Chapter 41

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"Those who underestimate me do so at their own peril. They will soon learn the price of their foolishness."


The end of the academic year brought a wave of relief to the Hogwarts students, and none more so than Clarissa. She had worked tirelessly to secure her place as the top student in Slytherin, and now that the exams were over, she could finally bask in her success. It was a satisfying feeling, knowing that she had outperformed everyone in her house, including her own betrothed, Draco Malfoy.

As she walked towards the train station, Clarissa couldn't help but smile to herself. She had always been a competitive person, and beating Hermione Granger had become her ultimate goal. She was tied with the Gryffindor know-it-all, and she knew that next year, she would have to work even harder to ensure that she came out on top and be the only one.

As Clarissa stepped off the Hogwarts Express, she was taken aback to see her parents waiting for her at the platform. It was not the usual tradition for her to spend the holidays with them, as she had always spent them with the Malfoys. However, the stern look on their faces was enough to tell her that something was not right.

She greeted her parents with a polite smile and followed them to the carriages waiting outside the station. The ride to their family estate was silent, with no one uttering a word. Clarissa couldn't help but feel a sense of unease in the air.

When they finally arrived at the estate, Clarissa was greeted by the sight of her father's study, a room she had not entered in years. It was where her father conducted all his business, and it was off-limits to everyone in the family. The fact that she was being led there now meant that something serious was about to happen.

As they entered the room, Clarissa's heart began to race. She knew that whatever was about to happen would change everything. She tried to remain calm and composed, but she could feel the tension in the air.

Joseph's sharp gaze bored into Clarissa's, his deep voice breaking the silence. "Does he know?" he asked, his words laced with urgency.

Clarissa's stomach twisted as guilt pricked at her conscience. She averted her eyes, avoiding Joseph's intense stare. "No, Draco doesn't know anything," she replied, her voice strained. She knew she was keeping something from her lover, but she couldn't have their plan exposed be exposed.

As they spoke, a muffled noise echoed from the wooden wardrobe that stood in the corner of the room. Clarissa's curiosity peaked, and she turned towards the source of the sound.

With a trembling hand, she grasped the handle and pulled open the creaky door. The sight that greeted her made her heart race with fear and disgust, and her eyes widened in shock when she saw who was inside Peter Pettigrew.

"Mother, what is that filthy half-blood doing in here?!" Clarissa exclaimed in outrage.

"The Dark Lord trusts him," Isabella replied coolly, her voice devoid of any emotion. "As you know, we can't afford to get caught or else everything wouldn't come according to plan."

Pettigrew's gaze flickered towards Clarissa, his eyes greedily taking in her beauty. "Mistress, your daughter is so beautiful," he stuttered, a sycophantic grin spreading across his face.

Clarissa recoiled in disgust and pushed Pettigrew away. "Get off me," she said sharply. "How do we know he can be trusted? What if he turns his back on us for whatever is convenient for him?"

"He won't." Joseph stepped forward and his voice was low and commanding. "The Dark Lord has tested him thoroughly. He knows the consequences of betraying us."

She turned to Pettigrew, her eyes cold and calculating. "You will remain in this room until the Dark Lord requires your services. And you will speak to no one, except for my father and mother. Is that understood?"

Pettigrew nodded frantically, his eyes filled with fear as he looked up at her. Clarissa couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction at the sight of him cowering before her. She had grown accustomed to this feeling, having been the top student in Slytherin, but this was different. This was real power.

"You're lucky that my parents haven't killed you yet," she continued, her voice dripping with disdain. "If it were up to me, I would be the one to send you to Azkaban. Everyone knows what a coward you truly are."

But Clarissa knew that she couldn't let her emotions get the best of her. She was playing a much more dangerous game now, one that could mean the difference between life and death. No longer was she just competing with Hermione Granger for academic superiority. She was a player in the battle for the fate of the wizarding world. And she knew that one misstep could mean the end of everything she held dear.

As she left the room, her mind was already racing with plans and strategies. She had to stay one step ahead of everyone else if she wanted to come out on top. She was like a queen on a chessboard, carefully calculating her every move. And if anyone dared to cross her, they would soon learn that she was not to be underestimated.


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