Chapter 27

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"We're not
We're brutal honest.
It's not our fault
the truth hurts.
Here's a


The halls of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry were once again buzzing with the sound of rumors. The monster that had previously taken a student and brought them to the Chamber of Secrets had struck again, and this time, it was Ginny Weasley who had fallen victim to its grip. Panic and fear had consumed the entire school as everyone wondered who could be responsible for such heinous crimes.

The perpetrator left their calling card once again, scrawling a chilling message on the castle walls. "Her skeleton will lie in the Chamber forever," it read. The students were on edge, wondering if the end of Hogwarts was nigh.

But when Clarissa and Draco walked into the Great Hall, everything seemed normal. The petrified students had returned to their original state, and there was no sign of any missing person. It was as if the petrification had never occurred at all. To everyone's surprise, Dumbledore was back as headmaster of Hogwarts, offering some solace to the anxious least for the time being.

As Neville Longbottom's voice echoed through the corridors, Harry, Ron, and Hermione's eyes lit up with recognition. They ran towards each other, embracing tightly. Clarissa, however, couldn't help but let out an exasperated sigh at the sight of Hermione, the returning of the know-it-all.

"Just when we thought things couldn't get any worse," she muttered, shooting a disapproving glance towards Draco, who wore a smug expression on his face.

McGonagall raised her goblet, clanging it loudly against the table, and addressed the hall. "May I have your attention, please?" she called out, silencing the chattering students.

Dumbledore rose from his seat, his beard sweeping the tablecloth as he stood. "Before we begin the festivities," he began, his eyes twinkling in the candlelight, "let us take a moment to applaud Professors Sprout and Madam Pomfrey for their successful administration of mandrake juice, which has cured all of those who were petrified."

As applause erupted from the students, Clarissa couldn't help but notice the overwhelming majority were from the other houses. Only a few Slytherins who weren't part of Draco's inner circle joined in. The blonde-haired boy, on the other hand, sat with a self-satisfied smirk, convinced that Dumbledore was still unfit to lead the school.

"Furthermore," Professor McGonagall interjected, "as a special treat for all of you, all exams have been cancelled due to the recent events."

Cheers and applause filled the hall once more, but Clarissa's face twisted in annoyance. She had been studying tirelessly for her exams, and the sudden cancellation left her feeling frustrated.

"How infuriating," she muttered to herself. "At least they could have informed us in advance, so we wouldn't have wasted all of that time studying."

Daphne interjected, "At least on the bright side, exams needn't concern us," her voice laced with a hint of relief.

Blaise chuckled, his eyes sparkling with amusement. "Come on, Clarissa, this is an exciting opportunity. Imagine a Lockhart exam. We'd be asked his favorite food or drink. No amount of studying would help us pass Defense Against the Art's exams, regardless," he quipped, his words eliciting laughter from his friends.

As the chatter died down, the doors to the Great Hall creaked open, and in strode the giant. His footsteps echoed across the chamber, a thunderous sound that reverberated through the walls.

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