Chapter 3

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  I woke up with my face buried in Yatoras back and my arm around his waist, I pulled back and saw exposed skin. I felt like I was set on fire, I turned away, trying to get my blush under control. Yatora still wasn't awake yet.
  By the time he woke up I had already tidied myself up, and I was drawing in my notepad.
  "Good morning, Yotasuke-kun. Did you have a good sleep?" Yatoras voice was cracking and was really low and gravely. I nodded. He smiled at me and I turned away.
  "What time is it?" Yatora rubs his eyes and reaches for his glasses next to him.
  "10:27" I tell him. His eyes widened with suprise.
  "What?! What time did you wake up?" He asks me.
  "I woke up around 8." I close my notepad and grab my jacket.
  "Why didn't you wake me then??" I looked over to him and he was rubbing his temples in a circular motion. He had bags under his eyes, and qhen he was sleeping his brow wasn't wrinkled from worry.
  "Because you looked tired." I pull my arms through my jacket and put my pencil in my pocket. I then bend down and grab my notepad and tucked it in the inside pocket of my jacket, the pocket was pretty big.
  "You look really tired as well, actually, you look worse than me." Yatora then got up and walked towards me. He peered into my face and I backed up.
  "You look like a mummy who hasn't gotten a centuries worth of sleep." Yatoras voice was a little better now, sometimes I forgot that he has a morning voice, I was barely at TUA in the mornings. Well, I was barely at TUA in general.
  "Thanks." I say in a sarcastic voice. Yatora scratched his arm.
  "I didn't mean it in a bad way... it's just that you look like you need a lot of sleep." Yatora was still itching his arm. His sleeve rode up as the scratching continued and I saw hives, really bad hives.
  My eyes dilated and my heart started beating, how had they gotten so bad over night?
  I grab Yatora by his wrist and his eyes widened in suprise. Then he looks down and sees the hives. His brows crinkle in confusion. He was probably wondering the same thing I had.
  "Do you have medicine for that?"I ask him and he nods. He digs around in the jacket pockets, they must be really big. In the process of looking for the medicine he pulls out three pencils, and an eraser, a pencil sharpener, a glasses case, some gum, a wallet, his phone, tissues, a flashlight, and it kept on coming. I was reminded of Mary Poppins and her famous never-ending bag. Did Yatora have never ending pockets?
   He finally pulled out the hive cream and I see it's nearly empty. He must get hives alot...
  I snatched it away and unscrewed the lid. Yatora blinks at me in suprise as I push the rest of his sleeve up and start applying it.
  I notice his fist is balled up halfway through applying it, it must be really itchy. I sighed and rubbed my forehead with the hand that didn't have the hive medicine on it.
   "Have you taken a cool bath and applied ice cube to it yet?" I ask him.
   "I take baths almost every day, but they aren't necessarily cool, it's more like a Luke warm. And I haven't used ice cubes in awhile, they weren't this bad since the exams to enter YUA. They might be even worse..." Yatora trails off in the end, then he met my eyes. I stare at him before giving him back his medicine.
  "Make sure to take cool baths until that goes down, and use ice cubes wrapped up in cloth. Also get more hive cream, it looks like you'll be needing more." I tell him before urging him to go through the door while I put the futon up. We return to the front desk and give the receptionist the key to our room and then leave. It was Saturday, and I had nothing to do. I dreaded going back to the house. The assignment was still due, and I was almost done, but I felt weighed down.
   "Well, I guess we part here." Yatora told my awkwardly. I grabbed him by the wrist once more.
  "Remember, baths, and ice. They help, or so I've heard." The I let him go and board the bus. I watched as the bus advanced and left Yatora behind.
  The walk home was invigorating as the leaves crunched under my feet. It was now autumn and the leaves were turning different shades of red, orange, yellow, and brown. Children kicked up leaves as the ran past me, chasing each other in a game of tag.
   "Sakura!! Wait for me!" A young girl in blue squeals as she runs after her friend. A wide smile is stretched across her face and her nose is pink from the cool air.
  "You can't catch me, Akari!!" The girl named Sakura ran ahead of her, she had a scarf wrapped around her head, which muffled her voice.
  The children's voices faded as I neared my house. I entered and took of my shoes and put on some inside slipper.
  "I'm home." I announced to no one in particular. My father wouldn't care, I bet he would care if I went missing today. I huffed, he had been more and more cruel lately, shouting and throwing things at me. They were small items and barely hit me, because he was drunk and had bad aim, but most of the time he just shouted or ignored me.
