Chapter 36

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"A woman that realises her
worth is a
dangerous woman."


Draco and Clarissa, clad in their finest robes, made their way towards the Hogwarts Express, the iconic train that had carried generations of young witches and wizards to the hallowed halls of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Reporters swarmed around them, their flashbulbs popping incessantly as they fired questions at the couple. Draco's aristocratic features were carefully composed, his pale complexion betraying no emotion, as he answered the inquiries with practiced ease. Clarissa, her poise and grace evident in every step she took, smiled politely and offered brief, diplomatic responses.

Once they stepped onto the train, leaving the flurry of reporters behind, the atmosphere seemed to calm slightly. However, the whispers and murmurs among the students could still be heard. Draco and Clarissa exchanged glances, both aware of the attention their engagement had garnered. It was a topic of curiosity and speculation among their peers, who watched the couple with keen interest. The weight of their families' legacies and the expectations that came with their union were palpable, adding a certain gravity to their every move.

Draco took Clarissa's hand in his, offering her a reassuring squeeze. She returned his gesture with a grateful smile, appreciating his silent support. They found an empty compartment on the train, and as they settled in, the sounds of hushed whispers and curious glances continued to surround them. It was a reminder that their engagement had not only captured the attention of the wizarding world at large but had also become a topic of discussion among their fellow students, adding an extra layer of scrutiny to their relationship.

Draco leaned in close to Clarissa, his voice low and intimate. "Ignore the whispers, my love," he said softly, his silver eyes meeting her warm gaze. "Let them talk. Our love is our own, and nothing can tarnish it."

Clarissa nodded, her heart swelling with affection for Draco. She reached up to touch the sapphire locket he had given her earlier, a symbol of their commitment to each other. "You're right," she said, her voice steady. "We can't let others' opinions affect us. We are stronger than that."

Draco smiled, his hand cupping her cheek gently. "Together, we can weather any storm," he said, his voice filled with sincerity.

Clarissa leaned into his touch, feeling a sense of comfort and security in his presence. They sat in companionable silence, their intertwined fingers a tangible reminder of their bond. As the train rattled on towards Hogwarts, they knew that their journey together was just beginning, and they were ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, hand in hand.

The peaceful atmosphere that Draco and Clarissa had managed to find on the Hogwarts Express was abruptly shattered as Pansy Parkinson, known for her fiery temperament, stormed towards them with all the subtlety of a charging Hippogriff. Her dark eyes blazed with anger, and her voice carried with it a commanding presence that demanded attention.

"Draco Lucius Malfoy!" Pansy bellowed, her tone sharp and accusatory. "What is this news that I heard from my parents that you are engaged?!"

Draco took a step forward, his tone measured but firm. "Pansy, I suggest you lower your voice and show some decorum," he said, his silver eyes locking onto hers. "Yes, Clarissa and I are engaged. It's our private matter, and we expect it to be treated as such."

Pansy's cheeks flushed with anger, and she crossed her arms, glaring at Clarissa. "You stole him from me!" she accused, her voice dripping with venom.

Clarissa, however, refused to be intimidated. She stood tall, her chin lifted with pride. "Pansy, Draco and I have chosen each other," she said, her voice steady. "This is not about stealing or competition. It's about love and mutual respect."

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