Chapter 15

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    "I keep trying to be perfect.
For you.
So you'll notice me"


As the days grew shorter and the air turned colder, it was time for Clarissa to return to Hogwarts. She meticulously packed everything she needed for the new school year, including her books, clothes, uniforms, and other accessories. The young witch even made sure to pack her mittens and scarves, knowing all too well how chilly the castle could get.

As she finished packing her trunk, Clarissa noticed that her white ferret, Draco, had been uncharacteristically quiet. Upon investigation, she discovered the furry creature had snuck into her bag, longing for her company during her absence. Clarissa couldn't help but chuckle at Draco's adorable puffy face, but she knew she had to leave him behind. She didn't want to upset her parents, who had strict rules about keeping pets at their estate.

Clarissa tried to put Draco down, but the mischievous little creature had other plans. He grabbed her mittens and scarf in his mouth and darted off, with Clarissa hot on his heels. The young witch chased the ferret all around the house until he finally ran up a tree with all of Clarissa's belongings in tow.

"Draco, please come down! I have to finish packing!" Clarissa pleaded, but the ferret just stared back at her blankly.

Belle, Clarissa's mother, interrupted their playful chase. "What's going on here, Clarissa? Why aren't you finished packing yet?" she asked, irritation lacing her voice.

"Mother, Draco took my mittens and scarf, and I had to chase him around to get them back," Clarissa explained.

Belle let out an exasperated sigh. "I'll deal with the ferret. But you need to get back to packing, young lady," she scolded. "You always seem to find trouble, Clarissa."

"I wasn't trying to cause any trouble, mother," Clarissa protested, but Isabella didn't want to hear it. She urged Clarissa to go clean up and finish packing her trunk until it was spotless.

Clarissa couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness as she tidied up. She longed to be accepted by her parents, to feel like she belonged in her own family. Her mother's harsh words stung, especially when she compared Clarissa to the refined young ladies of Beauxbatons. Even with all the wealth and privilege that came with her family name, Clarissa felt alone and isolated. She envied other students who seemed to enjoy simpler pleasures than the extravagant parties and social events that her parents preferred.

Despite the emotional turmoil inside, Clarissa tried to remain composed. Her parents had always taught her that showing emotions was a sign of weakness, and she didn't want to give them any reason to think less of her. She hugged Draco tightly, knowing that he was the one constant source of love and companionship in her life.

"I'll miss you, Draco. Please behave while I'm gone," she whispered to him, trying to hold back tears.

Clarissa knew that no matter what she did, she would never truly be good enough for her parents. But she had learned to find solace in the small moments of joy and love, like the bond she shared with her ferret


Clarissa stood on the platform of the train station, her heart heavy with the weight of her mother's words. As she waved goodbye to her parents, images of the elegant and sophisticated girls at Beauxbatons danced in her mind. "Why can't you be more like them?" her mother had asked, a sharp edge to her voice. The question lingered in Clarissa's thoughts like a bitter taste.

She settled into a compartment on the Hogwarts Express, her eyes staring out the window but seeing nothing. Even Draco, who sat across from her, could sense the storm brewing within her. He watched her closely, noting the troubled expression etched upon her delicate features. Though he longed to ask her what was wrong, he knew better than to push her.

Clarissa's thoughts drifted to Hogwarts, the only place where she felt free to be herself. Away from the pressures and expectations of her parents, she could finally breathe. Here, she could let her guard down and be with her close friends without fear of judgment. A sense of comfort settled over her, and she began to look forward to the year ahead.


As the Hogwarts Express chugged along towards the castle, Clarissa took in the magical sight around her. This year was different from her first, as instead of taking the boats across the lake, the students rode on enchanted carriages that moved without any visible means of propulsion. Clarissa found the experience to be somewhat lacking compared to the excitement of being in a boat, but she couldn't deny that the magic of it all still filled her with wonder.

However, her thoughts were quickly disrupted by the conspicuous absence of Harry and Ron. Even Hermione, who was usually level-headed, seemed visibly worried about their friends' whereabouts. The fact that they were not even on the train was a cause for concern.

"Granger, where the heck are your friends?" Draco taunted, a smirk on his face.

Hermione tried to ignore him, repeating a silent mantra to herself. But Clarissa couldn't resist getting in a dig. "Maybe they got expelled and now you're the only one in the trio left. Tell me, Granger, how does it feel to lose all your friends?" she provoked.

Hermione snapped at her, "Oh shut it, you snakes! You think you're so high and mighty, when in reality you're just the same as all of us. You're nothing special."

"Perhaps," Clarissa retorted, "but at least we're not dumb enough to break the rules and get caught. How many times have Gryffindor broken the rules? But every time you get caught, instead of being punished, you guys are rewarded for your wrongdoings. If this was the Slytherin house, we would definitely be punished, but because Dumbledore is in Gryffindor, of course he always bails you out!"

As the students entered the Hogwarts castle, Clarissa couldn't help but feel a sense of nostalgia. The beautiful illusion of the night sky, the sorting ceremony, and the anticipation of what the new school year would bring. Yet, the absence of Harry and Ron was still weighing heavily on Hermione, and the situation was not lost on Clarissa.

Dumbledore's speech was as inspiring as ever, but it couldn't shake the sense of unease that pervaded the Great Hall. As the sorting began, Hermione was still anxiously scanning the crowd for any sign of her missing friends. For Clarissa, however, their absence was almost a relief. With Harry and Ron out of the picture, she and her fellow Slytherins might finally have a chance to shine.


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