  My room was medium sized and the walls used to be covered with my favourite art I've drawn. But in reality, they weren't my favourite, they were my moms. I had taken them down half way through the year last year. Now the walls were blank, and my room looked desolate.
   Soon I heard my father shouting for me. I suppressed my Irritation and went to see what he needed. I walked down the hall to his room. He had called me there to give me money to buy him booze. I took it and went to the store, then I bought the most cheap, watered down liquor I could find.
   Serves him right.
  Then I used the rest to buy hive cream. I don't know why I did, but I just did. I suck the medicine in my pocket and walked back. It was still nice out, but I couldn't enjoy it due to the weight of the liquor I held. My father drank while my mother was alive, but it wasn't as bad as it was now, he drank so luch I was suprised he hadn't run out of money by now. He only went into his job once in awhile, so he could get more money.
   I entered the house once more and slipped the skippers on. The I brought the liquor to my father and left it just inside the door of his room. He was asleep and I didn't want to wake me up, he was annoying when awake. And really annoying asleep, he scored the loudest snore I've ever heard, even Yatoras snore seemed like the mewling of a kitten compared to my father's.
  I plugged my ears, trying to fall asleep even though it was only halfway through the day. I sat up and sighed, I might as well work on the assignment. I got out my notepad, pencils, and erasers. I started drawing whatever came to mind.
  An eye, an open book, someone sleeping. Yatora sleeping? I had just realised that the person sleeping looked like him. I smile a small smile but then continue to sketch. I drew meaningless things after finally finishing the assignment.
   Then I laid down in the futon and stretched. My back popped and it felt it, I streatch good, but it didn't happen again. I felt let down, let down that I couldn't pop my back, but just let down by life in general.
   I laid on my back, staring at the ceiling, I could see a couple small cracks, and then I drew an image from those cracks, soon I saw a whole seen drawn entirely in my brain.
  I was finally feeling sleepy, and at some point I fell asleep, though I don't remember it. I woke up to my father yelling.
   I bolted upright, what did he want now?! I squeezed my eyes closed, trying to blink away the blurriness in my vision.
   "... so damn good!" My father shouted, I couldn't hear the first part, but he was yelling something about something being good. I rubbed my temple and got up.
   The yelling quieted as I left my room, my father glared at me and ignored me. I put my shoes on and left the house.
   The sky was light blue with shades of oastel pink and bright orange mixed in, and the temperature was perfect. I by a park and saw some more children, they looked like the children from yesterday. What were they doing out so early? Aren't their families worried about them? It was only about 7.
   I then see someone walking towards them, waving and smiling. Then I realise its Yatora.
   "Cousin!! I missed you!!" A girl shouted, if I remembered correctly, her name was Akari, but it might be Sakura, I couldn't tell from this far away. I stepped over the curb and trampled through the grass to get to Yatora.
   "Yatora." I call his name and he turns around, suprise and delight in his gaze. For some reason I felt happy to see him. It must be the good weather.
   Then I held out the hive cream I still had in my pocket from yesterday. He smiles at me and thanks me.
   "Cousin, who is this pretty brother?" Akari asks, tugging on his sleeve.
   "This pretty brother's name is Yotasuke. Come meet him, Akari, Sakura." And he waves her and her friend over. They wonder over and Sakura stares at me with wide eyes. The she comes closer.
  "Brother, how are your eyes so blue?" The child asks me. I look at Yatora for help, I wasn't good with child, they had nasty little grubby little hands and they were nosy and knocked everything over.
  "His eyes came from his dad." Yatora answers Sakura seriously. She nodded and then buried her face in Yatoras knee, she was extremely short and small.
  A few hours passed, then Sakura had to go home, and Akari went home as well. Only Yatora and I were left. He turned towards and pulled out a paper. Then he showed if to me. It was filled with bunnies, kind of disfigured, but still bunnies.
  I looked at him with questions in my eyes.
  "I wanted to practice drawing animals after I saw you draw bunnies, and I though I would give it a try. Turns out I'm not that good..." He laughs at the end. And for some strange reason, I feel light and warm, as if I've been filled with sunshine.
    Today has been a good day.

A/N: I don't actually know if Yatora has cousins or what their names are, but I thought it'd be a good idea to add Akari and her friend Sakura. Have a lovely day/afternoon/night!!

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