{13} 𝘔𝘺𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘤 𝘍𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘴

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𝗙𝗲𝗯𝗿𝘂𝗮𝗿𝘆 𝟭, 𝟮𝟬𝟭𝟬

Hayley has been avoiding Jacob for almost a week now and it wasn't helping Jacob in his situation

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Hayley has been avoiding Jacob for almost a week now and it wasn't helping Jacob in his situation. Ever since the witches attack them marcel and Jacob came up with the decision to banned the witches from doing magic, and since Davina was able to sense them doing magic, it would be punishment by death. Jacob watched as Hayley ignored him, going into the kitchen to get something to eat before going back to her room. He sighs as his phone ring, and he answered it.

" yes." Jacob said, annoyed." Jacob we need your help." Someone said over the phone." Tyler, what's going on?" Jacob ask sitting up." it's Caroline, Klaus bit her and he refuses to heal her." Tyler said." when did he bit her?" Jacob asked." two hours ago." Tyler said." that should be enough time for me to get over there." Jacob said." I'll see you then." Tyler said as Jacob hanged up the phone.

About an hour later, Marcel was sitting in jacob's house.

" you wanna go where again?" He asked." mystic falls. Apparently my brother did something and now Caroline's life is on the line. I need to go back to Mystic Falls and save her." Jacob said." what do you want me to do?" Marcel ask." I want you to watch the girls. Make sure they don't go anywhere until I come back." Jacob said and marcel nodded." thank you, now I better get going." Jacob said, before walking out of the door as he got in his car, he saw Hayley look at him out the window. Jacob sighs before getting in his car and driving away.

Davina and Hayley came downstairs to see marcel in the living room." where is Jacob?" Davina ask." he went out of town for some business. He asked me to watch you girls, to make sure you don't leave the house again." He said and hayley rolled her eyes." we can take care of ourselves. We're not babies." Hayley said." you almost got yourself killed last week to go see a doctor and put Davina's life in danger. So, instead of blaming Jacob, you should really be understanding him." He said and Hayley looked at him." yes, he told me everything you said, and to be fair you shouldn't really be judging him. Look at him from his point of you, he's having a baby with the woman who betrayed him." Marcel said, and Hayley look down.

" most men would just leave the mother of their child at the first fight, but Jacob didn't, and if that's not enough for him to care about the baby then I don't know what is going on in your head." Marcel said before heading upstairs.


𝗛𝗢𝗨𝗥𝗦 𝗟𝗔𝗧𝗘𝗥- Jacob manage to arrive in Mystic Falls around 9 PM. he looked at the text that Tyler sent him and said that Caroline was in Elena's house trapped with klaus. Jacob parked his car in the parking lot before knocking on the door. Tyler answered and let him in. He came in to the kitchen to see Caroline laying on the couch while Klaus was standing in the corner in the living room.

" klaus." Jacob said, looking at him." Jacob, what a surprise you disappeared off the face of the planet a month ago." Klaus said smirking as Jacob came into the living room. He looked at Caroline, who had her eyes close. He glared at Klaus before biting his wrist and giving Caroline blood. Caroline woke up, drinking the blood as she was slowly healing.

" Jacob, you came." she said smiling." of course I did." He said before getting up speeding towards Klaus and hit him into a wall." do you really want a Deathwish klaus?" Jacob said, before stabbing klaus in the stomach." you and I both know you can't kill me." Klaus said angrily, pushing Jacob away. Tyler took the time to get Caroline out of the living room, while the two are fighting, destroying the whole place.

" you're lucky I don't have the white oak stake to push it through your cold black heart." Jacob said throwing him into another wall." for someone who fancies Caroline, you sure have a hard way of showing it." Jacob said before grabbing klaus by the neck." because this just makes her hate you more and she will never love you back." Jacob said angrily." since you seem to care about her so much. Why don't you tell her what happened to Kol." Klaus said and Jacob looked at him.

" what are you talking about?" Jacob asked." Kol is dead." Klaus said and Jacob's eyes widened." judging by the look on your face, your precious Caroline didn't tell you he died four days ago by the hands of Elena and her brother." He said laughing, Jacob took the time to snap his neck, and he fell to the ground.

He went into the living room to see the body sitting on the ground, the body that he did not notice when he came in. He pull the sheets over to see that it was indeed his brother Kol on the ground. Jacob eyes started to water before covering up his brother. he looked at Caroline and Tyler, who looked down.

" I'm sorry I didn't tell you, you already going through so much I...I didn't want to add on more of your stress." Caroline said, slowly crying as Tyler hugged her. Jacob just simply put kol's body in his car. He was going to take his brother back to New Orleans to try and resurrect him.

" I think it's time for you to come back to New Orleans Caroline, you spent enough time here. I'll have your car shipped to New Orleans tomorrow." He said as Caroline slowly got in the car. Jacob looked at Tyler." I'm sorry we didn't tell you." Tyler said." where is everyone?" He asked." they went to an island to go get the cure." Tyler said." I want you to send Elena and Jeremy a message." Jacob said, and Tyler nodded." tell them that they better give me a good reason for why they killed my brother. If not, I will kill them myself no matter if we're friends are not, my family comes first." Jacob said before getting in his car and driving away.

They manage to get back to New Orleans around 6 o'clock in the morning. Caroline went to her room while Jacob put his brother's body on the couch. Hayley, who had woke up due to the noise was standing by the door watching him.

Jacob simply didn't look at her as he put his brother in a coffin and put him in the basement. He promised to bring his brother back to life no matter what the cost.

𝗢𝘂𝗿 𝗢𝘄𝗻 𝗢𝗿𝗶𝗴𝗶𝗻𝗮𝗹 | 𝘏𝘢𝘺𝘭𝘦𝘺 𝘔𝘢𝘳𝘴𝘩𝘢𝘭𝘭Where stories live. Discover now