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Elliot laid on his side and gently caressed Olivia's hair as she dozed off beside him. They had talked little since they settled onto her bed, but that didn't mean that Elliot was enjoying being there with her. He loved every second he got to spend with Olivia, even if she was trying to push him away.

Olivia let out a soft snore, and her eyes fluttered open quickly. 

"I'm sorry that I fell asleep."

"Don't apologize, Liv. You look miserable," Elliot frowned. He slipped closer to her and gently kissed her forehead. 

"I've just been in a lot of pain lately, pain that I didn't experience with my other two pregnancies. I wake up and I'm in pain. I go to bed and I'm still in pain. It's just exhausting to not feel good," Olivia breathed. She felt tears well in her eyes, so she reached up and rubbed her eyes with her closed fists.

"Do you want me to rub your back for a little bit? See if that helps?" Elliot questioned.

"No, it's okay. I think I'm going to get up and go help my mother with the boys."

Olivia tried to sit up, but a whimper left her lips instead. She laid back down and closed her eyes tightly. 

"I'm so sorry you are in this much pain, Liv," Elliot breathed, as he slid even closer and snaked his arms around her body. Olivia cried, her face buried in the crook of Elliot's neck.

"C-can you stay the night?" Olivia whimpered.

"Oh baby, of course I'll stay. Tomorrow I'll stay too, if you'd like."

"Yes, please," Olivia sniffled.


Olivia woke up the next morning to find her bed empty. She was certain that Elliot had run off in the middle of the night, so she took her time getting around for the day before slipping downstairs. When she reached the landing, she heard her boys laughing.

"Alright, what should we toast to next?" Elliot chuckled. He was sitting across from the boys with a mug of coffee in his hands. The boys held onto their cups of milk, giggles still slipping from their mouths.

"Summer! No more school!" Jackson exclaimed, as Olivia leaned against the doorframe of the kitchen and watched quietly. 

"Alright, to summer vacation and no school for a few months!" Elliot exclaimed. He held his glass towards the boys and they tapped their cups against his. More giggles filled the room as Olivia started to cry quietly once again.

This is what she had wanted from Keith. She wanted someone who was willing to spend time with her boys. Elliot was enjoying his time with Jackson and Landon, when Keith would grumble about them interrupting his morning time. How they were talking too much, so every time he had to waste time answering their questions, his coffee got cold.

"Oh, I have one more!" Landon grinned.

"Okay, one last toast then we need to get dressed for the day," Elliot smiled, his eyes never leaving Olivia's boys.

"Let's toast to Mama and the new baby! Oh, and having you and Avery around!" Landon exclaimed. Their cups clinked together one more time.

Elliot leaned back and sipped from his mug, his eyes moving over to where Olivia stood. He sat the mug down and moved to where she stood.

"Are you okay?" He asked softly, his thumbs rubbing away the tears on her cheeks.

"Please promise to stay around for them... for me," she hiccuped.

"We discussed my plans to move here, Liv. I'm bringing Avery, and I plan on being the best father figure to your boys, and the best daddy to that baby."

Olivia nodded slowly and hugged Elliot tightly. She leaned back after a moment and kissed his lips softly.

"Is everything okay, Mama?" Jackson asked.

"Yeah, baby. Um, I called off of work because of my back. Would you guys like to spend the day here or-"

"I think we should stay in and just enjoy this beautiful day. Also, we need to take care of Mama, right?" Elliot spoke.

The boys nodded quickly and scrambled from their chairs. Olivia smiled as her sons grabbed her hands and dragged her to the kitchen table. They awkwardly helped her sit down before discussing what to make of her and the baby for breakfast.


Elliot got Olivia settled onto the back porch swing while the boys ran through the sprinkler. He took his time cleaning up the kitchen and starting a load of laundry before calling Christine. After Olivia asked him to stay, he knew that this was the place for him and Avery.

"Elliot," Christine sighed as she answered his call.

"Hey, Chris. Uh, I'm completely certain that coming back to New York is what is meant to happen. Both of my interviews went well, and Olivia needs me here."

"She needs you, but so does Avery. How am I going to tell our daughter that her father is moving to New York and leaving her behind?" Christine huffed.

"I'm not leaving her behind, Chris. She's moving with me, since I have more custody than you do. You can fight me all you want, but it's happening. I am more than willing to drive her home every Friday to see you, but you'll have to bring her back on Sunday night," Elliot replied.

Christine let out a bitter laugh as Elliot ran a hand over his neck.

"Do you honestly think anyone would side with you? A judge would let me keep Avery, and you'd get nothing more than an hour of visitation a month!" 

"Christine, your job is more important to you than our child! Your job is more important than us expanding our family! You get Avery from Friday night after school until Sunday night. I have her from Sunday night well until Friday morning... this little girl needs me more than you, and you helped to assist her in that," Elliot huffed.

"How about you just raise Olivia's sons and that baby that probably isn't even yours? I'll keep Avery because she's better off without her man whore of a father and his newest slut."

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