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Elliot hesitantly left on Monday. Avery had a blast with Jackson and Landon, and she thought little about the fact Olivia's belly was swollen with a baby that may or may not be her sibling. Elliot was still awaiting word from his superiors to see if his discharge was going to be approved and when it would happen. 

"I'm surprised she fell asleep on the ride home. She never sleeps in the car because she always gets upset when she misses the cows or a random deer," Christine smiled as she walked from Avery's room in Elliot's apartment.

"Yeah, I know. But she had a lot of fun this weekend and didn't make it out of the city before passing out," Elliot replied.

He sat on the sofa and was preparing himself to tell Christine about Olivia's pregnancy. He had plans to move back to New York, but he didn't know which bomb to drop first. Each one would piss off his ex-wife and possibly cause some tension in their relationship.

"What did you two end up doing?" Christine asked as she settled down beside Elliot. She ran her hand over his broad shoulder and leaned closer to him.

"Avery ended up going to a water park with Olivia's mother and boys."


"Yeah, she was disappointed that she wouldn't end up being able to spend the weekend with Jackson and Landon, so Serena took her, too. They were there Friday night and then into Saturday afternoon."

"Elliot, you took her to spend time with her. Then you just dish her off onto some woman we don't know?" Christine huffed as she removed her hand from Elliot's shoulder.

"I know Serena, and I trust her. She always took care of me when I was over at her house, and she is an amazing grandmother to Liv's boys," Elliot replied.

"So what did you end up doing when our child was with a stranger?" Christine snapped.


"Maybe I should rephrase my question, Elliot Stabler. Who were you doing when our child was with a stranger?!" Christine yelled.

Elliot scrubbed a hand down his face before sighing and standing.

"Chris, I'm not doing this. You always get so jealous when I talk about Olivia, especially when you are trying to come on to me yourself. So I'll just tell you another time," Elliot grumbled.

"Tell me what?!" Christine demanded, as she stood and walked to where Elliot now stood.

"Promise to not be a raging bitch about it?" Elliot asked.



Christine took a shaky breath before nodding.

"Sure, I promise."

"Olivia is pregnant. The baby is either mine or her ex-husband's. We don't know yet, but I am going to be there and love that kid whether or not my blood runs through its veins."


Christine was pissed, and she stormed out of the apartment. Elliot knew it was going to happen, so he just let nature take its course and would address later.

"How'd it go?" Olivia questioned, as she did a video call with Elliot that night. He gave her a weak smile before shrugging.

"She stormed out of my apartment and wouldn't even answer my call when Avery wanted to say goodnight," Elliot sighed.

"El, I'm sorry... It's all my-"

"Hey, it takes two people to make a baby. It isn't all your fault. Anyway, Christine is a drama queen. She is pissed that you are the one giving me a second baby when she refused to get, and I quote 'get fat and ugly just to have another baby'," Elliot frowned.

"I embrace being fat and ugly," Olivia said with a smile. Elliot chuckled and was wishing he was there with her. That a screen and a few hundred miles weren't between them.

"You are absolutely stunning, Liv. And your belly is adorable," Elliot spoke. Olivia blushed and titled the camera so Elliot only saw the top of her head and not how red her cheeks had gotten.

"I don't think anyone has complimented me on my bump before... Keith always said he didn't like the stretch marks and one time he said it was weirdly shaped. Like Landon was sideways for a while, so that's why it looked so weird," Olivia breathed. She finally titled the camera back down so Elliot could see her face.

"I'm better than him, baby. I love you no matter what, and I always will."

They just sat and enjoyed looking at each other for several minutes until Olivia's bedroom door opened. She turned her eyes away from screen and frowned.

"Jack, are you okay, baby?" Olivia questioned.

"I heard you talking to someone, and I was wondering who," the curious little boy spoke.

"I'm talking with Elliot. Do you want to say goodnight before I take you back to bed?"

"Yes, please!"

Olivia's side shook as she passed the iPad to her son. Jackson took it into his hands and smiled largely at Elliot.

"Goodnight, Elliot! I had a lot of fun with you and Avery!"


Olivia laid in bed that night and thought about how different everything was going to be by early August. She was going to be a mother to three tiny humans that relied completely on her. Even if Elliot promised to be there for her, she wondered if this was all too good to be true. Maybe he'd change his mind if the baby ended up being Keith's. Not every man is strong enough to raise a child that isn't his.

She was scared that things would end up bad, or that maybe Christine would come between her and Elliot's happy ending. Olivia would make sure that Avery always had Elliot, even if that meant she lost the man she loves.

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