{69} 𝘗𝘭𝘢𝘯𝘴

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𝗔𝗽𝗿𝗶𝗹 𝟭𝟮, 𝟮𝟬𝟭𝟲


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" you can't be serious, you want us to use the same dagger on her again what happens if she tries to resurrect herself, or someone tries resurrect her?" Jacob said.

" it will be different I improved it, this time she won't be coming back." Freya told him." are you sure Freya because I want her to stay dead for good." Hayley said.

" I assure you, this will work this time." She said." well, I think it's gonna work." Caroline said, they looked at each other before sighing." fine, let's just pray that it does." He said.

" In the meantime, we got someone we need to get information on her whereabouts." Hayley said before leaving.

" and I want to catch up on each and everyone of your lives." He said and they smiled." Well believe it or not I did what you asked. I found love." Freya said and he smiled." and who is it?" He asked.

" Katherine pierce." She said and his eyes widen." since when did that happen?" He asked." well believe it or not we have a lot in common. She came and visited New Orleans a year ago and we kind of hit it off." Freya said, Jacob hugged her tightly.

" I'm happy for you." He said." Thank you." She said as they let go of each other." where is she?" He asked." She is taking care of some business, but we should see her by the end of the month." Freya said and he nodded." so what else?" He asked." me and Nick have been dating for two years now." Davina said.

" at least now I know that he has been making you happy while I was gone." He said and she smiled." Well me and Kol are officially married." She said slowly.." did you have your June wedding?" He asked and she nodded." we got married on the first of June the year you left." Kol said and he nodded.

" we wanted to wait until you got back, but times flies." She said and he nods." I may not have been there to congratulate you on your special day, but I'm doing it now." He said and they smiled.

" where is Aurora?" He asked, they all pointed outside on the balcony. He thanked them before walking outside. When he got outside, she smiled.

" hi." She said and he said hi back." you know we barely got to talk since I saved you that day." He said and she nods." there is something I want to ask you?" He asked and she looked at him.

" what is it?" She asked." when you found out you were pregnant, were you going to tell me?" He asked, she turns to him." of course I was, as soon as I found out that day I was trying to find you, but something happens." She said and looked down.

" what happened?" He asked." Klaus found out I was pregnant and he stabbed me in the stomach to stop my pregnancy." He said snd Jacob's eyes twitched." he just seems to find a way to ruin my life doesn't he? But if he ended your pregnancy, how is blossom here?" He asked." Well." She started.


2 months later since Aurora lost her baby, she didn't tell Jacob about it, because it broke her heart too much. A few weeks ago him and his family ran to escape their father, leaving them to die.

Aurora feed on a man in the woods, once she was finish, she wiped blood off her lips before turning around to see a woman standing there.

" who the hell are you?" Aurora asked." you can just say I am someone who can help you." They said and aurora glared at them." well, whatever it is, I don't need your help so run along before I feed on you next." Aurora said about to leave when the woman stopped her again.

" you really wanna be killed don't you?" Aurora said." your baby is alive." the woman said and Aurora looked at her." look I don't know what your game is but you need to end it right now. My child died months ago." Aurora said.

" no, it didn't your baby is still alive." She said, aurora grab the woman by her neck and pin her to a tree." Lies, I gave you an option to leave, but you leave me no choice." Aurora said she was about to kill her when the woman scream stop.

" just please....listen." She said, Aurora looked at her before listening. At first, she didn't know what she was listening to, all she could hear was two heartbeats. Her mind went Blank, two heartbeats.

She stared at the woman who nodded.

" the baby that you thought was lost, is inside of me." The woman said." How." Aurora said quietly." somebody from my coven used to work in your castle. They were there when klaus attempted to kill your baby so they put the child in me to save it, to save her." She said.

" her, I'm having a daughter." Aurora said and the woman nodded smiling.


" that was the day, I found out my child was still alive." She said." what happened to the girl?" He asked." well, she of course went through the pregnancy for me. When she gave birth, it was too much for her, and her heart gave out. She died minutes after having blossom. So I took the time to bury her before leaving my home with my daughter for good." Aurora said, Jacob put his hand over hers.

" well now you don't have to raise her alone, even if I did miss everything." He said and she smiled." she may be 1000 years old, but she still needs her dad. She still act like a teenager." Aurora said and he smirked.

guys guys!!!

They went back inside to see Hayley coming upstairs from the basement with blood on her clothes.

" Hayley, what happened?" He asked looking at her." oh, sorry I had got blood on my clothes when I killed him." She said, and their eyes widened." why would you do that? He is the only one who knows where Brooke is." Caroline said.

" would you relax I already got the information I needed from him I know where she is." She said." where is she?" He asked." she's in Tennessee, the guy told me her plans, and she's moving the full moon like she's physically moving it to a different day." She said

" and what day is that exactly." Jacob asked." the 15th which is in three days.

𝗢𝘂𝗿 𝗢𝘄𝗻 𝗢𝗿𝗶𝗴𝗶𝗻𝗮𝗹 | 𝘏𝘢𝘺𝘭𝘦𝘺 𝘔𝘢𝘳𝘴𝘩𝘢𝘭𝘭Where stories live. Discover now