Where the Sky Meets the Sea - pt. 3

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It’s been three days since I met Yotasuke, and I wanted to meet him again.

I could have visited, since I knew that he lived right next to me, but my mom has us busy preparing for our guests. The guests that are coming today. Everyone's in a frenzy over it. Everyone knows who’s coming, except for me.

Every time I try asking someone they give me a short answer, saying that it’s some really important people.

Well, the good thing is that I get to find out today.

I sigh and head to my room. My mom sent me to get changed. She told me that the outfit I was to wear is on my bed.

I pushed open the door expecting to see a nice pair of jeans and a new shirt, but what I saw was entirely different.

A nicely ironed three piece suit was laid out.

I enter my room and close the door behind me. There was a note next to the clothes, so I read it.

‘Yatora, your Aunt Megumi picked this out. Hope you like it! Please do something with your unruly hair and choose other earrings than the ones you’re always wearing. I’m not saying you can’t wear earrings, just wear something nicer!
-Love you, Aunt Megumi’

I roll my eyes. How like her to make me wear other earrings when almost nobody notices them. My mom didn’t even notice I had my ears pierced until three weeks later.

Next to the note I noticed some hair gel. So what she meant by doing something with my hair was to gel it back? Does she want me to look like a gangster?

I shrug and pick up the long sleeved white collared shirt. I slip it on, then I put on the black vest beside it. I buttoned it up, and decided I wouldn’t wear the black jacket that came with the suit. I put on the black slacks laid aside. The last thing I had to put on was a green tie with silver stripes.

I didn’t know how to tie a tie so I left it hanging around my neck and picked up the gel. I then walked over to my mirror.

There were three drawers in the desk underneath the mirror and I opened the middle one. This drawer had all my hair related stuff in it. I grab a comb, then I open the gel.

The gel was cold and wet, it felt thick and nice. I put it on my hair.

It pained me to do so, but I put as little as possible on it to avoid making my hair look greasy.

After I finish styling my hair to be slicked back and smooth I wash my hands and head back over to my desk.

The first drawer contains all of my jewelry, so I open that one.

She wants me to look like a gangster? I scowl to myself. A gangster she’ll have then.

I pull out a silver earring with a cross hanging from it. I wasn’t religious, but it looked nice so I kept it.

The other earring was simple but it was connected to a chain which was connected to an ear cuff. I put them on then I pull out a silver chain and clasp it around my neck.

Reaching into my last drawer, I pull out charcoal eyeliner.

Askari and Sakura always insisted on me doing their makeup, so I’ve perfected the art of eyeliner by now.

I put the eyeliner all along my waterline and bottom of my eye. Then I put the tiniest bit on my eyelid.

The aim was to make me look more masculine and older. And I’d say it worked.

After finishing, I check my hair to make sure it's still gelled back. After finishing checking everything, I leave my room.

"Cousin Yatora!" A familiar milky voice calls out my name from behind me. I turn around with a face splitting grin on.

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