You're Kidding.

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Leah's POV:

It has now been three days since Alessia left to go home, and I've heard nothing. I can't help but be so pissed and angry at her, for leaving me in the dark like this. How can you go from basically being my girlfriend, to acting like I don't exist? 

I opened the girls group chat to everyone having a nice convo, discussing their plans for the day. I was scrolling up the chat slowly, looking for Alessia's name. It was nowhere. I popped a message into the group chat, asking if anyone had spoken to Alessia.


                                                                               Me: Has anyone heard from Alessia?

Ella: Yeah, mate. She texted this morn.

Keira: Not a word in here tho?

Chloe: That's weird.

I pressed my hands against my forehead, before staring at the ceiling. I couldn't bare not knowing if Alessia was okay. I missed my girl. I grabbed her blanket off of my bed, before digging my head into it and letting out a soft sob. How could she message Ella and not me? Has she genuinely gone away and realised she doesn't want me?

Alessia's POV:

It was day three of being in this fucking hell of a house. I found out my mum had been messaging Ella pretending to be me, asking Ella loads of questions to try and get shit out of her. I knew Ella knew me like that and she'd know what was happening, as she knew the basics of my family and their beliefs.

Nothing had gotten better, we still argued every day, and I was beginning to mentally fall into a dark place. I wasn't playing football, I wasn't doing any exercise, and I was eating like shit because my family refused to "feed a lesbian." I laid in bed, as "The Night We Met" played through my headphones. A tear flew down my cheek, I needed to go. I needed to leave. 

(Play the song as you read the rest of the chapter<3)

I hadn't had a chance to unpack my suitcase yet, so I opened it and began to pull everything out and throwing them on the floor. I got to the bottom of the suitcase and saw a small little guy sitting in the bottom peering at me. I left out a soft "Oh Lee" before pulling the teddy close to my chest. I just sat there and sobbed.

What the hell am I supposed to do? I'm hours away from Leah and Ella, and the rest of the girls. I'm basically in a prison with a woman who tries to hit me for being a lesbian every hour of the day, yet I'm sat on my floor hugging my girl's teddy like my mum isn't about to run into my room at any second. I'm scared. I want Leah.

I spent the rest of the day doing my own washing in silence. I cleaned all my underwear and socks, as well as washed my kit because I knew for a fact my mum wouldn't do it for me. I played the same song on repeat just to hear the line "Take me back to the night we met" on repeat. I found peace in thinking about the day I met Lee. That day, felt like there were no problems in the world, apart from choosing whether to be in love with Lee or not which turned out to be the most beautiful thing I've ever known. I ironed all my kit, cleaned my boots and repacked my case. I still have a week and a half until I'm supposed to be back at the camp, but I found reassurance in packing as it reminded me, I wasn't going to be here forever.

I walked back up to my room after tidying the iron away and opened up my door to my MOTHER sat on my bed holding Leah's teddy.

"What the fuck is this Alessia and who's is it" she said sternly, grabbing the teddy roughly and throwing it around as she screamed at me.

"Mum, give it back now" I said, trying to pull her hands off of it.

"This is that fucking captain's shit isn't it. It says Leah Catherine on the bottom of it. You're in love with the fucking captain. You're a slag. Look at you, having Ella and Leah on the go at once. You're no child of mine" she said, pulling the teddys arm in attempt to rip it off. I dived for the teddy, grabbed it and got a fist to the face in return.

"I fucking hate you!" I screamed at my mum, holding my eye with tears streaming down my face.

"Don't think you're getting away with this Sia. You're not leaving." my mum said, slamming the door and walking out.

I threw the rest of my stuff into a suitcase alongside some extra things i knew I'd need one day and zipped it up. I wasn't coming back. Ever. I knew I needed to leave, but I wasn't exactly sure where I was going, or how I planned to get anywhere without a phone. I laid in my bed for a few hours, just staring at the ceiling in all honesty. I found peace in the silence.

The clock hit 3am, and I sat up from my bed and crept downstairs. I began going through pretty much every cupboard and cabinet in my house in attempt to find my phone, when I finally opened my mum's drawer to see my phone with a post it note on it. "Conversion Therapy" with a phone number underneath. Are you fucking kidding me?

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