{47} 𝘍𝘰𝘳𝘨𝘪𝘷𝘦𝘯𝘦𝘴𝘴

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𝗔𝗽𝗿𝗶𝗹 𝟳, 𝟮𝟬𝟭𝟮

The family made it back home with the pack, they park the bus in the parking lot by the house as they got out

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The family made it back home with the pack, they park the bus in the parking lot by the house as they got out.

" I can take the kids back in the house while you guys take them to the Bayou." Davina said and they nodded." Thanks Davina." Hayley said as she grabbed the kids and take them in the house.

" I called Jackson and told him, you were coming. He said he is more than welcome to have them." Hayley told Jacob." Okay, then we better get going before night falls." He said and she nods.


Jacob and everyone turn around to see Klaus standing there. Jacob nodded to Hayley to take them to the bayou and he will meet her there. Jacob slowly walked up to Klaus, glaring at him.

" what do you want klaus?" Jacob asked in a cold tone and klaus looked down." I deserve that, but I was hoping we could talk." Klaus said and Jacob looked at him.

"can we go somewhere in private?" He asked looking at the others who are looking out the window with the window crack for them to hear." Fine." Jacob said and they went to the bar. When they got there they sat on the rooftop." so what is it klaus?" Jacob asked.

" I came to apologize." he said, and Jacob looked at him in confusion." and since when does the great Klaus Mikaelson do apologies." Jacob said." one who is asking for your forgiveness, I wanted to say I am sorry for putting you through pain for the last thousand of years." Klaus said." after all this time you finally apologize, what changed?" He asked and Klaus chuckled." something happened yesterday that almost made me lose my daughter." Klaus said before being pulled in a flashback.


Despite the fact that they were at a funeral, Nina let out a laugh and both Originals stared at her.

"That's like asking a predator to not stalk its prey." Nina said and Klaus smiled. "As much as I would hate to throw you over my shoulder and drag you kicking and screaming to the compound, we both know I will for the sake of my child." Klaus told Nina.

Nina looked at him, lowering her voice to a whisper.
"Admit it, you wouldn't hate it at all." She smirked

Klaus smiled and so did her before talking in her normal tone. "One bad dream and suddenly you want to be a responsible daddy!" Nina told him.

Klaus then wrapped his arm around her, pulling her close to him." Let me put this in perspective: my father lived to torment me, it is not my intention to become him." He said to her." This cycle of misery end with my child." He said.

Her smile slowly faded as she pushed his hand away." You forgot one thing in your attempt to plead your case. She's not your child, she's ours." Nina sis before walking away.


Klaus, Genevieve, Elijah and Nina returned to the compound. Elijah was carrying Nina while Klaus cleared a table and Elijah laid the pregnant werewolf on top. She was unconscious and it appeared that she wasn't breathing.

"I can help," Genevieve offered." Don't you touch her," Elijah said." Let it be, Elijah," Klaus told his brother. "She was a nurse." He said.

He was just as worried about Nina as Elijah was." There's a spell I can do. Klaus, get camomile from the pantry." Genevie said. Klaus did as he was told while Elijah and Genevieve looked over Nina.
"She's trembling. Your jacket, Elijah." She told him. Elijah took off his jacket. "She's not breathing, I can hear the baby's heartbeat but not hers." Elijah said.

Genevieve felt for a pulse as Elijah laid his jacket on top of Nina to keep her warm. Genevieve laid her hand on Nina's forehead as she chanted, she laid the camomile on the wolf as she started her spell.
"Coeur la sais patri ave moin. Coeur la sais patri avec moin." She chanted.

Klaus, not wanting to solely rely on magic, bit into his wrist and fed Nina his blood, hoping to heal her.
"Come on," he pleaded.

He wasn't just worried about the baby, he was worried about Nina too. But no matter how much blood he gave her, she wouldn't drink." She's still not breathing," Elijah told his brother." It's not working." Klaus yelled out.

Genevieve was still working her magic but it didn't seem to be doing anything. Fed up, Elijah went to move her. "I'm taking her to a real doctor." Elijah said.

"If you move her from here, my spell will break," the witch told him. "There won't be enough time to get her to a hospital." She told him.

"Will the baby survive if delivered now?" Klaus asked. "I'll rip it out of her myself." He said and Elijah stopped his brother from doing just that.

"But Nina will bleed to death." Genevieve said." I can't lose her," Klaus said, conflicted.
"I won't lose either of them," Elijah said, looking at his vulnerable brother.

Klaus looked at his brother ad nodded in acknowledgement. Genevieve continued to chant but stopped when she had a vision of Monique Devereaux with a hex doll.

"I know what to do," she told the Originals. "Get my bag, the gris-gris pouch. Now!"

After she did to spell, Nina gasped again and realized that she was back. Klaus, Elijah and Genevieve surrounded her.

"Nina!" Elijah said, helping her sit up." You're alright, love," Klaus said. "You're all right." He told her.

She was still reeling from what she had just gone through.

"I saw him, he tried to kill me," she turned to face Klaus. "I saw Mikael." She said and both brothers looked at her with worried expressions.


" so you came to apologize because you feel like our father will come back." Jacob asked." I'm not asking you to forgive me right away I'm asking you to give me a chance to make things right with our family." Klaus said.

" I don't know, every time I try to give you a chance, you screw it up." Jacob said." then let this be my last one." Klaus said before looking at him." fine I'll try." Jacob said and klaus smiled." thank you brother." Klaus said." I gotta go." Jacob said, klaus nodded before Jacob left.

Hayley said goodbye to the pack as they got settled in with the others. She got in her car and drove back home, as she was driving she got a message on her phone and saw that Caroline had texted her what she wanted to eat for dinner. She replied to Caroline on what she wanted to eat. She didn't have enough time to look up at the road only to be hit in a tree.

Hayley ended up getting her next snapped as the figure approached her.

" everything will be all right Hayley." the figured said before taking her away.

𝗢𝘂𝗿 𝗢𝘄𝗻 𝗢𝗿𝗶𝗴𝗶𝗻𝗮𝗹 | 𝘏𝘢𝘺𝘭𝘦𝘺 𝘔𝘢𝘳𝘴𝘩𝘢𝘭𝘭Where stories live. Discover now