Chapter 7

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The sound of his laughter fills the air. His hand is still on my cheek, and all of a sudden I want mine on his as well. So I do it.

I place the hand that's not still holding his, on his cheek. His eyes are still full of laughter and he's still smiling.

He's beautiful.

I catch my breath, and my heart stutters.

I then lean in.

"Yotasuke, I'm going to kiss you. If you don't want me to tell, me before it's too late." Our noses are only a few centimeters apart, but he doesn't pull back.

He's just staring at me with those striking blue eyes.

Then, I kiss him.

It's warm, so warm. And those aquamarine eyes are filled with wonder, and many other emotions. Then he closes his eyes, his thick long eyelashes flutter against his cheeks, then I close mine as well.

He tastes like azuki red bean. Like he ate something that had it in it. It's sweet.

I savour it, then I pull back to catch my breath. I open my eyes. Yotasuke is looking up at me with a dazed expression.

"Yotasuke-kun, I'm sorry I kissed you, you weren't pu-" Soft lips cover mine once more, but with more force. Those blue eyes thay I admire so much stare into mine with determination. My heart pounds harder and harder.

What is this feeling? I knew I liked Yotasuke, but I thought it was as a friend... but it's obvious I like him as something more than that.

He pulls back. "Don't apologize. I didn't pull back because I didn't want to, so don't Say sorry for doing something we both wanted to do." His hand is still holding mine, and he squeezes it.

And before I know it, I'm crying again. They aren't sad tears, I know that much, but I don't know why I'm crying.

Yotasuke once again wipes the tears from my eyes. "Don't cry, shhhh, don't cry." He pulls me closer and brings my head to his chest.

His movements are stilted, and it's obvious he doesn't know how to comfort people.

A few minutes pass by, and I've calmed down. I gather up the courage and pull away. "Yotasuke-kun, I'm sorry for-" He puts a hand over my mouth, and on pure impulse, I stick my tounge out and lick it.

"EW YATORA!" He pulls away from me and stands up. I laugh and the dried tears on my cheeks crack.

"Didn't we just kiss twice? How are you disgusted by that?" I laugh, clutching at my ribs. "Kissing is alright, but licking is gross!" Yotasuke draws out the 's'.

I stand up. "Then, would you like to do it again?" I hold Yotasuke's hand again. And lower my face so that our noses are touching. "Didn't we just kiss 2 seconds ago?" Yotasuke asks me, raising an eyebrows.

"I'm a very selfish person, Yotasuke-kun." He lowers his eyes. "Call me Yotasuke again." Huh? "Don't use 'kun' anymore, we're the same age, theres no need to be so polite. And we've known each other for 2 years." He explains, his eyes are still lowered.

I tilt his chin up. "Then, can I kiss you again, Yotasuke?" His eyes meet mine, and he nods.

I lower my lips to his, and pull him onto the bed. He stiffens but I just wrap my arms around him and do nothing more. After what felt like only a millisecond, he pulls back. I'm still hugging him, and I refuse to let go. I just lean my head back onto his chest, like before.

"Yatora, what does this mean?" A quiet voice comes from above me. I've never heard this tone before. I pull back, but Yotasuke is trying not to cry. "Why are you crying?" I ask him in a soft voice.

"I'm scared." His answer is a simple two words, but they dig into my heart with a sharp stab. "I've never liked anybody, but I think I like you. You make me feel... I don't know, you just make me feel. And that's scary." His words are honest, and filled with heartache.

"I'm scared too, but we're in this together. So we'll get through this. Trust me." I wipe the tears from his eyes and kiss each cheek. They're wet from his tears, but I don't care.

"Okay." His voice cracks and he smiles. "Thank you, Yatora." And all of a sudden, I'm crying once again.

Because he is just so beautiful, and I just want to protect him from everything.

He wipes my tears away once again. "Ha... My eyes are swollen, yours must be doubly so, let's stop crying alright? It's kind of annoying." Yotasuke's voice is back to his flat tone, but it's obviously a joke. Right? I can never tell with him... "Alright," I lay down and pull him with me. "Let's just stay like this for awhile."

And we did, we didn't talk, or make noise. We just laid there in comfortable silence. Snuggling in each other's arms.

I all of a sudden thought of the painting from last night. "Yotasuke, I have something I want to show you." I try to untangle myself from him, but he continues holding me. "Yotasuke, you gotta let me go so I can show you." I tell him. With a loud sigh Yotasuke rolls over and ignores me in a very feline snub. I kiss his neck and get up.

After standing up, bones in my legs pop. Yotasuke's head pops up. "What was that?!" I chuckle, "My legs just do that after sitting or laying down for awhile." Yotasuke nods and buries his face in my pillow. I blush for some reason. We've already kissed three times, but I'm getting shy over this? That's silly...

I get the drawing from whee I had it and bring it over to the bed. "Yotasuke, here it is." I hold it out and he rolls over.

At first he doesn't see it, so he sits up and takes it.

His eyes widen. "You did this? It feels so much more different from all your other art pieces- wait, is this me?" I nod. "When did you do this?" He asks. "Last night." Yotasuke places a hand very gently onto it. "It looks so... sad?" He glances up at me.

I pull out my phone and show him the picture. "I felt like you were sad in this photo, and the looks in your eyes was extraordinary. I just had to paint it." I tell him with a sheepish smile.

"This is beautiful, Yatora. No one has ever drawn me before." He hands it back to me. "Thanks, I think this is probably my most favourite piece I've drawn yet."

I take it back and place it on my desk. "And I'm glad I got to be the first one to draw you." I turn around only to meet face to face with Yotasuke.

He wraps his arms around my neck and pulls me down and kisses me. It's different from before. Harder, more passionate. I kiss him back, my arms are around his thin waist.

It gets more heated, he bites my lips, and I pull him to me harder. He pulls back for not even a second to catch his breath before continuing.

The door opens. "I'm sorry Yakkun, you didn't answer the first couple of times I knocked, but-" my mom stands in the doorway. Her eyes are wide, and her mouth is open.

A/n: stay safeeee!! And hydrated!!

Love yall <333

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