Chapter 45

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"I want my life back.
I want myself back."


The air was thick with anticipation at Hogwarts as students eagerly speculated about the upcoming Triwizard Tournament. Who would compete? Who would win? Such questions were on the lips of every student, from the youngest first year to the oldest seventh year.

Most believed it was a foregone conclusion that Gryffindor would be the chosen house, their brave and adventurous spirit seemingly tailor-made for such an event. However, there were rumors circulating that the clever twins Fred and George Weasley, along with their friend Lee Jordan, had concocted an aging potion to sneak themselves into the tournament.

But for Clarissa, the most exciting aspect of the upcoming event was not the tournament itself, but the Yule Ball. This was no ordinary social event, but a grand affair steeped in tradition and filled with excitement.

Monday had dawned in the Hogwarts castle and with it came a new day of classes for Clarissa. Her day was packed with Care of Magical Creatures, Transfiguration with the Hufflepuffs, Herbology with Ravenclaw, and Astronomy. While she was occupied with her studies, the owls were busy delivering packages and mail to the students, dropping them off at their tables.

Clarissa's ferret, Draco, was causing a commotion as he played with the letter that had been delivered to her, drooling all over it. While she was somewhat grossed out, Clarissa found it amusing to have her furry friend around.

"Seriously love, you're bringing the ferret to class?" Draco scoffed, eyeing Clarissa with a look of disapproval.

"Ignore him," Clarissa said, giving her ferret a pat on the head. "He just knows that he isn't as cute as you."

"I heard that," Draco said, and Clarissa couldn't help but laugh at the indignation in his voice.

But her amusement soon turned to quietness as she noticed one letter that stood out from the rest. It was from Theo. She could feel a sense of apprehension growing inside her as she opened the letter and began to read.

"My dearest friends," began Theodore's letter, written with an air of formality and composure that belied the heavy heart that surely must have been behind it. "I hope this letter finds you all in good health and spirits, and that your summer was a time of joy and contentment, as it was for me, despite the events that have transpired."

"I am sorry to inform you that my mother has passed away," the letter continued, the words stark and simple on the page. "It is a blow that has left me reeling, and I am struggling to come to terms with the enormity of it all. The rumours you have undoubtedly heard are true: I will not be returning to Hogwarts this year, as my father has decided that I must contribute to the family business."

"I write to you now not to ask for sympathy or comfort, though I know you would offer it if you could. Rather, I write to say goodbye, for now at least, and to thank you for the friendship and support that you have given me. It has meant more to me than I can express, and I will always treasure the memories of our time at Hogwarts together. I wish you all the best in the coming year, and I hope that we will meet again soon, under happier circumstances."

The atmosphere in the room became suffocatingly still. The tragic news had hit them all like a ton of bricks, and the weight of the situation was palpable. Daphne couldn't bear the silence any longer and bolted towards the common room, tears streaming down her face. Without hesitation, Blaise followed after her, determined to be a source of support for his friend.

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