Chapter 10

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"I do it because I can,
I can because
I want to,
I want to because
You said I couldn't"


Hours passed by as Clarissa and Daphne waited in the common room for their friends to return from the Quidditch match. But as fate would have it, news reached them before their friends did, and it was far from expected.

"Clarissa! Clarissa!" Goyle called out as he hurried into the common room.

"What happened, Goyle? Where is Draco?" Clarissa asked, sensing the urgency in his voice.

"After you and Daphne left the Quidditch match, Weasley gave Draco a black eye. He's currently being treated by Madame Pomfrey. Longbottom also tried to start a fight with Crabbe and me, but we're both fine. Draco has requested your presence," Goyle explained in a rush.

"Ugh, that fool. I had a feeling this would happen," Clarissa muttered in frustration. "Take me to him, Goyle."

As Goyle led Clarissa to Madame Pomfrey's, he stood outside to keep watch while she entered. Draco was lying on a bed with a cold compress on his eye.

"Clarissa, I missed you! Why did you leave me alone at the Quidditch match with no one to defend me after Weasley attacked me?" Draco whined.

"Draco, you idiotic git! What were you thinking? You knew Weasley has a bad temper, but you still provoked him. Now, you have a black eye because you were too arrogant and cocky," Clarissa scolded, playfully punching Draco on the shoulder.

"Ouch! Don't punch me there, it hurts," Draco protested.

"What do you want me to do to help you get better?" Clarissa asked, slightly exasperated.

"How about a little hug?" Draco shamelessly requested.

"Fine, but just so you know, I'm still annoyed with you," Clarissa said, giving him a quick hug before pushing him away. Draco fell off the bed and landed on his rear end.

"Wait until my father hears about this, Miss White," Draco threatened.

"Your father doesn't scare me, Draco. You should be more worried about my parents. They won't be happy that you started a fight and got injured," Clarissa warned, smiling as she messed up his hair. "So, what's your plan now?"

Draco's mind buzzed with possibilities. Weasley's black eye was certainly an issue that required resolution. Clarissa's suggestion to involve his father seemed like the perfect solution. "You're right, Clarissa. I can't let Weasley get away with this. I need to think of something," he mused.

Clarissa nodded sagely. "Perhaps a letter to your father explaining the situation would be in order. Mr. Malfoy would not take kindly to someone assaulting his son," she suggested.

Draco's eyes lit up with excitement. "You're an evil genius, Clarissa! That's why we're best friends," he exclaimed, leaning over to kiss her cheek in gratitude.

Clarissa smirked. "I know, Draco. Now, write that letter to your father and get Weasley in trouble," she instructed, making her way to the door.

Draco watched her leave, feeling a surge of affection and admiration for his friend. "Where are you going?" he called out curiously.

Clarissa turned back to him, a playful glint in her eyes. "All this excitement has made me quite hungry. I'm going to grab some dinner. Don't worry, I'll grab some green apples for you since I know how much you love them," she promised, giving him a wink before disappearing through the door.

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