at me the second I got into the car. I just looked down at my feet and said nothing. I put my air pods in my ears and sat staring out the window for a couple of hours. This wasn't where i wanted to be, and this wasn't my family that i knew. My music kept stopping, so i looked at my phone and saw I had a million missed calls and texts from Leah.

                                                           Lee xx


Alessia Russo.

Alessia. Call me. 

                                                                           I can't call rn. I'm ok. I miss you.

I didn't want to worry her, and I'd text her as soon as I got home. The car pulled up, my parents just got out, slammed their doors and walked into the house without saying a word to me. I grabbed my suitcases out of the back of the car and wheeled them into the house. I walked in, and my mum and dad just stared at me. 

"We'll talk later Alessia. Don't think you're getting out of this" my mum said, shaking her head before mouthing the words "skank" at my dad.

I walked into my room and sat on my bed. I laid there, looked up at the ceiling and felt a tear fall from my cheek. I was so hurt; how could my family hate me so much? I had no idea how to cope with what I was feeling, so i sat at my desk and wrote it all on paper. Just as I was about to grab a pen, my mum walked into my room.

"Give me your phone. I don't want you flirting with any girls under my roof. Now" she yelled. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and saw there was a text from Leah. I swiped it off the screen and gave my mum my phone. "I'm sorry mum" i whispered.

The letter I wrote went something like this.

When I was 5, I told my mum and dad I wanted to play football. They continuously told me only my brothers could play football, because they were boys and girls who played footballs were lesbians. I told my mum I wouldn't be a lesbian, and to be honest I believed myself. I never had anything against anyone and who they loved, and I wished my family felt the same, but it was just something that I got used to, and it was never a problem because I never was interested in getting to know a girl romantically. 

My parents started to trust me that I wouldn't date girls, and when i was 16 they saw my progress in football and kind of dropped the whole no dating girls' rule - or so I thought. It hadn't been bought up in years, which is why it never really crossed my mind when i met Leah. I think I was blinded by my parent's views, and that's why my relationships with boys were never that great. Now I've met Lee, I know what love is and I love her more than anything, but my family is my family, and I don't want to hurt them. I have to choose, and I don't want to. Its Leah, or my mum and dad...

I scrunched the piece of paper up and put it into my pocket before leaving my room and going to sit with my parents. They looked at me, letting out a great sigh and crossing their arms, yet again. I didn't want to argue with them, so I just leaned back into the cushion and prepared myself for whatever they were about to say to me.

"So, what's this about you and Ella being together?" What? This whole time, I thought she knew, but no, she's just seen all these fan edits on twitter and decided that Ella and I

"Mum, you're confused. I'm not dating Ella" i said, hands in the air. I wasn't lying - I wasn't dating Ella.

"No daughter of mine is a lesbian Alessia. I've seen it on twitter. You break up with her or you get out the house and never speak to us again, and you can choose but choose fucking wisely" she said, standing up and squaring towards me. 

"Mum, I'm not dating Ella! Even if i was, what's the issue with me dating a girl? I don't get it" I yelled back. I was kind of angry that she didn't know about Leah, but also thankful at the same time.

"Don't yell at me you brat. NO daughter of mine is a fag. It's wrong, it's not normal and that's why i didn't want you in football, it's too normalised, and it's not you!" she yelled back, before my dad pulled her back, away from me.

"Mum, you don't know me, so how do you know if it's me or not? For the last time, Ella isn't my fucking girlfriend" i screamed, and instantly regretted it. My mum put one foot in front of the other and lunged towards me. Luckily, I'd dodged her this time, but I can't exactly promise myself I'll avoid a black eye every time, and I didn't feel like explaining it to Leah.

I stormed up to my room, with tears pouring down my face as I looked out the window. I just wanted Leah. I bet she was so worried, and I couldn't even tell her I was okay because my mum took my phone like I'm still a fucking child. I want to go home.

Authors Note:

I know Alessia's parents are not like this in real life, it is just a story my loves. Furthermore, the slur that was used should not be used openly in public by anyone. I just wanted to give a quick PSA <3

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