Chapter 8

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"Mom! I can explain!" I pull apart from Yotasuke and step in front of him, sheilding him from my mom's point of view.

But how was I supposed to explain two boys kissing? With their lips bruised, hair tussled, clothes rumpled, and clinging to each other like their life depended on it. And do I want to explain it to her? What was there to explain?

I love Yotasuke, I realise that now.

If she didn't except that, then- Well, I dont know what I would do. She's my mom, and I love her, and it would break my heart if she didnt except it.

Countless scenarios ran through my head, causing havoc in every corner.

"Yakkun, you don't need to explain." My mom interrupts my train of thought. "I learnt my lesson with TUA, art truly makes you happy. So if he does, then I trust you." She smiles at both of us.

"Oh, before I forget, I came in here to ask you if you'll be staying for lunch? Its 10:57, so if you have any requests, you should make them now so I can make it in time for lunch." She asks us, I turn towards Yotasuke but he shrugs.

"Ma'am, I'm not picky, and I'm sorry for intruding." Yotasuke bows his head. "Oh, don't be silly! You're not intruding! And just call me mom, after all, you're Yakkun's boyfriend. So might as well get used to it so when you guys get married it's not weird, huh?" And with that she winks and walks off. I hear tea kettle sounds coming from beside me do I turn around and I see him blushing the brightest red possible.

His mouth is gaping, and his eyes are wide. He then crouches down and clutches at his head. "Sorry about my mom, she's-" my voice comes out squeaky. I clear my voice. "She's always wanted me to date someone... and well..." I trail off because I suddenly thought if something. We never really asked each other to be boyfriends, did we?

"Yotasuke/Yatora, will you be my boyfriend?" We both say in unison. It's turns out both of us had the same thought. "Yeah, I'd like to be your boyfriend very much, Yotasuke." Yotasuke grabs my hands and squeezes them, "likewise."

I smile, like I never have in my life. Not when I got my moms approval to go to TUA, not when I got the acceptance letter, I've never smiled like this.

And standing across from me, holding both of my hands, looking up into my eyes, is the boy who made me smile like this.

We're both wearing identical smiles, and I could tell that we would both be happy for a very, very long time.

Suddenly, the door creaks open again. "Okay, lovebirds, I came to ask if rice with some pork katsudon was alright with you. And maybe some miso soup on the side?" My mom pokes her head through the door wearing a huge smile streached across her face.

Yotasuke blushes and scoots behind me, he's probably still embarrassed at the marriage remark she made earlier.

"That sounds good, mom." Then, I turn around towards Yotasuke, "does it?" I ask him, to make sure. "Mhm, I srick to what I said earlier. I'm not picky, and miso soups sounds delicious right now." Yotasuke bows his head, he's so overly polite. It's adorable.

"Deary, no need to be so polite, even if you don't call me mom, you don't have to call me ma'am. That makes me sound way too old. Just call me Mrs. Yaguchi, and no need to bow everything you speak. You'll have neck problems by the time you're 21." She says in a joking manor and walks off, closing the door behind her.

"Yatora, your mom is so kind." Yotasuke flops onto my bed. "Your mom is too! She was super nice to me when I met her." I think of the old lady with grey hair and kind smile.

"No, thay was just a facade she put up around people. She was a terrible person." Yotasuke says in a flat voice.

I swallow, noticing the way he spoke of her. Past tense... Did she-? "Yeah, she died last year, probably a month after you met her." Wtf? Did he read my mind? I stare blanky at him, not knowing how to help.

Then, I shuffle towards my bed, and curl up around Yotasuke. I want to protect him from everything in this world, I want to so badly.

But I know I can't.

A/n: this chapter is for all the lovely people who HYDRATE THEMSELVES so please do that, keep yourself safe!!!

再见!Till the next chapter!

Where the Flowers Bloom - A YatoYota Fanfic (old)Where stories live. Discover now