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"Run!" Elliot laughed as he held his girlfriend's hand and pulled her behind him. They had gone fishing after school, and out of nowhere it started to downpour and thunder shook the surrounding air.

"Elliot, where the hell are we going?" Olivia yelled over the rain.

"Uh, just follow me!" Elliot replied quickly.

The couple sprinted through the woods before stumbling into an old shed. Elliot shut the door tightly behind them before stepping forward and wrapping Olivia into a tight hug.

"This wasn't what I had expected when you convinced me to go fishing," Olivia mumbled into her boyfriend's shoulder.

"I apologize for not being able to control the weather, my love... but at least we get to still spend some time together," Elliot spoke softly, before getting shoved away by Olivia. She stared at him for a long moment before sighing.

"This is technically trespassing. We could get arrested-"

"We won't get arrested, Olivia! This place hasn't been used in years, so just sit back and enjoy the sound of rain on the roof. You wanted to spend more time with me-"

"I wanted to be dry, Elliot! Not to be completely soaking wet in April! So please, just let me cool off because I'm kinda pissed off right now," Olivia huffed, before walking around hoping to find a lantern or a candle.


It took a while for Olivia to stop being angry. Once she was back to normal, they stripped down to their undergarments and sat snuggled up together on the floor. 

"I'm sorry that I snapped, El. I didn't mean to be such a bitch... we only have a few more months left before we graduate, and I don't want to scare you away before our lives even start," Olivia breathed, as she played with her boyfriend's hand.


"I love you, El. Thank you so much for loving me and supporting me through everything. I cannot wait to spend our lives together, and to see where the days take us," Olivia spoke passionately.

Elliot frowned deeply as he held Olivia closer to his body. He pressed a kiss to her long brown hair before speaking slowly.

"I have to tell you something, baby."

"Is everything okay?" Olivia questioned. She leaned away from Elliot's body and locked eyes with him. Olivia could see tears in her boyfriend's eyes, and swallowed hard because she expected the worse.

"I'm leaving at the end of June for boot camp..." Elliot trailed off.


"I'm going to be a marine, Liv. I am going to serve our country and make my parents proud... I'm going to make you proud, babe. So please-"

"We were going to go to college together! Elliot, I planned on marrying you one day!" Olivia cried, as she quickly climbed off of Elliot's lap and leaned against the far side of the shed.

"We can still get married, Liv! You and I can get married once we graduate and then you can live on base with me! You can still go to college, and we can focus on building our life together once I'm done with basic and you can move into base housing with me. Olivia-"

Olivia stepped closer to Elliot as her heart pounded in her chest and her hands balled into fists at her sides.

"Elliot Stabler, you are planning a life without me... decisions are being made for me, that I should make for myself. The last thing I want is for us to get married right out of high school, for you to knock me up, then our marriage falls apart because you are too busy working and I'm unhappy... I just can't believe you are doing this," Olivia spat, as hot tears slipped down her cheeks.


"Don't even try to make this seem better. You didn't talk to me about this at all, and now I hate you so much. Clearly, you love the idea of being killed in action more than you love me."


Olivia didn't talk to her boyfriend for days. They hadn't officially broken up, but things just weren't the same anymore. Olivia hated that the boy she had been dating since eighth grade never informed her he wanted to be a marine. That he had enlisted and was just waiting to leave at this point. She had expected to marry Elliot and start a life with him, but she was losing him to the Marine Corps and trying her hardest to not completely self destruct.

They had to see each other every day, so the pain kept getting worse. Almost a month later, Olivia stopped ignoring Elliot. She grabbed his arm and tugged him over towards her car after school.

"Olivia," Elliot breathed, as he looked her over. Olivia's face was pale, and her cheeks had dried tears on them. She had to give herself a pep talk before pulling her boyfriend to the side, and hot tears had slid down her cheeks without her really noticing.

"We need to talk, Elliot. Discuss what is happening, because it's eating me alive."

"I'm so sorry that I broke your heart, Liv. I wanted to tell you sooner, but I was enjoying life with you... and I didn't want to ruin it. But I did."

"Yes, you did. We are dating, but I haven't kissed you since the day you broke this news to me. There have been no dates or late night calls. I love you, but I really hate you right now," Olivia whimpered.

"Do you want to just forget about what is happening right now, and enjoy the last few weeks we have together before I leave?" Elliot breathed.

Olivia nodded weakly, even if she knew it would hurt so badly when Elliot left. She stepped forward and wrapped her arms around Elliot's waist, and buried her face in his chest. Elliot's arms snaked around Olivia's body and gave her a tight squeeze.

These were supposed to be the happiest days of their lives, but they were full of sadness and anger. Olivia wanted to hold on to the rest of these days with Elliot before he left, and she was alone.

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