{83} 𝘈𝘭𝘸𝘢𝘺𝘴 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘍𝘰𝘳𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳

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𝗠𝗮𝗿𝗰𝗵 𝟲, 𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟴

Elijah and klaus were still in the woods in Mystic Falls

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Elijah and klaus were still in the woods in Mystic Falls. Elijah looked at his brother.

" Niklaus. Don't." Elijah said as Klaus aimed the White Oak Stake at his heart, preparing to kill himself.

" Put it down."Elijah told him strictly." Walk away, Elijah." Klaus told him. "You shouldn't be here." He told his brother.

"Put it down and let's talk." Eljah replied." There's nothing left to say." Klaus said. "It's time to end this chapter. Get rid of this dark magic once and for all. "
Hope woke up. "Dad?" Klaus looked at his daughter.

"What's going on here?" She asked coming out.

Klaus looked at Elijah.

" Get her out of here." He said him." Your death is not the answer." Elijah said, shaking her head.

"Death?" Hope repeated. "What....what are you talking about?" Her eyes went wide in realization.

"They put it into you. But you told me that they put it into something safe and....and instead, you used my first transition to trick me. That's why you wasn't there, So what happens? You just kill yourself and the magic goes away." She said angrily.

Klaus looked down, not answering. Hope looked at Elijah.

" And you're gonna let him go through with this?" She asked staring at Elijah." I don't need his permission to save your life." Klaus said.

"Come back with me to massachusetts, Niklaus." Elijah pleaded. "We'll find another way." He told him.

"We both know that's not gonna happen," Klaus told him. He looked at his daughter. "I'm sorry, Hope. I've made my decision." He said and was about to shove the white oak in his chest when.

"And I've made mine." Hope said, clenching her fist as she magically knocked his father unconscious.

Elijah looked at Hope, shocked. "I'm not losing anyone else." She said.



Klaus walked closer to Hope as he stare at her.

Hope, please. Scream, yell, break something, if you have to. Just don't look at me like that." He told her as Hope shook her head.

" This isn't right." She told him." A father protecting his daughter, I'd say that's exactly right." Klaus told her.

"Elijah was willing to take the curse completely."
Hope told him." And what kind of father allows another man to die for his child?" Klaus asked.

"The kind that love them." Hope answered.

"I love you." Klaus said as he looked at Hope. "I love you. It's the way of the world. Children bury their parents. It happens every day, every hour." Hope looked at him. "It's a truth this family has avoided at a cost." He told her.

" you mean like how you promise to be there on my first transition. Uncle Jake was the only one there for me." Hope said and he sighs.

" in order to save your life I had to sacrifice, Hope that's all I have done for thousands of years." he told her.

" uncle Jake has made sacrifices, but has always made through with his promises." She said." stop comparing me to him. That's all everyone has ever done. It's obvious my own daughter favors him, so why should I even be here." He said and she looks at him.

" sorry." He said as the Hollow's voices took over." I have to do this hope." He said and looks down.

"Yeah, well, I just got you back." Hope told him." So, why does it have to be today?" She asked him.

Klaus sighed, looking up. Hope looked at Klaus, crying." I can't lose anyone else." She told him.

" and you're not, before I leave I will make sure you won't be alone." He said before leaving.

Hope clenched her fist as she watched her dad leave the room.


Jacob sat on a bench in a park in Massachusetts, Salem. He turns when he saw Klaus walking up to him and sitting down.

" so is it true?" Jacob asked and klaus looked at him." you're dying today." He said and Klaus looked down and smiled sadly.

" never thought I would see the day, Klaus Mikaelson wanting to die." He said before looking at him." well when you're willing to do it for your child. it's worth it." Klaus said.

" the reason why I asked you to come here is because I need a really big favor before I go." Klaus said as Jacob sat still.

" please take Hope in as your own." he said, and Jacob stared at him." what about the rest of the family?" He asked." you're the only one who can understand her Jacob, we are one in the same and you have kids who are just like her and she will need guidance that my family cannot provide for her." Klaus told him.

" ever since she came to that school all I've heard that come out of her mouth is what you did for her. She loves you. She favors you as your favorite uncle. Just earlier today she comparing me to you. I know that you will be more of a father to her than I will ever be." Klaus said and Jacob shook his head.

" don't say that, for what I seen, you have been a father to her." He said as tears slowly fell from his eyes." I was barely in her life, I missed 13 years of her life. The only time I ever got to know her was only a few weeks before I disappeared." Klaus said.

" your family can teach her every part of herself for when she becomes a werewolf, a vampire, and a witch. You was there for her when she triggered her curse and went through her first transition. I want you to be there for when she dies and become a vampire." Klaus said and looked at him.

" you really had thought this through." Jacob asked." I have, I'm leaving her in good hands brother." Klaus said before standing up." I better get this over with before something change my mind." Klaus said and Jacob nodded standing up.

" always, and forever brother." Klaus said staring at him. Jacob smiled before hugging his brother tightly." always and forever.

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