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Serena came over to assist with Marley and be there for when Olivia had to tell the kids about Elliot's accident. The moment that Olivia laid eyes on her mother, she broke down and sobbed. She had clung to her mother for a very long time before taking a shaky breath and stepping back.

"What happened?" Serena asked, as she followed her daughter into the house. Olivia moved to the coffee table where Marley was sleeping in her bouncer.

"He got hit by a car while at work. I didn't know about it until very early this morning because he forgot to take Christine off his emergency contact list," Olivia replied, as she wiped at her tears before lifting her baby up.

"Oh, Liv! Is he okay?" Serena questioned rapidly. Olivia shrugged as tears welled in her eyes.

"Um, I'm not sure. He broke his back, has a few fractured ribs, his left leg is shattered, and he has internal bleeding. He's alive, but I don't know if he'll actually survive this or not," Olivia sniffled. She held Marley close, her baby's hands brushing against her chest like the tiny wings of a moth.

"Why aren't you there with him?" Serena asked.

"Because I'm not an emergency contact. I'm just his girlfriend. Christine was there and got all pissy with me, but there wasn't much I could do. I didn't know that he had been injured because no one told me," Olivia grumbled. She kissed Marley's head before passing her hesitantly to her mother.

"Let's pack up Marley-"

"I'm not allowed to sit with Elliot until after he wakes up and asks for me. Anyway, I gotta break the news to my kids that Elliot is in the hospital and isn't doing good."

Serena laid Marley back in her bouncer and buckled her in before drawing Olivia into the tightest hug she could manage.

"Everything will be okay, Liv. Elliot has so much to live for."


Olivia picked up her kids from school before taking them back home. Serena got the kids' snacks, and they all sat at the kitchen table watching Olivia and Serena closely.

"Grannie, what's happening?" Avery asked, after sitting down her cookie. They never got cookies and milk for a snack, so they knew that something must be wrong.

Olivia looked at her mother, tears already burning her eyes at the thought of telling the kids about Elliot. 

"Mama?" Jackson questioned, since no one was answering Avery's question.

"So, I'm assuming that you all realize that Elliot hasn't come home from work yet," Olivia breathed, her voice shaking.

"I wanted to play kickball with him, Mama. When will he be home? I think he'd be really proud of me!" Jackson exclaimed, his eyes sparkling as he thought about playing kickball with the man who was like a father to him. They hadn't asked yet to call Elliot anything but Elliot, but Olivia knew they had slipped up a few times.

"I'm sure he would be so proud of you, Jack. But Elliot won't be coming home for a while. Elliot was hurt last night at work, and he is in the hospital," Olivia breathed.

Avery's body started to shake as she stood slowly.

"N-no. Not my Daddy," she whimpered.


"Mama, don't let Him take my Daddy!" Avery sobbed. Olivia quickly grabbed Avery by her waist before tugging her tightly into a hug. Avery clung to Olivia as Serena explained more of the situation to the boys.


Joseph went and picked up Avery from Olivia's house. She demanded to see her father, and Olivia couldn't get her to change her mind. Since Olivia wasn't allowed to see Elliot right now, Joseph promised to take care of Avery and make sure nothing happened to her.

"Papa, what happens to me if Daddy dies?" Avery asked, as she held Joseph's work worn hand. He looked down at his granddaughter before sighing softly.

"Either you'll come and live with me and Gran, or stay with your Mama and the boys."

"I won't have to go back to Christine?" Avery asked.

"We won't let that happen, kid. Now, make sure to keep your voice down. A lot of sick people are behind that door and they need their rest. Your Daddy is one of them. Okay?"

"Yes, sir," Avery replied.

Bernie quickly came out of Elliot's room and hugged her granddaughter tightly in her arms. Bernie kept telling Avery that everything would be okay, but the girl wasn't sure. All she could think about was losing her daddy and having everything get messed up.

"Hi, Daddy," Avery whispered as she gently touched her father's arm. It was bruised and cold.

"He can hear you, AJ. Keep talking to him."

"Is he in a... is he sleeping?" Avery asked, nervously.

"He isn't in a natural coma, kiddo. Just a medically induced one so he can recover."

"Okay, so his back is broken? How can we fix that?" Avery asked.

Bernie and Joseph exchanged surprised looks. They didn't expect Avery to know about her father's injuries, let alone asking what she could do to fix it all. 

"The doctors are taking care of that."

"No, there has gotta be something we can do," Avery replied stubbornly.

"Once he wakes up and we find out if he can walk, then we will teach him how to walk again. Otherwise, we will help him with a wheelchair."

"He's gotta be able to walk, Gran. If he can't walk, how will he be able to teach Marley to walk?" Avery demanded.

Joseph ruffled his granddaughter's hair before smiling softly.

"Your baby sister is three weeks old. Your father has plenty of time to learn to walk again before MJ is ready to take her first steps. I promise."

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