Chapter 29

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"Even wounded you are still here.
And the ones who hurt you
should be very afraid.
There are few things
more dangerous than a wild thing that was broken
and damaged
and wounded
but still stands
strong and tall."


As the golden light of dawn illuminated the Great Hall, Draco continued to bask in the adulation of his peers, taking delight in their laughter and admiration. He was the prince of Slytherin, after all, and reveled in the attention he commanded.

Clarissa's voice interrupted his reverie, drawing his attention to the incoming Gryffindors. A sneer crossed his face as he prepared to face his enemies, ready to put them in their place.

"Why, Potter," he drawled, "what an unexpected pleasure. To what do we owe the honor of your visit to the Slytherin table?"

Pansy, always eager to show off her loyalty to Draco, joined in the taunting. "Be careful, Potter," she screeched, her voice grating on the ears of those around her. "The dementors are coming! Wooooooooo! I'm so scared!"

Draco's laughter mingled with that of his fellow Slytherins, though he couldn't help but feel a twinge of annoyance at Pansy's shrill voice. Still, he relished the chance to assert his superiority over the Gryffindors, even if it was just for a moment.

"Hey, Potter," Clarissa taunted with a sly grin, her tone dripping with malice. "If you ever encounter a dementor, make sure it kisses you goodnight."

The Slytherins around her chuckled, reveling in their shared mockery of Harry. But their laughter was cut short as Astoria Greengrass made her way into the Great Hall. Rumors and whispers spread like wildfire, for Astoria was not just any Gryffindor. Her lineage and heritage were well-known, and her sorting into Gryffindor was scandalous, given that generations of the Greengrass family had been sorted into Slytherin.

Astoria, the youngest of the Greengrass siblings, walked with her head held high, seemingly unfazed by the attention she was attracting. Her Gryffindor robes were a stark contrast to the sea of green that dominated the Slytherin table, and her presence sparked a mixture of curiosity and disbelief among her peers.

Clarissa's smirk faded as she watched Astoria, her mind racing with questions and doubts. How could a Greengrass be sorted into Gryffindor? It defied the expectations and traditions that had been ingrained in them since childhood. The whispers continued to circulate, and Clarissa couldn't help but feel a sense of unease at the disruption of the status quo.

"Daphne, how are you coping with all of this?" Clarissa inquired, her voice tinged with concern as she approached her friend.

Daphne feigned ignorance, pretending not to understand the implications of Clarissa's question. "What do you mean?" she asked, though her sharp eyes betrayed her true understanding.

Clarissa's hesitation was palpable as she chose her words carefully. "I mean, considering your lineage and heritage," she said, her voice lowered to a whisper. "The Greengrasses have been in Slytherin for generations. It would certainly cause a scandal, especially in the Daily Prophet, if Astoria, your sister, were to end up in any other house, let alone Gryffindor."

Daphne, ever composed and poised, let out a soft sigh. "As I said back in our first year, I knew this would happen," she said with a hint of resignation. "It's not entirely surprising to me that Astoria didn't end up in Slytherin, but Gryffindor was certainly a shock. If anything, I'm relieved she didn't end up in Slytherin, or else it would have made our house look like fools."

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