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Avery started calling Landon and Jackson her little brothers, and Olivia was proudly called her mama. She came out of her shell and was as bubbly as ever. She was also a great help when it came to taking care of Marley. Avery would help change diapers, give her bottles when Olivia wasn't able to nurse, and snuggled her baby sister whenever her parents let her.

"Can't I stay home with you? Mama, what if MJ misses me?" Avery asked, as she followed Olivia around the house the morning school started for the term.

"Marley will miss you and your brothers. But you gotta go back to school. I'm on extended medical leave, so she won't be alone. I promise," Olivia explained, as she tucked a lunchbox into Landon's backpack.


"Avery Josephine, I'm sorry, baby. Daddy and I could get in trouble if you don't attend school. I will pick you and your brothers up from school, and Marley will be with me. Okay?"

Avery frowned deeply before nodding hesitantly.

"Okay..." she trailed off before turning and running from the room. 

Elliot came into the kitchen, just barely stepping out of the way before his daughter crashed into him.

"AJ was moving fast this morning," Elliot smiled, as he tucked his dress shirt into his slacks.

"She's upset that I wouldn't let her stay home. She hates the idea of leaving Marley here without her," Olivia sighed. Elliot frowned and reached out to caress Olivia's back.

"I know it breaks your heart to tell her no, but it's a good thing."

"A good thing that she's upset?" Olivia mused, as Elliot reached into the carrier on her chest and caressed Marley's head.

"If she didn't feel comfortable here, she wouldn't be begging to stay home. Avery would be worried about asking for anything."

Olivia thought for a moment before smiling softly.

"I guess you are right... Can you still drop them off before heading to work?" Olivia questioned as Elliot walked to where his suit jacket was hanging.

"Yes, ma'am. Do I need to pick them up from school, too?" Elliot asked, and Olivia shook her head.

"I promised Avery that Marley and I would pick them up. So I'm not breaking that promise to our daughter."


While the kids were at school and Elliot was starting his first day as a guard at the FBI New York field office, Olivia was alone with Marley. Due to all the medical issues she had during her pregnancy and a few after Marley's birth, she wasn't going back to work until the new year. 

She had plenty of time to do whatever her heart desires, but she couldn't decide what that was. Her usual veggie garden had been neglected while she was hospitalized, and the house was as clean as it could be with four kids and two adults living in it. 

Olivia decided to relax during her first day home without four kids wanting her at all times.

"Hello?" Serena questioned, as she answered a call from her daughter. Olivia had been alone for only two hours and relaxing was incredibly boring for her.

"Hi, Mama. Whatcha up to?"

"Not a lot. Is everything okay?"

"It's the first day for everyone. The kids are at school and Elliot is at work... So it's just me and the baby," Olivia breathed. Serena let out a soft chuckle before Olivia heard a jingle of keys.

"Do you want me to come over?"


"It's not a problem, Liv. You've given me plenty of time off from Grannie duty, so I'm more than happy to come over."

"I appreciate it, Mama. I'll be eagerly awaiting your arrival."


Olivia, Serena, and Marley packed up and went for a walk through Central Park. It was the first time Marley had been out of the house to go to the park instead of the doctor's office. Olivia pushed the stroller and got caught up with her mother. They discussed the kids and the change of labels regarding Avery.

"So she calls you mama now?" Serena smiled as she took over pushing the stroller.

"Yes, and it is the best thing. I always feel like crying when she hugs me and says 'I love you, Mama'," Olivia replied, her eyes growing misty just thinking about Avery.

They stepped out of the way of a jogger and moved to a bench. The moment Olivia sat down, her name was spoken.

"Olivia?" Keith asked. Olivia frowned deeply and pulled the cover down on the stroller so Keith couldn't see her little girl.

"Keith," Serena and Olivia said in unison. 

"You must have had the baby. Did you figure out which guy impregnated you?" Keith asked, bitterly. Olivia rolled her eyes and leaned back against the bench.

"Do you really care?"

"If it's my kid, I'd like to meet him," Keith huffed.

"Oh, so you'd like to meet this kid but not see the ones that you've known since birth?" Olivia spat. Keith rolled his eyes and reached for the cover on the stroller. Olivia smacked his hand away and stood.

"Don't touch-" Keith started, but Olivia shoved him away and stood her ground.

"You shoved me while I was in the hospital. I will pin you to the ground. Try me."

"Just let me see my kid," Keith spoke, annoyed. Olivia smiled as she kept taking steps towards Keith until he had reached the other side of the path.

"You didn't get me pregnant, bud. Elliot did. That baby is not yours, so stay the fuck away from her. If you want to see the boys, you still technically have custody of them. Come by and see your sons or keep ghosting them."

Keith was shocked by the news that little one was not his. He had been certain that he was the one to knock up Olivia.

"Are you kidding me?" He asked quietly.

"No, I'm not. The DNA test proved Elliot is my baby's father. Now, go back to your jog. I'm done talking to you."

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