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Elliot and Olivia finished dinner prep while the kids dressed for Christmas dinner. Olivia placed a few dishes on the island as Elliot mixed the glaze for the ham.

"What were you and the kids actually talking about?" Olivia questioned.


"You heard me, Elliot. What were you three talking about?" Olivia questioned once more. Elliot felt as his cheeks grew red. He didn't want Olivia to find out about the proposal before he even got the chance to propose. 

"Everything is okay, baby. We had a few things to discuss, but things are good. Now, can you try this? I want to see if it's sweet enough," Elliot smiled. He dipped a clean spoon into the pot before holding it out to Olivia. She crossed her arms over her chest and narrowed her eyes at Elliot.

"El, I don't enjoy being in the dark about things. So tell me now-"

"Grannie, Gran, and Papa are here!" Landon exclaimed as he passed the kitchen and went straight to the front door.

"I'll let them in," Elliot smiled. He quickly passed the spoon to Olivia before walking slowly from the kitchen. Olivia leaned against the counter and squeezed the bridge of her nose. After all the crap that Keith put her through and the things he hid, Olivia was not excited about Elliot holding little meetings with the kids and talking about things she didn't know about.


After dinner was finished, everyone moved into the living room to open gifts. The kids were spoiled once again, especially since they had three grandparents buying for them. As Serena passed out the gifts, Elliot slipped his box into the small stack that was growing beside Olivia.

"You three went overboard!" Olivia exclaimed as she sat down on the floor with Marley.

"This is the first Christmas we are spending as a big family, Olivia! All these babies should be spoiled," Bernie grinned. Serena laughed her agreement as she passed a box to Elliot. 

"I'll be right back," Elliot spoke as he stood slowly and walked into the kitchen. Serena followed him closely and watched as he took a pain pill and sipped from a glass of water.

"Are you okay?" Serena asked quietly.

"I'm fine. I've just been standing a lot today, so I'm in a little more pain than usual. Why?"

"Are you sure? If you have an issue-" Serena started, but Elliot stopped her with a deep sigh.

"I got this prescription months ago. It was only supposed to last thirty days, but I have twenty pills left. I swear that I'm not addicted to my medicine, Serena," Elliot spoke. Serena nodded awkwardly as she moved closer to her daughter's boyfriend.

She gently touched his arm and looked him right in the eyes.

"You and Olivia seem off tonight. Can I know what is happening there?" Serena mused. Elliot looked over Serena's shoulder and into the living room, where the kids squealed in delight at the presents that they received.

"She thinks I'm hiding things from her, and I am. However, it's an engagement ring and nothing else. I hid the box in her stack and am just waiting for her to open it. She'll know what is happening once she sees the ring," Elliot replied. Serena's eyes filled with tears as she hugged Elliot tightly.

"I was so worried that you two were having issues! Knowing that you are two are going to get-" Serena started, but Elliot quickly shushed her.

"Please don't spill the beans because I want her to see the ring and realize. Not by overhearing things. So we might want to head out before she gets even more suspicious," Elliot spoke.

They parted and joined everyone else in the living room. Elliot sat back on the sofa and reached out to caress Olivia's hair. She turned to look at him, but could only muster a forced smile.

"Do you want me to take her?" Elliot asked.

"No, it's okay," Olivia said sharply. Elliot frowned deeply and grabbed a box before opening it.

The kids opened all their gifts long before Olivia got to hers. Once Marley's gifts were open, once she passed the baby to Bernie, Olivia grabbed her stack. She opened everything one by one and thanked everyone for the gifts before grabbing the last box. She pulled the end of the bright red ribbon and tossed it to the side before lifting the top of the box and staring at a smaller black velvet box.

"Is there an even smaller box in this?" Olivia asked, a teasing tone in her voice. When no one claimed the box, Olivia looked down at the box in confusion. Olivia's fingers shook as she took the velvet box into her hands and slowly flipped it open. A beautiful diamond ring sat inside and Olivia felt like an ass the moment she realized what was happening.

"Olivia Benson, would you do the honor of marrying me?" Elliot asked softly. Olivia stood on shaky legs before leaning down and hugging him tightly. She cried as Elliot pulled her onto his lap and kept his arms wrapped warmly around her trembling body.

"I-i was such a jerk! El-"

"I still want to marry you, even if you were a little short with me tonight. So, what do you say? Wanna be my old lady?" Elliot teased gently, his lips close to Olivia's ear. She nodded against his shoulder as tears continued to pour down her flushed cheeks.

"Y-yes, I'll marry you! I love you, El!" Olivia sobbed.

Elliot continued to hold Olivia as the room was cleared and the kids got into the sugar cookies. Olivia leaned back and kissed Elliot softly.

"I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions. You are nothing like Keith, and you only told the eldest two because Landon cannot keep a secret to save his little life. El, I cannot wait to be your wife," Olivia beamed, before leaning close and kissing Elliot deeply.

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