Chapter 25

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"I may be bad,
but I'm perfectly good at it."


In the aftermath of the Valentine's Day disaster, Hogwarts was awash with mixed emotions. The garish pink decorations that had adorned the hallways, once a source of delight, now filled students and teachers alike with a sense of unease. Gilderoy Lockhart's hare-brained schemes, too, had left a bitter aftertaste. Even Snape and Flitwick had been left rattled by his insistence on pushing their limits.

But perhaps the most memorable moment of the debacle had been the ill-fated singing performance by Lockhart and his troupe of golden-winged dwarves. The entire school had cringed in unison at the sight of the tiny, harp-wielding performers taking to the stage, their off-key voices piercing the very air. It was a performance that would haunt the collective consciousness of the student body for years to come.

Despite the general consensus that the event had been a disaster, one person had managed to salvage a shred of dignity from the wreckage: Ginny Weasley. Her love poem to Harry Potter had been the one redeeming feature of the evening, and even her harshest critics couldn't deny that her words had been heartfelt and beautifully written. But with praise came ridicule, and Ginny found herself the target of merciless teasing from her peers. Every time she saw Harry, she felt her cheeks burn with embarrassment, knowing that everyone was watching and waiting for her next move.

Draco, of course, was the worst of the lot. He took every opportunity to tease and taunt Harry, knowing that Ginny's crush on him was a sore point. Harry did his best to ignore him, but it was hard. Every snide comment felt like a dagger in his heart, and he couldn't shake the feeling that Draco was just waiting for the right moment to strike.

For a few weeks after the event, things seemed to calm down. The school was consumed with exam fever, and people had other things to worry about. But just when they thought it was safe to relax, something strange began to happen. First, it was just a rumor, a whisper that something wasn't quite right. But then, as the weeks wore on, the rumors became more frequent, more insistent.

There were reports of strange noises in the corridors at night, of objects moving on their own, of a chill in the air that no amount of warming spells could dispel. Some students claimed to have seen shadowy figures lurking in the shadows, while others swore that they had felt a cold, clammy hand on their shoulder when they were alone.

The anticipation for the Gryffindor vs Hufflepuff match was palpable. Students had been eagerly awaiting this match for weeks, placing bets and boasting about their team's prowess. But all of that excitement was abruptly cut short by the news of yet another attack.

This time, it was Hermione Granger and a fifth-year Ravenclaw with long, curly hair who had fallen victim to the unknown assailant. The incident sent shockwaves through Hogwarts, spreading fear and paranoia like a contagious disease. As whispers and rumors began to circulate once again, the students found themselves looking over their shoulders and jumping at shadows.

The cancellation of the Quidditch match was the least of anyone's concerns. The safety of the students had been compromised once again, and the sense of security that had once permeated the castle walls was now shattered.

While most of the student body was gripped with fear, there were some who seemed to be reveling in the chaos. Slytherin House, in particular, appeared to be relishing the tension that had gripped the school. Students could be seen whispering and snickering in the corridors, clearly enjoying the fear that they were causing.

Draco Malfoy, in particular, seemed to be enjoying himself immensely. The smug expression on his face was enough to make even the bravest of Gryffindors flinch. He strutted through the halls with an air of superiority, as if he knew something that no one else did.

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