Chapter 39

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"She wore a smile like a loaded gun."


The tension in the air was palpable as the verdict was delivered. Buckbeak, the once majestic hippogriff, was sentenced to death. The decision had been made, thanks to the efforts of Mr. Malfoy and Mr. White, though there were murmurs of concern about Mr. Malfoy's recent dismissal as school counselor. However, Mr. White's connections with the Ministry and the fact that his own daughter had been injured by Buckbeak seemed to carry more weight in the final decision.

Draco Malfoy, true to his arrogant nature, couldn't resist taunting Hagrid, who was devastated by the verdict. "Look at him blubber!" Draco sneered, his voice dripping with disdain. "Just because that beast has to deal with the consequences of injuring my love."

Ron tried weakly to intervene, attempting to pull Hermione away, but the fiery Gryffindor was not to be deterred. "How dare you call Hagrid pathetic!" Hermione shouted, her voice filled with righteous anger. "You foulsome, evil cockroach!"

Draco was taken aback when Hermione slapped him across the face, a sharp sting spreading across his cheek. He felt blood trickling from his nose, but before he could react, Clarissa approached Hermione and slapped her in return.

"Hey, Granger!" Clarissa spat, her voice icy. "Next time you ever slap Draco in the face, you'll be sorry."

Clarissa pushed Hermione away, adding to the escalating tension among the group.

Crabbe and Goyle trudged off to Transfiguration, while Clarissa and Draco made their way hurriedly to the hospital wing. Draco's nose was bleeding profusely, crimson droplets staining his hand as he tried to staunch the flow. Clarissa was by his side, her expression a mix of concern and annoyance at the situation.

"Draco, you're bleeding a lot," Clarissa said urgently, her voice laced with worry. "We need to get you to Madam Pomfrey quickly."

Draco nodded, his hand still pressed to his nose, trying to stem the bleeding. The pain was sharp, and he felt a throbbing ache in his head. He cursed inwardly, frustrated by the turn of events.

As they reached the hospital wing, Madam Pomfrey rushed over to them with a furrowed brow. She took in Draco's bleeding nose and Clarissa's worried expression in an instant.

"What happened?" Madam Pomfrey asked, her tone stern but compassionate.

"We were in the midst of an altercation," Draco explained, wincing as he tried to speak clearly through the discomfort. "Granger slapped me, and then Clarissa pushed her away. That's when my nose started bleeding."

Madam Pomfrey nodded and gestured for Draco to sit down on one of the beds. She quickly assessed the situation, fetching a clean cloth and helping Draco tilt his head back to slow the bleeding. Clarissa stood by anxiously, her hand on Draco's shoulder for comfort.

As Madam Pomfrey tended to Draco's injury, Draco couldn't help but feel a mix of annoyance and embarrassment. He hated showing any sign of weakness, and having a bleeding nose in front of Clarissa was not how he had envisioned his day. However, he was grateful for her presence and support, realizing that she was the one person he could rely on in this moment of vulnerability.

Time seemed to drag on as they waited for the bleeding to stop. Draco felt a throbbing ache in his nose and head, but he tried to maintain his composure. Madam Pomfrey finally gave him the all-clear, instructing him to rest and avoid any strenuous activities for the rest of the day.

As they left the hospital wing, Draco glanced at Clarissa, grateful for her unwavering support. "Thank you for being there for me," he said softly, his usual arrogant demeanor softened by the ordeal. Clarissa simply nodded, her eyes filled with concern and understanding.

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