{53} 𝘚𝘶𝘤𝘤𝘶𝘣𝘶𝘴

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𝗡𝗼𝘃𝗲𝗺𝗯𝗲𝗿 𝟮, 𝟮𝟬𝟭𝟯

𝗡𝗼𝘃𝗲𝗺𝗯𝗲𝗿 𝟮, 𝟮𝟬𝟭𝟯

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Jacob laid in bed with Hayley who was sleeping. He looked at his phone to see a text message. He slowly got up, making Hayley wake up out of her sleep turning to him.

" you okay?" She asked." one of the vampires just texted me that someone has been killing men on the street." He said and she got up." really." she said looking at the text.

" I need to go down there." He said getting out of bed to get dress." I'll come with you." She said getting up." are you sure?" He asked looking at her." of course, the others can watch the kids while we go down to see what's going on." She said and he nods.

The two told the family where they were going before heading out of the house and heading down into town.

When they got there, they saw people surrounding the bodies. The two slowly looked at the bodies at the ambulance, took them away. Jacob tapped Hayley on the shoulders who turns to him pointing at the rooftops. She looked up to see someone waving at them. The two slowly backed up from the crowd before speeding up to the rooftops.

" I managed to get one body." the vampire said, showing them." why is he half naked?" Hayley asked." I don't know that's how we found him." He said, Jacob looked down at the body, looking at the details before realizing something.

" I think I know who is doing this." he said, and he looked at him." what, you do? Who is it?" She asked." Brooke." he said, and they all heard of laughter. They turn around to see a woman sitting in a chair beside them.

" hello Jacob." she said smiling." Brooke, what the hell are you doing here?" She asked and she stood up walking around the three. Hayley told the vampire to leave and he did, leaving both Jacob and Hayley with Brooke.

" oh, you know when I heard you were living here, so I just had to come." She said." who is she Jacob?" Hayley asked." and who is she?" Brooke said looking at Hayley." Hayley, I want you to meet my ex girlfriend, Brooke." He said and Hayley looked at him.

"you never told me about her." She said and he sighs." he probably didn't want you to feel jealous of our intense relationship." She said.

" are you the one killing men on the street?" Hayley asked and brooke smiled." well, look at you being all detective. But to answer your question yes, yes I am. I needed to feed, and I saw the opportunity." She said.

" feed, you're a vampire?" Hayley asked." not exactly." She told her." what do you mean not exactly." Hayley said." she is what people call these days, a succubus." He told her and her eyes widened." as in she is a sex demon.." Hayley said and he nodded.

" you're telling me they're real." She said and he nodded." what did you expect, vampires, werewolf, and witches to exist and not a succubus. I'm hurt we've been alive almost since the beginning of time." She said.

" what are you doing here?" Jacob asked, not wanting to continue his past relationships with her with his girlfriend near." Like I said, I came here for a little visit. This city is welcome for everyone." She said.

" and to my surprise finding you here not only with your family, but I also heard you became a dad, so I just had to see for myself." She said and Hayley glared at her." so what, you've been spying on us or something?" Hayley asked.

" yes and no I had to get most of the information from one of your local vampires, werewolf, and witch and let me tell you, they all have different perspective of you guys." she told them.

" don't tell me you been feeding off of them as well. I swear if you lay one hand on the werewolves, you're gonna be answering to me." Hayley told her." Oh, don't worry supernaturals aren't really my style. I mostly feed off of humans." She said." feeding off of supernatural. It's just a bonus.

" now, if you excuse me, I need to go look for a house." she said and before you know it, she was gone.

" I cannot believe that is your ex girlfriend." Hayley said." I had the worst taste back then." he said, and she chuckled." I mean you have good taste in looks but her attitude is a whole different story." Hayley said.

" we better go home until the family of our new arrival." she said, before speeding down off the rooftops, and he followed her back home.


" you're saying Brooke is in town." Kol said." wait who is Brooke?" Davina asked." she was Jacob's ex girlfriend, who by the way is a succubus." He told them." wait as in a sex demon." Caroline said and they nodded." you dated a sex demon!" She yelled.

" why is she here? What does she want?" Freya asked." we don't know, but she sure knows who we are. She's the one who's been killing all those men in the street. She said she has been feeding on them." Hayley said.

" wait succubus kills people after they feed." Davina asked. No, they don't really kill when they feed on people. Brooke was just doing this for fun. She knew I would recognize those kills." He said.

" let's just hope she doesn't have any interest in you. If she does, Hayley is going to have to compete with her." Kol said." Hayley is not doing any of that. Brooke is my past, Hayley is my future." Jacob said.

" so what are we gonna do about her?" Caroline asked." well, for starters, we can't mess with her until we know for certain what she wants." Jacob said." so we just sit here and pray that she doesn't kill an innocent victim." Hayley said.

" oh, no, we will stop her of that. Knowing brooke she always has a reason for doing something. There's no way out of every state in the world she would come here where we live." He said." let's just pray she doesn't do anything worse.

𝗢𝘂𝗿 𝗢𝘄𝗻 𝗢𝗿𝗶𝗴𝗶𝗻𝗮𝗹 | 𝘏𝘢𝘺𝘭𝘦𝘺 𝘔𝘢𝘳𝘴𝘩𝘢𝘭𝘭Where stories live. Discover now