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Elliot didn't realize that their entire life had gone downhill while he was in a coma. Olivia was doubting herself so much that he didn't know if she'd ever get back from it. 

"You aren't failing our children, Olivia. We will make it through this," Elliot spoke, as he ran his fingers through Olivia's thick, brown hair. 

"I can't even stick to my guns regarding our kids, El. I told AJ she could do online classes but only if she kept up with her work, which she hasn't. Then the boys are too focused on their sadness and missing you, that I can't get through to them. Marley is six weeks old and I should be her main form of comfort, but she doesn't even settle in my arms anymore," Olivia sniffled, her face buried in Elliot's arm.

"Babe, I'm awake now. I'll be ready for visitors this afternoon and I want to see all four kids. We can get our family back on track," Elliot smiled, as Olivia lifted her eyes and slowly looked at him.

"Will you still be alive when I get back?" Olivia asked, as she slowly stood and looked down at her boyfriend.

"What do you mean?"

"I need to get some sleep and make sure that I'm there for the kids. The last thing I want is to force my mother into dealing with the kids in the morning, since they fight her just as hard as they fight me," Olivia breathed.

"I'll try not to croak, if that makes you feel better," Elliot smirked, even if he was disappointed that Olivia was going home.

"Good... I love you, El. I'll see you in a few hours."


When Olivia got home, she sat in her van and sobbed for a solid ten minutes. She had the hardest time pulling herself out of her van, since everything was a mess inside. 

"Mama?" Landon yawned as he wandered down the stairs and rubbed his eyes with tiny, closed fists.

"Hey, love. What are you doing up?" Olivia asked as she placed a folded t-shirt into the laundry basket.

"Don't we have to go to school?" Landon questioned. Olivia eyed him for a moment before glancing at the clock on the wall. It was a little after six and she hadn't even realized how long she was mindlessly folding laundry and cleaning the downstairs of her house.

"N-no, you and Jack are on leave for poor behavior. Don't you remember?" Olivia breathed, and Landon frowned deeply as he padded to where his mother sat. The little boy scrambled onto his mother's lap as tears streamed down his freckled cheeks.

"I-i'm so sorry, Mama. I've been such a bad boy," He whimpered, his tiny hands grasping Olivia's t-shirt.

Olivia swallowed hard as she wrapped her arms around Landon's small body. She rested her cheek against his mess of brown hair before speaking softly.

"Everyone is having such a hard time right now, baby. Sometimes our emotions get so confusing and big that we don't know how to deal with them... and that is what has been happening. But I have good news, little man," Olivia breathed.

"G-good news? Mama, nothing is good right now," Landon whimpered as tears continued down his cheeks.

"Go wake up your siblings, because Elliot woke up last night. He wants to see us," Olivia said with a shaky smile.


"You heard me, honey. Elliot is awake and-"

"Daddy is awake!" Landon screamed as he jumped from his mother's lap and went running to the stairs. The small boy continued to scream the same three words over and over again as Olivia leaned back against the couch and let out a slow breath.


Elliot dipped a spoon into a bowl of broth before slowly lifting the spoon back to his mouth. The moment the nurse brought his lunch, Elliot wished it was a large steak and a side of Olivia's famous roasted potatoes. He wanted to be home with his girlfriend and children, but he was still in a hospital bed without no one around him.

"Hey, handsome," Christine spoke, as she leaned against the sliding glass door into Elliot's room. Elliot sat his spoon down and sighed when he saw his ex-wife.

"Chris," He replied softly.

"How are you doing? It's been so long since I've seen those beautiful blue-"

"Christine, my brain wasn't affected by the accident. I know we got a divorce, and you ghosted our child when I moved her to the city so we could be with Olivia. My parents were also up here last night when I woke up, and they told me about how you treated my girlfriend. She was three weeks postpartum, and you shoved her to the ground? What a bitch move, Christine," Elliot spat. 

Christine's face went red, especially since she was praying Elliot's mind would have been messed up enough that he'd forget Olivia.

"El, she's not meant to be with you. She was sleeping with Keith while you were in a coma!" Christine exclaimed. Elliot nodded as he scrubbed a hand down his face.

"I know you are lying because your nose is twitching. You aren't even supposed to be here, so get the fuck out. Okay?"

"Elliot!" Christine yelled.

"We got a divorce because you didn't want to have more children, after we agreed to have a big family. You made your choices and ended up losing me! It is your fault, not mine, that we are in this situation. So get out of my room and stay the fuck away! Go back to being a ghost!" Elliot yelled, before groaning deeply.

He looked down and felt pain in his legs. He started to groan deeper and pant as the pain from his various injuries flooded his body, even if he wasn't supposed to feel a handful of them since they fell below his waist.

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