Chapter 96

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"You're not wheeling me to my death, right? Cause I'm kinda getting a vibe from you right now."

While I couldn't see him, I could tell Aizawa rolled his eyes behind me while Izuku nervously looked between the two of us.

"If I wanted you dead, I would have dealt with you a long time ago." The man huffed. "But no. Like I said, there's some people here you'll want to see."

"I know, you said that like, a million years ago." I rolled my eyes. "But why can't Katsuki come?"

"Because. This isn't something he needs to be a part of."

"But why?" I pressed, glancing behind me in hopes of seeing my boyfriend.

"Because I said so, Y/n." Aizawa huffed before lightly squeezing my shoulder. "I didn't want you two to see, but I feel like I'd get in more trouble not showing you than I would be showing."

"What the hell does that even mean?"

"You'll see."

Aizawa then opened a door at the end of the hallway, revealing the ex-number one hero himself in front of Centipeder, Bubble Girl, and Recovery Girl.

"All Might!" Izuku's brows lifted in confusion, rushing into the room ahead of Aizawa and me. "And you're here, Recovery Girl? But why?"

"I asked Sage and All Might to be here, because Sir... Sir always cared and admired them so much." Bubble Girl broke into sobs, hiding her face in her hands.

Centipeder grabbed a handkerchief from his pocket, handing it to the blue woman. "Awata."

"There's nothing more we can do." A doctor behind Recovery Girl informed us as my brows furrowed in confusion. "To be honest, it's a miracle he's survived this long."

"My healing can't help him either." The older woman bowed her head. "He's too far gone for me to save."

"I'm sorry, but you should prepare yourselves. I don't think he'll live to see tomorrow."

The air caught in my lungs as my eyes widened in realization.

Sir Night Eye is dying. And there was nothing anyone could do about it.

"No way..." Izuku mumbled, taking a step back.

As my brother tried to grapple with the fact his newest mentor was on the brink of death, I grabbed hold of the tiers of my wheelchair, pushing myself forward and into the small room that held Night Eye.

He looked awful. There was a mask over his nose and mouth to help him breathe. Thick medical bandages wrapped along the majority of his naked torso and his upper left arm. And almost a dozen different wires protruded from his stomach, covering up the giant hole that was left. Every weary breath sounded excruciatingly painful.

Recovery Girl and the doctor were right. He doesn't have much longer.

"I'm so sorry, Night Eye," I whispered, my hands gripping the bed's side rail.

"Y/n? Is that you?" My eyes widened in shock upon hearing the man's voice. "You should be resting in bed. You've been through a lot."

"Says you." I weakly chuckled, making the man quirk a smile. "I'm so sorry Night Eye... this is all my fault."

"No. It's mine." The man sighed. "I should have used my quirk to see your future. I could have prevented so much. But I-"

"Stop it." I practically spat, anger rising through me in waves. "I was the one who went in heart first. I wasn't truly thinking of the consequences of my own actions. I didn't realize..." My breath stuttered, my eyes traveling down the man's gravely injured form. "I didn't realize how much that one decision could affect everything."

Night Eye weakly smiled, the action looking almost painful for him. "I am surprised, though."

"Of what?" I asked, whipping my cheek of a stray tear.

"Of how things ended. When you were young, your father asked me to see your future. He wanted to know if your quirk would be your undoing. He wondered if your quirk was the beginning of your end." My eyebrows furrowed in confusion at the man's weak voice, not understanding where he was going with the story. "I didn't pay attention to details. If I had, I might have tried to change the future. What I did see, however, was you growing into a strong young woman."

"But you didn't see me being anything more?" I continued.

Sir sighed at that, his tiered eyes closing. "I saw you die a hero's death in what appeared to be some large building—fighting against a horrible villain. You won, but at a cost. That is why I blame myself for not using my quirk on you that day. I knew you would one day be hurt beyond repair, but I didn't do anything to try and stop it."

"But- But I'm still here. I'm okay." I shook my head in confusion. I mean, I thought everything Night Eye foresaw came true. So why didn't it this time?

"It's because it hasn't happened yet." The man seemed to read my mind. "I shouldn't have told you anything, but I felt as though you deserved to know."

I felt my brain working overtime. There was too much to process. "How much longer do I have?"


"How much longer, Night Eye?" I pressed, groaning as I tried and failed to stand.

"I know you are experiencing severe distress, but you must try and remain calm. You are still injured and are required to stay off your feet."

"That didn't answer my question."

"Nighteye!" "Sir!" Izuku and Mirio both bolted into the room, interrupting our conversation.

While my brother seemed relatively ok, with only a few wraps around his arms and legs, my eyes truly widened upon seeing the older boy for the first time since the fight. Togata's entire chest and arms seemed to be bandaged under his hospital shirt, and his left pant leg was rolled up to make room for his large cast. His hair was messy, and his big blue eyes were welling up with tears upon seeing his mentor in such a state.

"Don't give up!"

"Please, keep fighting! Don't die on me!"

"Mirio.I failed you. This is my fault. If only I'd been there, I could have-"

"Don't say that!" The blond interrupted. "You were always there, teaching me and showing me how to be strong! Everything I am now is because of you–don't you see? I'm not ready! Please don't leave me!"

My eyes welled with tears hearing the boy's choked-up words. Tears freely poured down his face, soaking Nighteye's sheets below him.

"Mirio. Forgive me." The hero breathlessly said. "In the beginning, I only looked at you as a potential vessel for One For All. But you followed me. You believed in me. And before I knew it, you became my pride and joy. One last time. Let me see."

Nighteye shakily lifted his right hand to cup Mirio's face, his eyes turning purple as he activated his quirk.

"You'll be okay." He smiled. "You're going to become the finest hero the world's ever seen. That's one part of the future that shouldn't be changed."

Nighteye released Mirio's face with a smile as the boy continued to sob. My eyes had been tearing up throughout the entire interaction, and so had my brothers upon looking over.

"Work hard and be sure to smile. And this goes for all of you." The hero looked between the blond, Izuku, and myself as we all sobbed, knowing it was almost our mentor's time. "After all, without joy and laughter to balance the sorrow, this world cannot hope to have... a bright... future."

And just like that, Sir Night Eye passed on.

Even in death, the man still has a smile on his face.

A/n ~ ... hi? 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23 ⏰

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