Chapter One

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New A/N: As the description said, we're skipping the first year of TUA and diving head first into the second year. Enjoy~

  The first year had flown by so quickly, and now it was the second year of TUA. I was nervous, since it was the first day of the new school year, but I wasn't that worried.

As I was wondering what assignments the professors would assign us, a voice shouted out my name.
"Yatora! Yatora! Wait for me!" A girl with black and brown hair ran up to me. She held out a bag.

     "What's this, Kuwana-san?" I reached out and grabbed it.
"My sister forgot her art supplies, but I didn't want to go in, could you possibly give them to her?" Kuwana-san asked, she was pleading with her eyes. She has explained before, about her feelings about going to TUA and I wasn't a cruel person, so I would take them to her.

     "Sure, where is she?" I smiled at her and let the bag fall to my side.

     "She's at the cafe on campus. You know the one." Kuwana-san said vaguely. She didn't need to specify which one though. I knew which cafe it was due to the amount of times I've been there.

     "Well, Kuwana-san, it's best that you go so I can give these to her and not be late. Wouldn't want to be late first day." Kuwana-san nodded then turned around and started running.
     "Bye, Yatora!" She turned around right as she was rounding the corner and waved. And I waved back and smiled.

   I admired Kuwana-san, her art was amazing and she was a good person and an amazing friend.

I started walking towards the campus Cafe. The walk wasn't far, but I didn't want to take the risk and end up late.

  I walked in through the door and the bell rang, letting the person behind the counter know someone entered. The woman behind the counter waved.

    "Good mornin' darli', how are you today?" She asked with a southern drawl, and in English.

After she realised that she had switched to English, she switched to Japanese and laughed. "Sorry, darling, I forgot I wasn't back home for a second." She have me a warm smile and I smiled back.

    "Good morning, ma'am. I'm doing just fine today, what about you?" I answered her. She started laughing and slapping her hip.

   "I'm just fine, Yatora. And don't call me ma'am! It makes me sound old! Thanks for asking though." Suzanne responded.

I smiled at her, she was the owner of the cafe and a good friend of mine. I sometimes came here to get a break from all the chatter and focuse of my art.

Suzanne was chatty, but she respected that I needed silence to focuse on my art. I came here so much I had a "loyal cutomer" discount on everything but the alcohol, since I wasn't old enough yet.

  I spotted Kuwana-sans sister and I walked towards her.
"Good morning." I set the bag down.
"Good morning, Yatora." Kuwana-sans sister responds.

  We talked for a bit before I apologized and told her I had to get to class. She also said that she had to get to class and we parted ways.

While walking to class, I saw Yotasuke.
   "Yotasuke!" I yelled while running towards him
He turned around and stared at me, I slowed down when I got to him.

   "Hi! Houw are you? Its been awhile since we talked." I asked the black haired boy. He ignored me like usual.

  I had seen him a bunch of times last year, but when I did, I was either really busy, or when I went to talk to him, he would ignore as though I wasn't even there. I suppressed the urge to sigh.

  "Bye, Yotasuke." And with that I left him and went to stand with the group of people.

  Three people stood at the front of the group. One of the men checked the watch that was one his wrist

  "Time to start." He said, then he looked up and caught my eyes. I quickly look away as a feeling of discomfort crawls up my spine and latches it's sticky fingers around my throat.

Why did we have new professors? Where are the old ones? Didnt they usually stay? I shook my head, trying to dispell the negative thoughts clamouring for my attention.
   The day flied by and stress coloured the air nasty shades of nauseated green, amd i was now in my room. I noticed I had hives again, but now I had medicine for it, so they cleared up sooner.

   "Yakkun, have you been getting enough sleep?" My mother was standing at the entrance of my room. She tried to enter but paper littered the floors and art supplied were strewn haphazardly across and near my bed.

  She pursed her lips and looked at me with a disapproving stare. I smiled sheepishly at her and lowered my gaze.

   "Sorry, I've been busy..." I trailed off at the end. This assignment was long and tedious, and I hadn't even gotten anywhere with it. The bad news is, they only gave us two weeks to finish the assignment.

  I rubbed at my eyes and leaned back in my chair. How was I going to finish this in time?

  I felt despair sink it's claws into me, I felt the urge to cry but I remembered my mom was still in the entrance.

  I got up and stretched, "I'll clean up my room, I need a break anyway." I told my mom, hoping she would leave so I could wallow alone. I bent down and started scooping up the papers and threw them in my small trash can. I turned towards her.

  "I have plans with a friend tomorrow, is that ok?" I asked her, it was a complete lie, and I felt bad about it, but I needed fresh air. It felt like I haven't felt sun on my skin in forever. Even though I had just this morning.

  My mom smiled at me, but there was worry creasing her forehead. I went over and hugged her.

New A/N: I feel like my writing was really awkward and stiff in the earlier chapters, and once I'm not rewriting it completely, just editing it, I can't really do anything about it. I feel like Yatora isn't really Yatora, but it is what it is 🤷‍♀️

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