{30} 𝘕𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘏𝘢𝘨

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𝗦𝗲𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗺𝗯𝗲𝗿 𝟭𝟮, 𝟮𝟬𝟭𝟭

𝗦𝗲𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗺𝗯𝗲𝗿 𝟭𝟮, 𝟮𝟬𝟭𝟭

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Jacob looked around trying to find Davina who was calling out to him. He learns, he is somewhere in a building.

" Davina, where are you?" He asked looking around." Dad I'm here." Davina call out upstairs. Jacob looked to see her waving. He speeds up in front of her." What took you so long." She asked." Well excuse me if we are in a weird building. Where are we?" He asked and she shrugged her shoulders." No idea." She said simply.

" where are the others?" He asked." I don't know, all I know is that I ended up here." She told him as they walked around." but first we need to find where Hayley and the kids are first." Jacob said." you can try, but I looked everywhere. No one is here but us." She said and he looked up." not everyone." He said pointing at something. Davina looked up to see some weird Lady creature staring at them." What is that?" Davina asked.

" I don't know." Jacob said as the woman grabbed Davina by the neck from a distance, raising her up." DAVINA." Jacob yelled out." He..help." Davina said struggling to breathe." STOP." Jacob said, the woman ended up doing as Jacob said, but not how he wanted. She let davina go as she fell, Jacob tries to save Davina, but realize his feet were stuck to the ground. He looked and was forced to see Davina hit the ground with her neck broke." NO NO DAVINA." Jacob yelled out.


Jacob yelled out rising up from his bed, sweating, hard and breathing heavily. He looked around to see that it was just a dream. He sighs in relief before laying down. Though, he couldn't go back to sleep after that and was awake the entire night.


It was now early in the morning, and everyone was just doing their own thing. The girls were in the kitchen, cooking something to eat, while the boys were just sitting in the living room watching the kids.

" hey you okay brother?" Kol asked looking at his brother as Jacob was dozing off but came back to reality." yeah, I'm fine why?" Jacob asked." well, you look like you're brain dead, which should be impossible.." Kol told them." no...I'm fine, I just had a bad dream." Jacob said." About what?" Kol asked.

" you know people plotting death but I just saw something different. Some old looking lady in some very disturbing dress." Jacob said and Kol's eyes widened." Wait you saw that too." Kol asked and Jacob looked at her." you're telling me you saw her." Jacob said looking at his brother." yeah, the girl was literally trying to murder me. I couldn't go to sleep all night." Kol said as the girls came in with food.

" you both had the same nightmare of some lady." Freya said looking at them." Yeah why, are you guys not having it?" Jacob said looking at them." nope I slept good." Caroline said and the others nodded.

" that's weird why are me and Jacob having the same nightmare but not you guys." Kol asked." well, there is one creature that can do this and what you're describing could be the exact description of it." Freya said." so you know what it is." Jacob asked and she nodded." this sounds like a night hag." Freya said and they looked at her."you're telling me those things exist." Kol asked and she nodded." they do and they usually go into peoples dreams when their after something or just simply want you to be restless so you won't be able to fight.." Freya said.

" a fight, a fight for what." Jacob asked." no idea but if you want, we can ask her." Freya said." let's do it." Jacob said." but in order to capture her, we need to bring her to our world so she won't try to hurt us in the dream land." Freya said." and how do we grab her?" Hayley asked." well Jacob or Kol just need to grab her long enough for me to pull them back." Freya said and they nodded." well, it looks like we're gonna be going to sleep early." Jacob said and Kol groans." here we go, how am I going to go to sleep again? I mean I'm not very tired and-" he stopped himself when he fell to the ground. Everyone looked at Freya, who had put him in a sleeping spell.

" what, it's the only way for him to go to sleep." Freya said and they nodded." then I guess I better go to bed." He said and they nodded. Once Kol and Jacob fell asleep. Freya performed a spell over them and was ready to pull them out once they get the job done.

Jacob looked around to see he was indeed dreaming. He walked around looking for anyone, but couldn't find them.

Dad I'm here." Davina call out upstairs. Jacob looked up to see Davina waving. He looks confused. this already happened. Why was his dream repeating, but he decided to go along with what he did before.

He speeds up in front of her." What took you so long." She asked." Well excuse me if we are in a weird building. Where are we?" He asked and she shrugged her shoulders." No idea." She said.

" where are the others?" He asked." I don't know, all I know is that I ended up here." She told him as they walked around." but first we need to find where Hayley and the kids are first." Jacob said." you can try, but I looked everywhere. No one is here but us." She said and he looked up." not everyone." He said pointing at something. Davina looked up to see some weird Lady creature staring at them." What is that?" Davina asked.

" I don't know." Jacob said as the woman grabbed Davina by the neck from a distance, raising her up." DAVINA." Jacob yelled out." He..help." Davina said struggling to breathe." STOP." Jacob said yelled out, this time, he speed it up to her before grabbing her by the neck, making her release Davina." NOW FREYA." He yelled out and soon he was pulled back into the real world with the night hag.

" hurry." He said as Freya used her magic to trap the night hag. They all looked at her as she pierce into their soul with her eyes." who are you and what do you want?" Jacob asked and she just looked at him before speaking." I come bearing gifts for Dahlia." She simply said and they looked at her." that doesn't sound like her. Why would she send someone else to do her dirty work?" Freya asked." she wants to make you weak." The night hag said.

" great, what better way to defeat your enemy by weakening them." Hayley said out loud." what do we do Jacob?" Caroline asked looking at him." I don't know." He said." she will get your baby and once she get your baby, night will come and the terror." The night hag started slowly singing." she will get you baby and once she get your baby, night will come and the terror." She said over, she soon stopped when her head was ripped from her body. Everyone turn around to see kol standing there.

" my God, I thought she would never stop singing." He said before looking at them." now dahlia will be the next in my list." He said and they looked at each other, still processing the event that happened today.

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