Chapter 14

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"Get your facts first,
then you can distort them as you


Today marked the day that Clarissa and Draco would set out for their Hogwarts supplies. They were both eager for the upcoming school year, filled with mischief and chaos, as long as they didn't get caught.

Clarissa rose early and prepared her outfit, opting to leave her long curls cascading down her back, paired with a white collared shirt, black bow, and black skirt. She made her way down to the dining room where her parents sat at either end.

"Good morning, Father and Mother," Clarissa greeted.

"Good morning, dear," they replied in unison.

"Father, has my letter arrived? So that I can get my books once we arrive at Diagon Alley?" inquired Clarissa.

Joseph chuckled as he handed Clarissa her letter. "It arrived just after you woke up."

Clarissa scanned the list of required books, noticing that most of them were written by a wizard named Gilderoy Lockhart. "Why are most of the books by this Gilderoy Lockhart?" she inquired. "And why do they have such strange titles?"

Isabella gasped. "Surely, you know who Gilderoy Lockhart is, dear. He's the wizard who wrote all of these books. He's been awarded the Order of Merlin and has won Witch Weekly's Most Charming Smile award five times. He's also your new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher."

Joseph snorted. "I think he's a fraud. If his tales are true, then why doesn't he show us his adventures and himself actually doing them? Sounds suspicious to me. You can never trust anyone with a smile like that."

"Joseph, you're just jealous of his fame and admirers," Isabella argued.

Clarissa rolled her eyes and made her way back to her room before the argument escalated any further. She received a letter from her friend Daphne as she sat down.

Clarissa, have you heard? 

The one and only Gilderoy Lockhart is coming to Hogwarts as our new teacher. I can't wait to hear about his adventures, and he has such a brilliant and beautiful smile. When he arrives, I hope to interact with him. Hogwarts is going to be better than ever this year. Can't wait to see everyone when we're back. 

Your friend, Daphne Greengrass

Clarissa couldn't understand the hype surrounding Lockhart. She too thought he was a fraud with an unsettling demeanor. If he was truly as skilled as he claimed, why would he work at Hogwarts, of all places? Surely he would have taken on a more challenging role.

"Clarissa, it's time to go," her mother called.

Clarissa quickly adorned her Slytherin cloak and descended the stairs, grabbing her parents' hands as they apparated to Diagon Alley. Her father headed off to Borgin and Burkes, where he and Lucius would be selling a few items due to the recent ministry raids.


As Clarissa and her mother entered the crowded Flourish and Blotts, the young girl was taken aback by the size of the throng. She hadn't expected the store to be so overrun with people, but as she read the sign, it all made sense. The renowned wizard Gilderoy Lockhart was scheduled to sign copies of his autobiography 'Magical Me' that very day.

"Mother, may I peruse the upper floor for a while?" Clarissa asked politely.

"Certainly, my dear. But stay within reach and be careful," her mother responded with a gentle nod.

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