Chapter 21

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"We play to win."


The day of the long-awaited Quidditch match between Slytherin and Gryffindor had finally arrived. Excitement filled the air as students and teachers alike streamed into the pitch around eleven in the morning. Clarissa and Blaise made their way to the locker rooms to wish the Slytherin team good luck before the game began. Winning this match would put them one step closer to winning the house cup.

Blaise patted Draco on the back and wished him luck. "Hopefully, you beat them, mate. The Nimbus 2001 is so much faster and more powerful than the old brooms."

Clarissa hugged Draco tightly. "Your father is watching you, so make sure you beat Gryffindor and show everyone that you're more than just a spoiled rich boy."

"Malfoy!" shouted Flint. "It's time to go now!"

Draco quickly ran towards his team, giving his two best friends a quick smirk before taking off on his broom with the rest of the Slytherin team. Clarissa and Blaise made their way back to their seats, eager to watch the match.

This was a new era for Slytherin, and they were determined to come out on top. As Wood and Flint shook hands before the game, their grip was tight and their eyes locked in a silent challenge.

Madame Hooch blew her whistle, signaling the start of the highly anticipated match between Slytherin and Gryffindor. As the players zoomed off on their broomsticks, Lee Jordan couldn't help but shout out in excitement about the new Nimbus 2001 brooms.

Clarissa quickly shot down his accusation that a Slytherin team member had bought their way onto the team. "That's not true, Lee! You can't just denounce the entire Slytherin house like that," she exclaimed.

Jordan shrugged, "I was just curious. Maybe it was Malfoy."

Before the conversation could continue, Professor McGonagall interrupted with a stern reprimand for Jordan's behavior. The focus shifted back to the game, which was shaping up to be a close one. The Slytherins were passing the quaffle between them with ease, scoring several goals already and confident that they would emerge victorious.

Meanwhile, Harry was focused on finding the elusive snitch. Draco, on the other hand, was more interested in showing off his new broom by performing daring moves underneath Harry's soaring figure. "All right there, Scarhead?" he taunted.

Harry shot him a glare before resuming his search for the snitch. But something was off about this match. Harry couldn't shake the feeling that the bludger was acting strangely, almost as if it had been tampered with.

As Harry weaved in and out of the Slytherin players, the bludger relentlessly chased him. Clarissa screamed in horror as Harry flew right above her, her hair flying in all directions. 

Clarissa's voice pierced through the sound of the storm as she screamed Harry's name. Blaise, Daphne, Goyle, and Crabbe struggled to stifle their laughter at her outburst and disheveled appearance.

The weather was growing worse, lightning striking closer and more frequently. There was trouble brewing on the Gryffindor team, and Harry looked pathetically out of place. He could hear the laughter of the crowd, humiliated.

Amid the commotion, Adrian Pucey attempted to pass the Gryffindors.

"Training for the ballet, Potter?" Draco sneered as Harry performed a twirl, almost like a dance. When Harry glared back at him with disgust, he saw it: the golden snitch.

The bludger struck Harry, causing the crowd to gasp in horror. The bludger then aimed for Harry again. Harry had one thought in mind: getting back at Draco. Clarissa and the rest of the Slytherins accused him of trying to sabotage their team.

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