{18} 𝘖𝘭𝘥 𝘌𝘯𝘦𝘮𝘺

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𝗔𝗽𝗿𝗶𝗹 𝟯𝟬, 𝟮𝟬𝟭𝟭

Davina woke up to see herself chained to a wall, she looked around to see that she was in a very old house

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Davina woke up to see herself chained to a wall, she looked around to see that she was in a very old house. She looked to see her PJs ripped and sighs This was her favorite PJ. Someone came into the room and she looked at them.

" well hello there." they said smirking as Davina backed up." Who are you." She ask." oh, I am just someone who's going to make Jacob Mikaelson's pay for his crimes." the man said, as Davina looked at him." what are you talking about? why bring me into this?" Davina ask." well one you were the only one I could get you, but the other one in the house. I could sense very powerful magic on her but you, you are out of control of yours." He said smiling." Let me go." She said to him.

I will, once I get rid of Jacob." The man said before leaving." No no wait." Davina called out, but the man was gone.



Jacob yelled to one of the witches, holding their throat. A few hours ago Jacob learned that Davina went missing when Freya called him saying she was missing. Freya had went to check on davina only to find her bed empty and the window was wide-open.

" I don't know what you're talking about." The witch said." you know exactly who I'm talking about. Where is Davina?" He said and they looked at him." you mean Davina is not with you." They said, Jacob saw what they were doing before snapping the witches neck. He knew they were going to try and use magic to find her now that she was unprotected.

" Marcel, we need to find her." Jacob said, as he went into the house." I got vampires scouting all over the city looking for her." Marcel said." Freya can you do a locator spell to find her." Jacob ask and she nods before leaving to go get an item from davina's room. Hayley walked up to Jacob, holding his arm." we are going to find her." Hayley said and he nods.

Freya came back with a hairbrush from davina's room she pull the string of hair from it before putting it on the map.

" are you guys ready?" she ask and they nod." Phasmatos tribum, nas ex viras sequita saguines ementas asten mihan ega petous." She chant closing her eyes, after she was done she open them to look at Jacob." do you know where she is?" He ask and she nods." She's in Gretna." Freya said and Jacob was already out the door.


Davina tried to use her magic to break the chains, but it was pointless. The chains were enchanted to prevent her from doing magic. Who were these people? and what is it that Jacob did to piss them off so much.

Davina decided to use her lesson that hayley taught her on how to pick a lock. she grabbed a sharp object by the window before picking the lock.

She heard the man coming back, She managed to break the lock before opening the window and jumping out, and took off running. The man came in the room to see an empty. He growled before heading outside. Davina ran through the trees trying to get away. She didn't get far when the man pushed her into a tree, breaking her ribs, she fell down to the ground trying to breathe.

" sorry sweetheart, but I can't have you running off." He said, he was about to grab her when he was slammed into a tree. Davina open her eyes to see Jacob standing there." it's gonna be okay Davina." He said and she sighs in relief.

"you know Benjamin, It wasn't smart to go after her." Jacob said to an old enemy of his." why I mean you did went after someone I love." Benjamin said glaring at him." For the last time I had no choice they were trying to kill Caroline." Jacob said, looking at him." I mean it was her fault for running away with our jewelry. My brother was just simply trying to get it back and you killed him for it." he said." if I'm correct, your brother dropped it, Caroline found it." Jacob said.

" she should've kept her hands to herself and gone about her business." Benjamin said before attacking Jacob, the fight only lasted for about 10 minutes when Jacob grabbed a hold of his heart and ripped it out of his chest. Benjamin looked at him, coughing up blood slowly desiccating." I showed you mercy I let you live, but you just had to come back and attack someone else that I care about. Now you and your brother can finally reunite." Jacob said and the man fell to the ground fully desiccated.

Jacob ran to Davina, biting his wrist giving her blood. Davina coughed it up, slowly healing.

" you came." She said and smiles weakly." Hey, save your strength to when we get home." He said before picking her up and taking her home.

When they got home, Freya took Davina up to get her bath started. Jacob poured himself a cup of bourbon before swallowing it hole. Hayley looked at him before sitting next to a chair in front of him.

" so did you know who took her?" She ask and he nodded." an old enemy of mine in the past." He said setting the cup down." I'm surprised you have enemies since you're supposed to be the nice Mikaelson." She said and smirks." only when I have to protect the ones I love." He said and she looked at him." what happened?" She ask." when Caroline was still human, she got into some trouble. The enemy of mine, had a brother. He attacked her and I killed him. The one who took Davina wanted revenge so I killed him to." Jacob said and she rubbed his arm." you did what you have to do to keep Davina and Caroline save." She said and he nods.

Davina was now laying in her bed, while Freya was sitting on the edge of the bed.

" I couldn't even use my magic to save myself." Davina said before covering her face." hey from what you told me those chains had kept you from doing magic. If it wasn't for Hayley teaching you how to crack a lock I don't know what would've happened." She said, cheering the young witch up." I have all these powers from the harvest ritual, and I don't even know how to control it." Davina said." Hey now that I'm here, would you consider on me teaching you how to defend yourself?" Freya ask and Davina looked at her." would you consider teaching me." Davina ask and Freya nods." now get some rest. We're all here if you need us." Freya said and she nodded. Freya close the door, and Davina looked out the window before falling asleep.

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