Chapter 28

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"You look like an angel
Walk like an angel
Talk like an angel
But I got wise
You're the devil in disguise."


During the holidays, Clarissa's calendar was packed with social engagements and exclusive gatherings. Her family, known for their aristocratic lineage and impressive legacy, were an integral part of high society. Add to that her father's influential position in the Ministry of Magic, and it was clear that Clarissa's summer would be a whirlwind of glamorous events and important meetings.

As the break progressed, Clarissa underwent a noticeable transformation. Her once cherubic features had given way to a more chiseled and defined look, with the remnants of baby fat melting away to reveal a striking countenance. Her cheekbones were now prominent, and her jawline was more angular, imbuing her face with an air of confidence and poise.

Clarissa's voice had undergone a significant transformation during the break. No longer was it high-pitched and childlike; it had now acquired a softer, more refined quality that suited her well. It was as if she had shed her old self and emerged as a polished young woman, one who had been groomed since childhood to be a model of sophistication and grace. Her refined diction and poise spoke volumes about her upbringing and the expectations that had been placed upon her.

During this particular phase of her life, Clarissa underwent a series of changes that were both tumultuous and transformative. While some of these changes brought about an overwhelming sense of discomfort, such as the onset of her menstrual cycle that caused her to experience excruciating pain, which made it extremely difficult for her to rise from her bed in the morning.

As Clarissa navigated through this particular phase of her life, she felt an unmistakable sense of growth and evolution. While the struggles and obstacles were certainly present, there were also moments of immense positivity and personal development. Gone was the naivety that had once defined her, replaced with a poised and sophisticated demeanor that bespoke her position in high society. She was no longer content with simply existing in the background, but rather had her sights set on making her mark and cementing her place among the elite society, she was raised to take part in.


As the summer drew to a close, Clarissa found herself eagerly preparing for her return to Hogwarts for her third year. Her trunk was neatly packed with all the necessities, including her carefully chosen outfit. A luxurious green velvet jacket, tailored to fit her figure perfectly, was paired with a stunning dark green gemstone necklace that shimmered in the light. Around her waist, a sleek snake belt added a touch of regal elegance. With her attire chosen, Clarissa felt a sense of confidence and pride as she prepared to make her return to Hogwarts, ready to take her rightful place as the Slytherin princess.

Clarissa couldn't help but feel a twinge of sadness as she bid farewell to her beloved ferret, Draco. Though she cherished him dearly, she knew better than to bring him along. With a heavy heart, she whispered her goodbyes and watched him scamper away, his sleek fur glistening in the sun.


As Clarissa's parents bid her farewell at the bustling train station, her keen eyes immediately caught sight of Draco in the crowd. He was unmistakable with his signature mane of blond hair and piercing grey eyes. But it wasn't just his looks that caught her attention. Clarissa couldn't help but notice how much he had changed since their last year at Hogwarts. His once boyish face had taken on a more defined, mature quality, and he had shot up in height, no longer appearing as short as he once was. Clarissa found herself drawn to him in a way she hadn't felt before, but she quickly buried those feelings deep within, mindful of their young age of only 14. She couldn't risk jeopardizing their friendship over a mere crush, no matter how strongly she felt.

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