{43} 𝘉𝘦𝘵𝘳𝘢𝘺𝘢𝘭

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𝗠𝗮𝗿𝗰𝗵 𝟱, 𝟮𝟬𝟭𝟮

Nina scrolled on her laptop, glancing up when Elijah walked in

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Nina scrolled on her laptop, glancing up when Elijah walked in.

"Hey, look, I found-." Nina said, Elijah held up his hand to stop her from talking, indicating that he has some news.

"You were right about the Deveraux witch." He told her and she looked at him. Before he could say anything else, Marcel joined them in the study.

"Find anything about Clara, the mystery witch?"
Marcel asked Nina
"Not much." Nina shrugged, "I know she was a nurse at this hospital, the Fleur-de-Lis Sanitarium." She said.

She looked at him and saw that he had frozen, inwardly panicking.

"Recognise her?" Nina asked, Nina clicked on a picture and pointed to Clara, showing Marcel and Elijah what she looked like.

"Top row, second from the right." Nina said. "No, I don't." Elijah shook his head, "Marcel?" He asked.

Marcel didn't answer and the two turned to look at him, noticing how worried he looked.

"Marcel? Do I need to remind you that Niklaus and Rebekah are somewhere suffering horribly? If you know something, talk." Elijah said.

"The Sanitarium." Marcel said, "That's where you'll find them." Are you sure?" Nina asked sceptically, "How do you know?" She asked." I just know." He told her.

"But how exactly do you know?" Nina prodded."
"If I'm right, you need to know exactly what we're walking into." Marcel turned to Elijah, "We did something, Rebekah and I... I think the witches are trying to use it against her. It was, uh... something that you're not gonna like." He told them.


"For the better part of a century, I have wondered how Father found us, what foolish mistake that we had made to destroy our time in the one place that we could finally call home." He said.

Marcel had just told Elijah and Nina that he and Rebekah summoned Mikael to New Orleans in 1919.

"Did you know, I even blamed myself for a time, Marcellus?" Elijah said." Elijah-." Nina tried to speak, but Elijah ignored her." Niklaus treated you like a son." Elijah glared at Marcel.

"Rebekah. I loved her. I still love her." Marcel tried to explain his actions, "All we ever wanted was to be together, but as long as Klaus was around, that was never gonna happen. But hey, I guess you wouldn't know anything about that, huh?" Marcel said.

"When Klaus learns the truth, there will be no end to his rage. I will not let my sister suffer that wrath." Elijah said.

"Then we need to get to them before he learns the truth." Marcel said." I won't take that risk, this is family business, so I'm going to have to need the rest of my family to stop klaus." Elijah said." meaning Jacob." Nina question and Elijah nodded." he is strong enough to stop klaus from hurting Rebekah." he said before walking out the door with Marcel.


" you cannot hide from me, Rebekah." Klaus said looking for her in every room, but couldn't find her. Rebekah ran in the basement trying to find a way out, but she couldn't. She soon saw him coming downstairs as he smirked at her.

" I believe this is the end of you sister." he said, he was about to attack her when Elijah stabbed him. Jacob took the time to snap Klaus's neck before looking at Rebekah.

" Jacob." she said, before running, and hugging him." how did you guys find me?" She asked." your little boyfriend told us." Jacob said as she looked at marcel before looking at her brothers.

" I never meant for this to happen. I just wanted to find love.." she told him." I know I think it's best if you go to my place until we can decide on what to do with Klaus." Jacob said before looking at Elijah.

" put him somewhere, I got them." Jacob said, Elijah nodded and took klaus away." let's get you guys home." He said before picking up Rebekah, and taking her and Marcel to their house.

When they got home, he laid Rebekah on his couch." now try not to make too much noise. My kids are sleeping." Jacob said and they nodded." Jacob, what's go-" she stopped to see the two." Uh what's going on here, why are they here?" She asked and he looked at her.

" klaus is trying to kill them because they did some mistake in the past, and Klaus saw it as a betrayal." Jacob said and she nodded." You look different Hayley." Marcel said looking at her.

" well." she said, and showed her eyes to him, and he jumped." wait, are you a hybrid?" He asked and she nodded." you can add Original to it." She said, and he looked at Jacob." we kinda turned her and Caroline into originals, it's a long story." Jacob said and marcel nodded.

" we need to get out of here, klaus will find us. This will be the first place he looks.." Rebekah told them." what you need is to rest right now, as soon as you get your strength back the better." Jacob told her..

" you probably hate me." She said looking down." look we all make mistakes in life and besides, it's been a century since that happened and it's in the past." Jacob told her." Klaus wants me dead." She said." I am not gonna let him touch you Rebekah." He told her.

" how do you know for sure?" She asked." because you know how I always keep my promises family is everything to me." He told her, she slowly cried before hugging him. He slowly hugged her back, letting her cry her feelings away.

" he has taken everything for me. I just wanted to be happy for once and when I found it with Marcel, it was over." She said." I understand, we would do anything for love." he said looking at Hayley who smiled.

" now you two get some rest we'll keep a lookout just in case klaus breaks free." He said, they nodded before Hayley took them to a guest room. Oh, what am I gonna do with them?" He said before heading to his study room.

𝗢𝘂𝗿 𝗢𝘄𝗻 𝗢𝗿𝗶𝗴𝗶𝗻𝗮𝗹 | 𝘏𝘢𝘺𝘭𝘦𝘺 𝘔𝘢𝘳𝘴𝘩𝘢𝘭𝘭Where stories live. Discover now