{40} 𝘊𝘦𝘭𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘦

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𝗢𝗰𝘁𝗼𝗯𝗲𝗿 𝟮𝟵, 𝟮𝟬𝟭𝟭

𝗧𝗛𝗥𝗘𝗘 𝗗𝗔𝗬𝗦 since Kol and Caroline left town with the twins

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𝗧𝗛𝗥𝗘𝗘 𝗗𝗔𝗬𝗦 since Kol and Caroline left town with the twins. So far Hayley has been avoiding Jacob ever since, not wanting to deal with him or his rash decisions. Meanwhile, Jacob was busy with Freya trying to find Celeste. The night when the twins left, Freya told Jacob of the woman that Davina Drew, and he knew exactly who it was....Elijah's ex lover.

" how are we supposed to find a woman who's been dead for centuries?" Jacob said." I don't know." Freya said honestly." we need to think of something to bring davina back." Jacob said looking around the room for any clues." why not just slaughter the witches until you find the right one." they both turn around to see Hayley standing at the door.

" what." He said but she ignored him and looked at Freya." why not just kill them." Hayley said." I don't know, we'll be starting a war if we do that." Freya." all right then use your locator spell to find her." Hayley said." I would need something of hers...which I don't.." she said looking at her." you don't, but there is someone who might.... Elijah." She said and they looked at her." think about it. If she was his ex lover, he could have some thing of hers." Hayley said and their eyes widened." the fact that we could've thought of this sooner." Jacob said to himself." Thanks Hayley, I better go talk to my brother." Jacob said, he was about to leave when Hayley stopped him.

" I'm coming with you." she said simply." Hayley it's too dangerous for a werewolf." he told her." just like it was dangerous for our children here." She said and he sighs." Hayley look I apologize a million times to you, right now there is one daughter who needs my help. And I need to be focus." Jacob told her." great you'll never know I was here.." Hayley said, he sighs before leaving with Hayley following.


The two managed to make it to the quarter before walking in the building where they saw Klaus, Elijah and Marcel talking.

" well, what do I owe the visit?" Klaus asked smirking at them." enough with the bullshit klaus, we are here for Elijah." Hayley said straight to the point." and what is it that you need from me?" Elijah asked staring at them." we need an object that belong to your ex girlfriend Celeste." Hayley said, Elijah looked at her before grabbing her by the throat and pending her to a wall.

" what do you know about her?" Elijah said in a dangerous tone, Jacob pushed Elijah off of her and he fell to the ground." only that she might be the reason my child is dead.." Jacob said." what are you talking about?" Marcel asked standing up out of his chair.." it turns out this entire time. Davina has been drawing pictures of your dear lover celeste. we think she is the reason Davina is still dead, and didn't come back." Jacob said.

" Celeste been dead for centuries, why would she be connected to Davina?" Elijah asked." I don't know that's why we're going to find her, we believe she took the Davina place." He said, Elijah looked at them before speeding away and soon coming back with a necklace." this belong to her.." he said, tossing it to Jacob.

" thank you, this will do well." Jacob said looking at the necklace.." what are you gonna do to her if she is alive." Elijah ask." we're going to kill her, of course." Hayley said before walking away." what's wrong with her?" Klaus said as they watch Hayley leave." me and her had a fight a few days ago and she's avoiding me." Jacob simply said." wow this is the first time in my own eyes have you done something wrong brother." Klaus said and smirked.

" wipe that smirk off your face klaus, what I did was in the name of family." Jacob said before turning away and leaving. When Jacob got home, he realize Hayley didn't make it back and thought she just needed to cool off. He handed the necklace to Freya.

" Will this do." He asked and she nodded." this will do perfect." She said before getting to spell ready. She slowly started chanting while holding the necklace before opening her eyes and looking at her brother." did you find her?" He asked." she's in the woods." Freya said, and before you know it, Jacob speed away.

when Jacob got there, he saw a woman standing there, looking out. The way she held her self, he knew she was Celeste.

" hello Celeste." He said and she turned around to look at him." Jacob Mikaelson." She said and smiled." in the flesh." He said slowly walking up to her." if you're here to kill me to bring back your precious davina, it's not gonna happen." She told him." you think a little threat of yours will stop me." Jacob told her and she thinks about it.

" probably not but maybe I can give you a little motivation." She said, and before you know it, she used to spell, and someone appeared tied to a tree. Jacob looked at the person and his eyes widened. HAYLEY.

She was covered in her own blood, half of her clothes ripped, and it look like she was trying to break free, but was exhausted.

" what did you do to her?" Jacob said angrily looking at her.." oh, I didn't do anything, it was all her. I told her to calm down...she didn't so I made her calm down." Celeste said." you are so dead.." Jacob said, he was about to attack her when she brings him to his knees. He held his head out in pain as she was boiling his veins.

" Jacob." Hayley said slowly waking up to see him trying to fight that." No no let him go." Hayley said despite her injury, she tried to break free but couldn't." why Hayley....last time I checked you two are fighting, so why do you even give a damn about him? And don't say it's because he's the father of your child, I'm sure your kids can live without a dad.." she told the wolf." No please, even though we're fighting I still love him.....I grew up without a family. What makes you think I would allow my children to do the same" Hayley told her angrily.

" that was touching.....too bad I don't give a damn." She said and smiled. While she was busy, Jacob took the time to resist the pain before grabbing Celeste by her arm. She was about to use a spell to push him off when he grabbed her heart pulling it out.

Jacob fell down to the ground happy to finally not feel pain anymore. He slowly got up before ripping the chains that was holding Hayley. She fell down to the ground into his arms.

" are you okay?" She asked looking at him." I'm fine." He said, she looked at him before kissing him on the lips tightly." please don't ever do that again. Even though I may be mad at you, I still love you." She told him." I just wanted to do what was right for our kids." He told her." I know and I'm sorry, when push comes to shove we would do anything for them." She said and he smiled.

" we better get home there's a high chance someone could be waiting for us." He told her as he picked her up and carried her away out in the night to their home.

Out in a graveyard, there was movement in a box. Soon, someone was screaming for them to be let out, but they couldn't be heard. Soon dirt ripped open and a girl came out and it was Davina Mikaelson.

" Help, somebody HELP." Davina screamed out into the night as she was trying to figure out where she was. When she did, she's slowly got out of the cemetery before trying to make her way back home. She finally made it home exhausted, she banged on the door hoping someone would hear her. She fell to the ground couldn't take the tiredness, as soon as she closed her eyes someone open the door and called out her name and before you know it, it was complete darkness for her.

𝗢𝘂𝗿 𝗢𝘄𝗻 𝗢𝗿𝗶𝗴𝗶𝗻𝗮𝗹 | 𝘏𝘢𝘺𝘭𝘦𝘺 𝘔𝘢𝘳𝘴𝘩𝘢𝘭𝘭Where stories live. Discover now