{48} 𝘛𝘰𝘳𝘵𝘶𝘳𝘦𝘥

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𝗔𝗽𝗿𝗶𝗹 𝟮𝟭, 𝟮𝟬𝟭𝟮

" it's been two weeks and she hasn't been found!" Jacob yelled out throwing a bottle of whiskey to the wall breaking it

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" it's been two weeks and she hasn't been found!" Jacob yelled out throwing a bottle of whiskey to the wall breaking it." we will find her, but you need to calm down!" Freya told him only for him to grab her throat, pinning her to a wall." you really don't want to piss me off right now." He told her only for him to be pushed to the side by Caroline." would you calm down. Hayley wouldn't want us to turn against each other while she's missing." Caroline told him.

" and what do you suggest we do, sit here while she could be getting tortured by now?" Jacob asked." of course not we need to find out who took her first to know what the first step is." She told him." oh come on let's be honest Caroline we both know who took her....Dahlia." Jacob said and Caroline sighs.

" Jacob I think it's best if you sit this one out." She said and he looked at her." you want me to sit this one out while the mother of my child is out there!" He yelled and Kol came down." she's not asking you to do anything she just doesn't want you out there or you just gonna go on a murder spree trying to find Hayley." Kol told him.

Jacob just looked at them angrily before walking out the door and slamming it shut.

" we need to find Hayley." Kol said." I tried, but Dahlia spells are stronger than mine." Freya said." when you were with her, did she ever do anything to these kind of spells." Caroline asked and she shook her head no." she was very secretive." Freya told them." well let's just hope Hayley is okay. Wherever she is." Caroline said.


" let me out of here!" Hayley yelled out trying to get rid of the chains that were on her leg and arms, but they were strong." I swear to God when I find you I will kill you!" She yelled out, she was still in her clothes since two weeks ago and haven't seen the person who kidnapped her. She was hungry. She haven't had a drop of blood since and she was getting weak.

The door open and Hayley got ready to see the person who took her and wanted a death wish. She look to see that it was Dahlia.

" hello child, I see you're finally awake." She told and smiled." oh, you are so dead." Hayley said trying to get to her, but it was no use." there's no way breaking them chains without my magic. you're just gonna be stuck here for a while." Dahlia told her as Hayley glares at her.

" why am I here?" She asked the witch and Dahlia sighs." well, for starters, I needed you out the way so that I can get to your children faster. At first, I wasn't planning on taking you until my niece and nephews decided to turn you and your friend until an original, making it harder for me." Dahlia said.

" and what, you're gonna kill me or something because I don't see how you can do that when there is no white oak left." Hayley told her." oh, I know how to get some but no I am not going to kill you. I want you alive long enough to watch as take your children away and they become mine." She told the mother." I swear if you lay one finger on them, you're gonna wish you never met me." Hayley insured her.

" well, I like to see that happen one day, but for now get comfortable because it is going to be a long day." She said before using a spell making Hayley feel pain all around her body. Hayley screamed out feeling her insides burn. She tried to get the chains off of her, but she couldn't, and she fell to the ground, screaming in agony.


" where is she?!" Nina yelled out, putting a sharp stick next to his heart." what the hell are you talking about?" Jacob asked angrily.." my sister, what the hell have you done with her? I knew I should trust you. I knew I shouldn't have let her near you." Nina told him. He simply took the stick away from her before grabbing her neck.

" I am not in the mood to be playing with you little girl. Just because you're pregnant doesn't mean I can't hurt you in anyway possible." He told her." you can't hurt me, if you do klaus and Elijah will kill you." Nina said and smirked." and you really think I'm afraid of my brothers because last time I checked I am stronger than them and trust me you do not want to see the ugly side of me." He told her.

" where is my sister?" She asked slowly." if I knew where she was, I wouldn't be spending my minutes on you." Jacob told her." you Mikaelsons aren't to be trusted." She told him." maybe you should've thought of that before getting pregnant with one." he said, before walking away, not before bumping her shoulder hard enough for her to fall to the ground.


Hayley continue to scream in pain as she was getting weaker and weaker by the second. She couldn't take more of this as she tried to stop Dahlia.

" please, Stop." She screamed out, trying to resist the pain as she bumped into a dresser, making it fall to the ground." we're almost done little one." dahlia said before continuing.

Hayley yelled out holding her head as it was being boiled. Dahlia used one of her spells to make Hayley feel like she was dying before stopping.

" I think we're done for the day." She told hayley as Hayley sighs in relief." but we will continue this tomorrow. Have a nice night.." she said before closing the door and locking it shut walking away. Haley lay down on her half broken bed slowly crying, she hope they find her in time.

My dumbass did not realize I didn't post this. It's a part of season two. I'm so sorry guys.🤣

𝗢𝘂𝗿 𝗢𝘄𝗻 𝗢𝗿𝗶𝗴𝗶𝗻𝗮𝗹 | 𝘏𝘢𝘺𝘭𝘦𝘺 𝘔𝘢𝘳𝘴𝘩𝘢𝘭𝘭Where stories live. Discover now