Chapter 22

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Whispers and rumors circulated throughout the halls of Hogwarts, as news of yet another attack spread like wildfire. This time, it was Colin Creevey, a young boy who had always been an avid admirer of Harry Potter. The students and faculty alike were growing more and more curious as to who could possibly be responsible for these heinous acts.

It had all started with the attack on Mrs. Norris, the caretaker's cat. The message left behind, scrawled in blood-red letters, was enough to strike fear into the hearts of anyone who read it: "The chamber of secrets has been opened. Enemies of the Heir... beware!"

Now, with the attack on Colin, the stakes had been raised even higher. Theories abounded as to who could be behind it all. Some pointed fingers at Harry himself, while others suspected that it could be someone from the notoriously pure-blooded Malfoy or White family, known for their disdain of muggles and their ancestry.

Yet, the question remained: why would anyone suspect Harry? He had always been a hero in the eyes of many, a champion of good against the dark forces that threatened the wizarding world. But as the attacks continued, doubts and suspicions began to creep in, casting shadows of uncertainty over even the most steadfast of believers.

With the mounting pressure and fear that the perpetrator could strike again at any moment, some even began to whisper that Hogwarts might have to shut down, just like it did fifty years ago when the Chamber of Secrets was last opened.


The common room was silent and tense as the news of another petrification had spread throughout Hogwarts. Colin Creevey was the latest victim, his body stiff and unresponsive. Blaise broke the quiet with a solemn question, "Who do you think will be the next person?"

"I hope it's Granger," Draco laughed callously, "Then we'll never have to hear that annoying mudblood voice again."

Theo shook his head disapprovingly, "Draco, this is a serious subject. Someone could desperately get hurt. In fact, someone already has." He held no love for the trio, but he couldn't bring himself to wish death upon anyone. "This isn't a matter to joke about."

"Who said I was joking?" Draco sneered darkly. "If anything, it would make our lives easier if she was next."

The room fell silent, and the group exchanged uneasy glances. They couldn't condone the idea of wishing death upon anyone, no matter how irritating they may be.

Daphne, who usually kept her head down, felt the need to speak up. "I don't think we should be talking like this," she said tentatively, glancing at the other Slytherins. "What if it was one of us who got attacked? Would we want others to make jokes about it?"

Draco rolled his eyes at Daphne's words, clearly not taking her seriously. "Relax, Daphne," he drawled. "The Chamber of Secrets hasn't been opened for fifty years. What are the chances that it's going to target us? Especially us, Slytherins."

Theo, however, was not convinced. "It's not about the Chamber of Secrets, Draco," he said firmly. "It's about the fact that someone is attacking students. We should be worried, not making jokes."

Clarissa spoke with a sharp edge to her voice, her eyes glittering with conviction as she made her case to her fellow Slytherins. "Draco is right to say what he did. How much longer are we supposed to endure the constant ridicule and humiliation from those in other houses? We are the only ones who truly understand what it means to uphold our traditions and keep the wizarding world pure."

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