{84} 𝘏𝘢𝘳𝘥 𝘵𝘰 𝘍𝘰𝘳𝘨𝘪𝘷𝘦

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𝗠𝗮𝗿𝗰𝗵 𝟲, 𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟴

Hope sat in her room painting, a picture of her cousin Olivia's wedding, but adding her mom to it

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Hope sat in her room painting, a picture of her cousin Olivia's wedding, but adding her mom to it. it just had been confirmed that her father had died along with her uncle Elijah, who decided to join him.

Hope put her hand over her mother's painted face.

She felt a small presence behind her and turn around to see nothing. Hope smiled sadly as she looks up to see her uncle Jacob coming in.

"Hey sweet pea." He said slowly coming into her room. She smiled a little." What are you doing here?" She asked.

"Well, before your dad passed, he wanted me to take care of you while he was gone." Jacob told her as he went into her closet to pull the suitcase out.

"Get packing, your heading towards Mystic Falls." He said and she nods.

Hope grabbed the things that she want it before putting it in her suitcase. She smiled at her family's picture before stuffing it in her suitcase, heading downstairs. She said goodbye to her family who was still in town.

She held her necklace that was given to her mother while watching her uncle put her suitcase in the truck closing it. Hope got in the backseat as Jacob got in the driver seat.

They made sure they got everything before driving off to Mystic Falls. Once they reach the sign leaving Massachusetts, Hope closed her eyes and fell asleep.



Hope woke up to see herself in an unfamiliar bed. she slowly got up and looked out the window to see that she was in Mystic Falls.

She opened her door and slowly went downstairs to see her family all gathered in the living room.

" good morning Hope, how are you doing?" Hayley asked and Hope slightly smiled." I'm good, never been better." Hope said as she sat at the table.

Jacob put a plate of food in front of her on the table.

Hope grabbed her spoon and started eating her eggs. She heard knocking on the door before someone opened it.

She looked up to see the rest of the family coming in. Freya, Lizzie, Josie, Caroline and Kol.

" what's going on?" Hope asked and turns to Jacob." every Tuesday we always have a family breakfast before going on our day." Jacob told her and she nods.

" Bay, what did I tell you about being messy?" Jacob told his 12-year-old son, who had made a mess on the table and had food all over his face.

" sorry dad." Bay said, before going in the kitchen, getting a rag to clean up the mess." what is she doing here?" Lizzie asked coming into the dining room. Hope just rolled her eyes and continue eating.

"Lizzie don't be rude, she staying with them." Caroline told her as Lizzie rolled her eyes." Good morning Hope." Freya told her and Hope smiled." Morning aunt Freya." Hope said as she slowly finished up her food.

" all right so I'm going to make a call to the other family, the funeral should be in a few days." Hayley told them before walking away.

" Hope, did you decide on going to the funeral or not?" Jacob asked her and she looked at him." I'm going, I want to get a chance to have a proper goodbye." She told him and he nodded.

Once Hope was finished with her breakfast, she got up and was about to head to her room when she looked outside in the backyard to see Andrea sitting there. She decided to go out there and talk to her.

"Andrea, can we talk?" Hope asked looking at her." and why, so we can go down like the last one." she said, not bothering to look at hope." I do not want our relationship to go down the drain just because of a boy." Hope told her and Andrea got up and looked at her.

"What relationship did we even have hope?" Andrea asked and Hope looked at her."I have loved Roman way before you even got to the school and you just took him for me." Andrea told her angrily.

" hey, if I would've known you had a crush on him, I would've gladly backed off, but I didn't. And besides, why should we care about him, he got my mom killed." Hope told her.

"You know what Hope, have you ever stop to think maybe you are the reason why your mother is dead."Andrea told her before continuing.

"You put your mother to sleep and left her defenseless, all because you wanted to have your dear daddy back in town. Yeah, I know all about what went down." Andrea said and Hope looked at her.

" look I know you're hurting, and I know you hate me right now, but do not bring my mother into this." Hope told her." you're the one who mentioned her." Andrea said.

" you do not want to do this Andrea I'm stronger than you." Hope told her and Andrea smiled." for now you are, but let's get one thing straight. I am older than you. so I suggest you don't making threats on a battle. You can't win." Andrea said and soon Jacob came in between them.

" what the hell is going on?" He asked, looking at the both of them." why don't you ask princess over here." Andrea told him." go to your mother please, she'll handle you." He said and she rolled her eyes before going back into the house. He turns to Hope and she sighs.

" I just wanted to talk to her, to make things right between us but she still doesn't forgive me." Hope said and he looked at her." I understand, but maybe give her time and give her space, even though it's been weeks." He said.

" but that doesn't mean to give up. You guys are Mikaelsons, we have a way on forgiving each other." He told her and she nodded.

" now, how about this? you help me with the funeral with your uncle and dad okay." He said and she nodded. He smiled before taking her back into the house to help with the funeral ideas.

𝗢𝘂𝗿 𝗢𝘄𝗻 𝗢𝗿𝗶𝗴𝗶𝗻𝗮𝗹 | 𝘏𝘢𝘺𝘭𝘦𝘺 𝘔𝘢𝘳𝘴𝘩𝘢𝘭𝘭Where stories live. Discover now