Chapter 26

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"Legends die hard.
They survive as
truth rarely does."


In the aftermath of Professor Dumbledore's forced suspension as Headmaster of Hogwarts, the weight of the situation fell upon the capable shoulders of Professor McGonagall. As the new acting Headmistress, she was determined to ensure that the school continued to function smoothly, despite the absence of their beloved leader. Dumbledore's physical presence may have been lacking, but his influence still loomed large over the proceedings, as he had left instructions that everything should proceed as if the attacks that had plagued the school never occurred. In a sense, he still remained in charge.

Despite the recent tumultuous events, exams were set to proceed as scheduled, much to the relief of students like Clarissa, who had expected no less from their diligent Head of House. However, not all were pleased with this decision, as Gryffindors voiced their groans of dismay upon hearing the news.

As the days drew nearer to the commencement of the exams, Professor McGonagall made another announcement during breakfast, prompting the Great Hall to fall silent in anticipation. All eyes were on her as she stood at the head of the hall, her stern expression softened by a glimmer of hope in her eyes.

"I have some good news," she declared, her authoritative tone commanding attention.

The students buzzed with speculation, their imaginations running wild with possibilities. Some, like Wood, whispered excitedly about the reinstatement of Quidditch matches, while others in Ravenclaw eagerly speculated if Dumbledore had returned or if the culprit behind the Chamber of Secrets had been apprehended.

Clarissa, ever the skeptic, was less optimistic. With a discontented grumble, she muttered to her friends at the Slytherin table, "We're probably getting another temporary Headmaster, similar to Lockhart."

Her comment elicited snickers from her fellow Slytherins, who were notorious for their cynical view of authority figures. Nevertheless, even they were curious to learn the true nature of Professor McGonagall's announcement.

The Great Hall fell silent, expectant as Professor McGonagall took center stage. Her poised figure exuded an air of authority, commanding the rapt attention of the assembled students. Her voice, when she spoke, carried the weight of conviction.

"Thanks to the tireless efforts of our dear Professor Sprout," she began, her tone measured and deliberate, "the mandrakes have finally matured enough to be harvested." A small smile played at the corners of her mouth, betraying her satisfaction at the successful cultivation of the magical plants. "Those who have been petrified will be revived tonight, and with any luck, one of the victims will be able to shed light on the identity of the culprit behind these attacks."

The Gryffindors erupted into cheers, their joy at the prospect of their fellow students being restored to health palpable. The possibility of finally solving the mystery of the Chamber of Secrets also filled them with a sense of anticipation. However, the Slytherins were less enthused, for they had hoped that the petrified students would remain in their comatose state, particularly Granger. The revival of these students would also signify the return of Dumbledore to his position as Headmaster, something that many Slytherins found unpalatable.

Draco, seated among the Slytherins, let out a frustrated groan, drawing the attention of those around him. Clarissa placed a reassuring hand on his arm, silently urging him to keep his emotions in check. She knew all too well the danger of being associated with the heir of Slytherin and did not want any undue suspicion to fall on them.

Daphne, seated nearby, hesitated before voicing her thoughts on the matter. "I suppose it's a good thing that the mandrakes are finally ready to be harvested," she said, her voice low and hesitant. "It means we have a better chance of surviving an attack. But the return of Granger is certainly less than desirable. We'll have to put up with her annoying voice in class again."

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