Chapter 46

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"Sarcasm -
The ability to insult
idiots without them
realising it."


The atmosphere in Herbology with the Ravenclaws was insufferable. They were like a group of Grangers, but without the strong-willed determination that made Hermione both annoying and abominable. After the class, Draco made his way to the Great Hall, where dinner was already being served. He had a copy of the Daily Prophet in his hand, and a devious smile on his face.

"Hey, Weasel!" Draco called out, loud enough for the entire hall to hear. "Your dad's in the Daily Prophet!"

Ron's head shot up, his expression wary. He made his way over to Draco's table, where the Slytherin was waving the newspaper around.

"'Further Mistakes at the Ministry of Magic,'" Draco read, his voice dripping with satisfaction. "It seems like your dad's in some trouble again, Weasel."

Ron snatched the paper out of Draco's hand, his face reddening with anger as he read the article.

"What the hell?" he muttered, his eyes scanning the page. "This is just... ridiculous. Dad was helping Mad-Eye. He didn't do anything wrong."

Draco smirked, watching as Ron's anger grew. The Daily Prophet was notorious for its sensationalist reporting, and he knew that this was just another example of their biased journalism.

"You really believe that?" he asked, raising an eyebrow. "Maybe your dad's just as much of a troublemaker as you are, Weasel."

Ron glared at him, then crumpled up the newspaper and threw it back in Draco's face.

"At least my dad's not a Death Eater," he spat. "And at least he's not a pathetic excuse for a wizard like your father."

Clarissa made her grand entrance into the Great Hall with an air of triumph, her ferret perched on her shoulder like a sinister accessory. She addressed the group with a tone of finality, "As I previously stated, the Ministry of Magic has confirmed that Lucius Malfoy was indeed innocent and was placed under the imperius curse."

Ron scowled at Clarissa, his face contorted in anger. "You're just defending them and your family's honor because they were caught supporting the Dark Lord," he retorted, his voice laced with venom.

Clarissa's smirk grew wider as she let out a low, throaty laugh. "Oh, Weasel, you really are quite simple-minded, aren't you?" she taunted, her eyes glittering with amusement. "My family needs no defense, for the truth speaks for itself. The Ministry has confirmed that my father and the malfoys were under the imperius curse, and that is all that needs to be said."

With a flick of her wrist, Clarissa's ferret scurried down her arm and onto the table, where it proceeded to sniff at the plates of food. She paid it no mind, her attention fixed solely on Ron. "As for your own family, well..." she trailed off, a look of disgust crossing her features. "Let's just say that being a blood traitor is hardly something to be proud of."

Ron's face turned a deep shade of red as he lunged forward, his fists clenched. "You take that back, you filthy little-"

But before he could finish his sentence, Clarissa was already on her feet, her wand outstretched and glowing with a dangerous light. "You would do well to watch your tongue, Weasel," she warned, her voice cold and steely.

Draco's smirk widened as he watched Ron's face contort with rage. The Slytherin prince knew exactly which buttons to push to get under the Gryffindor's skin. He had been practicing the art of verbal sparring since he was a child, and he was very good at it.

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