Chapter 4

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"Bravery is by far
the kindest word
for stupidity, don't you think?"


The next day, Clarissa and Daphne were scheduled for their first flying lesson. Clarissa wasn't particularly looking forward to it, and neither was Daphne. As girls, they were taught to behave like proper ladies, and their mothers had never allowed them to ride brooms. It was considered improper for girls to engage in such activities, and it was deemed more appropriate for boys.

Even when their fathers attempted to teach them, their mothers would step in to prevent it. However, the first years were required to take flying lessons, and so Clarissa and Daphne had no choice but to participate.

The boys, on the other hand, were ecstatic about the lesson. They had been eager to join the Hogwarts Quidditch team, and this lesson would bring them one step closer to achieving their dreams. Unfortunately, they had to share the lesson with their rivals, the Gryffindors.

The Gryffindors were not thrilled either. They had already had a difficult experience with the Slytherins the day before, and they weren't looking forward to any more conflicts.

During their break time, Draco's eagle owl swooped in carrying a stash of lollies and sweets. Clarissa was delighted to receive a letter from Mrs. Malfoy. Her mother had sent her some new decorative samples and some classical books to read. Neville Longbottom, on the other hand, had just received a Remembrall, which caught everyone's attention.

Clarissa and Draco were sitting at the Slytherin table in the Great Hall when Clarissa noticed Neville Longbottom with a small, glowing ball in his hand. "Draco, look at that. Does that Longbottom kid have a remembrall?" she asked him, amused.

Draco turned his head to see what Clarissa was talking about. "Why, it is. Hey Claire, look at me," he said, getting up from his seat and strutting over to Neville at the Gryffindor table. In a swift move, he snatched the remembrall from Neville's hand. Clarissa watched as Ron and Harry tensed up, ready to fight. She couldn't help but scoff at the sight. Harry barely knew any spells and honestly thought he could beat Draco? The same went for Ron.

Just as they were about to come to blows, Professor McGonagall appeared and put an end to the commotion. Clarissa had always been a little scared of McGonagall's ability to sense trouble from a mile away. "What's going on?" she demanded.

"Malfoy's got my remembrall, Professor," Neville explained.

"Professor, I was just looking at the remembrall. Since the details on the remembrall are so unique and caught my attention, I've never seen anything like it before," Draco lied smoothly. He quickly returned the remembrall to Neville before McGonagall could punish him further.

Draco made his way back to the Slytherin table and sat down next to Clarissa. "Well, that was entertaining, except McGonagall had to stop the fun as usual," she laughed.

"Oh, shut up!" Draco yelled in response.

"Aww, is Malfoy sad that he got caught?" Clarissa teased with a mockingly pitiful tone.

"Oh, shut it!" Draco playfully snapped.

"Aww, you're no fun," Clarissa pouted.

"Hey, you know what we have next?" Draco said with a snigger, determined to ruin Clarissa's day after she mocked him for his failed attempt at stealing Neville's remembrall.

"What?" she asked innocently, pretending not to know.

"Flying," Draco snickered.

"Draco, why did you have to remind me? You're so mean," she whined. 

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