Chapter 13

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"I am not antisocial
I just can't stand people"


Throughout the summer, Clarissa was inundated with letters from her friends, discussing their plans for the upcoming school year. Clarissa and Draco corresponded frequently, strategizing on how to deal with the golden trio upon their return to Hogwarts. Draco was excited to finally join the Slytherin quidditch team, and had announced that his father would gift them all with the new nimbus 2001 brooms, which were sleek and said to be the fastest brooms on the market. Clarissa eagerly anticipated the golden trio's reaction when they found out.

Meanwhile, Blaise was largely absent due to his mother's busy schedule, throwing lavish parties and recently marrying again. Clarissa found Mrs. Zabini to be intriguing, given the countless rumors surrounding her life. One of the most popular theories was that she had murdered all of her lovers, thus amassing her wealth. Others suggested that she had spurned a dark wizard, which led to her doomed love life. These theories were purely speculative, however, and there was no concrete evidence to support any of them.

Theo was preoccupied with his mother's deteriorating health. She suffered from frequent coughing fits and appeared frail and emaciated. Theo was deeply concerned, as his mother was the only one who kept the peace in their family, given his tumultuous relationship with his father and Mr. Nott's frequent business travels. Some nights, she would cry out in pain, and Theo was forced to take care of her since his father was often absent. He confided in Clarissa that he was uncertain whether he would even be able to attend Hogwarts this year.

In contrast, Daphne enjoyed an incredible summer, traveling to various countries like France, the United States, Sweden, and Denmark with her family. Clarissa received countless photos and souvenirs, and was thrilled that at least two of her friends had a great holiday.

Unfortunately, Clarissa's summer was packed with social events, as her parents aimed to promote their family's name. Clarissa found the whole ordeal to be a waste of time, as their family was already well-known in the wizarding world. Nevertheless, her mother insisted on styling her in a black, puffy ball gown, accessorized with a gold necklace gifted by Draco during the holidays.


The social events that Clarissa's parents always attended were a monotonous affair of endless gossip and business deals. She couldn't bear to stay cooped up inside anymore, so she made a break for the garden, where she could find some peace and solitude. The fresh air and the beauty of her family's dark rose garden provided a much-needed respite from the tedium of socializing.

As she sat on her favourite bench, Clarissa let out a deep sigh and took in the calming scenery around her. The garden was a serene haven that always seemed to make her forget about the world outside of it. But just as she was settling into her thoughts, she heard a familiar voice behind her.

"A lady shouldn't leave when her family has guests over." said the voice.

Startled, Clarissa turned around to see Draco, standing tall and handsome in front of her.

"Draco! When did you arrive here?" she exclaimed, surprised to see her friend at the social gathering.

"About 10 minutes ago. You know your mother was looking for you, since she wanted to introduce you to some guests." he replied.

"I know, but don't you ever get tired of these social events. It's always the same, business deals and gossips. Don't you ever sometimes wish things were different?" she sighed, expressing her exasperation with the tediousness of the gathering.

"Clarissa, what do you expect? We are purebloods and Slytherins, our families have the purest blood of them all and they've been in Slytherin for many generations. So of course our families are going to have so many social events and businesses." Draco explained, with a hint of resignation in his voice. "Before I forget, I've brought you a gift."

"Draco Lucius Malfoy, how many times are you going to gift me things? I truly can't accept this. It's rude to accept such a thing without giving something back. This is really quite shameless of me, if I accept this." Clarissa reasoned, feeling uneasy about the gift.

"Don't talk like that, a lady like you should always be gifted with many gifts." interrupted Draco. "Also, it's not just from me, but it's also from Mother. Now open it!"

Despite her reluctance, Clarissa untied the emerald green ribbon and slowly opened the box. Inside, she found a stunning gem bracelet, intricately crafted and gleaming in the moonlight. It was a truly exquisite piece of jewelry that took her breath away.

Clarissa's heart swelled with gratitude and a tinge of guilt as she admired the stunning gem bracelet on her wrist

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Clarissa's heart swelled with gratitude and a tinge of guilt as she admired the stunning gem bracelet on her wrist. It was a precious gift, the kind she knew she could never repay. "Draco, this is too much," she said, her voice betraying her unease. "I haven't even gotten anything for you."

Draco waved off her protestations with a nonchalant gesture. "Don't be ridiculous, Clarissa. You don't need to give me anything when you've been my best friend since birth. Without you, I would be an absolute mess."

She couldn't help but smile at his words. They had grown up together, and she knew him better than anyone else in the world. Despite his haughty demeanor and his family's reputation, Clarissa saw through his tough exterior to the kind, loyal friend beneath.

"If you really insist, then," she relented, her eyes flickering with gratitude.

"Of course, my lady," Draco said, a hint of teasing in his voice. He took the bracelet from the box and carefully unhooked it, clasping it around her delicate wrist. As he worked, Clarissa felt a shiver run down her spine, as if his touch held a secret power. She looked up to meet his gaze, and for a moment, they held each other's eyes. Draco's expression was unreadable, but she could sense a tenderness there that made her heart skip a beat.

The stars twinkled in the sky above them, illuminating the garden with a soft glow. For a moment, Clarissa forgot about the stuffy party inside and the obligations that awaited her there. All that mattered was the warmth of Draco's touch and the bond they shared.

As he finished fastening the bracelet, Draco couldn't help but hope that one day, Clarissa would notice his affections for her. But for now, he was content to bask in the warmth of her friendship and the promise of a new year at Hogwarts.


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