{52} 𝘏𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘰𝘸𝘦𝘦𝘯

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𝗢𝗰𝘁𝗼𝗯𝗲𝗿 𝟯𝟭, 𝟮𝟬𝟭𝟯

𝗢𝗰𝘁𝗼𝗯𝗲𝗿 𝟯𝟭, 𝟮𝟬𝟭𝟯

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"you look so beautiful." Hayley said to her kids. Tonight she was taking them out for trick-or-treat with Davina." what do you think we are going to get mommy?" Andrea asked, looking at Hayley.

" I don't know, but it's probably going to be something amazing. And you'll get lots and lots of candy." Hayley said and they cheered.

" is daddy coming with us?" Henrik asked." not today. Daddy has some business to attend to." Hayley told them."but lucky your sister davina will be coming with us." she said, and they smiled.

" come on, we better get going before there be no candy left." Hayley said grabbing their hands and took them downstairs." be safe, the collectors could be anywhere." Jacob told her." I know, but I want the kids to still live their lives and still be children." she said, and he nodded.

" are we ready to go?" Davina asked and they nodded." if something happens we'll call you dad." Davina said and he nodded watching them leave the house.


" look mommy, look what I got." Andrea said running to Hayley showing her the bucket of candy." that's amazing, then why don't we go to a few more houses before heading in okay." She said and the twins nodded before walking to the next house.

" do you see anything?" Hayley asked Davina, who shook her head no." maybe they're just not the type of people to be out on trick-or-treat.

" Davina said." I doubt it. This is the best time for supernaturals to disguise themselves and people will think it's a costume." Hayley said.


" this is so boring." Caroline said." tell me about it, but we got a job to do. We need to keep the twins, Davina and Hayley safe while they're out trick-or-treatin." He told her.

" what should we do to pass the time?" She asked." let's play a little game while keeping an eye out." He said and she looked at him.

" and what would that be?" She asked and he pushed her off the roof, and she fell down to the ground.

" what the hell was that?!!" She yelled out." catch me if you can." Kol said smirking before speeding away. Caroline looked angry before chasing after him.

" where the hell are you?" She said looking around, she walked around the cemetery, trying to look for Kol. She saw something out in the distance and smirk before speeding up to it.

" got you, your not really much of a good hide-" she stopped herself to see that it was actually the collectors." You gotta be kidding me." Caroline said and looked at them.

" Where is Hayley Marshall?" They said to her." sorry I can't tell you." Caroline said before speeding away, only for them to appear in front of her again." oh, come on really." Caroline said, and soon Kol appeared beside her.

" really, we play one game and you get yourself in trouble." He said and she hit his arm." we need to make sure they don't find Hayley." Caroline said." well, it looks like we got something to entertain ourselves for the night." He said and she smirked.

" let's do this." she said before they started fighting the collectors. The two put up a bit of a fight, but it was pointless. The collectors were older than them and a different species. they ended up falling to the ground in pain.

" last chance, where is Hayley Marshall?" She asked." We'll never tell you." Caroline said." then I guess we're just gonna have to kill you." They said bringing out a weapon that they did not recognize. The collectors were about to stab them when they were punch to the ground.

They looked out in the distance to see Jacob glaring at them. They looked at Caroline and Kol before disappearing.

" are you guys okay?" He asked, they nodded standing up on their feet." it's a good thing they didn't find Hayley." Kol told him." I think it's time for them to finish up their trick-or-treating." He said and they nodded.


Hayley felt her phone buzz and looked at it.

" what's wrong?" Davina asked." Jacob just texted me. He said the collectors attack kol and Caroline tonight. He wants us back home." Hayley said and she nodded." come on guys. I'm sure you collected enough candy for tonight. Dad wants us back home." She said and they nodded now very tired.

They grab the twins and headed back home. When I got there, they saw the family sitting in the living room.

" are you guys okay?" He asked and they nodded." more like are you guys okay since they attacked you guys." Hayley asked." we're fine, nothing to worry about." Kol said.

" we better go put the kids to bed. They're very tired from all that running." Hayley said and they nodded. Hayley and Davina took the kids to bed.

" freya is there by any chance you could put up a barrier around this house to prevent them from coming in." He asked and she nodded." I can do that." She said and he thanked her.

" why don't we get some rest." He told them and they nodded." Good night everybody." Caroline said as they left to bed." good night Freya." He said and she said good night before they headed their own way.



" will it be a yes, or a no Nina?" They asked, she slowly looked at Hayley , who was looking around at the objects.

" i'm so sorry Hayley, I hope one day you'll forgive me." Nina said before signing her name, but was actually signing Hayley's name.

" there now what?" She asked, They gave her a note." we don't directly know where your parents are, but this would give you a lead in the direction that you need to go." They said." Appalachia." She said and they nodded.

" sounds like a road trip." Hayley said walking up to her." well, I guess that's where we're going." Nina said and looked at the note before the left the building.

𝗢𝘂𝗿 𝗢𝘄𝗻 𝗢𝗿𝗶𝗴𝗶𝗻𝗮𝗹 | 𝘏𝘢𝘺𝘭𝘦𝘺 𝘔𝘢𝘳𝘴𝘩𝘢𝘭𝘭Where stories live. Discover now