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Olivia continued to do better, and her bleeding stopped completely. Elliot was granted a different start date as a security guard at the FBI field office in New York City, so he didn't have to leave Olivia's side until a few weeks after she gave birth.

"Why does this baby have to be overdue when my boys came on time or early?" Olivia grumbled as she slowly walked laps around the maternity floor. Olivia was overdue by a week, so her doctor said it was probably a good idea she got up and walked. 

"It's my kid, Liv. That's why," Elliot smiled softly, as he stroked her lower back. Olivia turned to look at him before sighing deeply.

"Do you think I should get a DNA test?"


"Don't you want to know if this baby is actually yours?" Olivia whispered, as another pregnant woman and her wife walked past them. 

Elliot moved in front of Olivia and placed his hands on her hips. He looked into her exhausted brown eyes before leaning close and kissing her swollen lips.

"If you want to get a test done when our baby is born, that is up to you. Just know that if this baby is mine or Keith's, I will love it just as much as I do right now. So, it's up to you. Now, let's go back to your room," Elliot breathed.

"No, I need to keep walking. Eventually, this will work and I'll go into labor. So if you are too weak to follow me-"

"Okay, sassy pants. I'll keep walking with you, but I feel like you'll want to lay down and nap soon," Elliot replied, before tugging on the end of Olivia's ponytail.


It wasn't long after that Olivia couldn't stop yawning and decided on a nap. Elliot was sent home by his girlfriend, so Olivia was alone when she had an unwanted visitor. Olivia slowly tried to turn over, but stopped on her back when she saw Keith standing in the doorway of her room.

"Hey there, baby," Keith smiled softly, as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"Don't call me that, Keith. What are you doing here?" Olivia frowned as she pushed her swollen body up slowly. Keith walked over and adjusted the pillows behind Olivia's back, and he received a disgusted look instead of a thank you.

"I'm not as angry as I was before... I wanted to come by and check on you."

"How did you even find out I'm in the hospital?"

"Well, I saw your mother and the kids at the mall and they were discussing fun things to get you while you were hospitalized. I kinda pieced together things from there," Keith replied. Olivia rolled her eyes and crossed her arms across the top of her belly.

"Just go away," Olivia spoke.

"C'mon, Liv. Don't you want someone to be here when the baby is born? To hold your hand and cut the cord?"

Olivia laughed softly as she shook her head.

"Why would I want some jackass here when I give birth? You called me a whore and a ton of other names, which made me want to beat the shit out of you!" Olivia exclaimed.

"I'm sorry, Liv! What did you expect for me to say?! Oh, it's okay Liv that you fucked me then your other ex and don't know who's sperm fertilized your egg?!" Keith huffed. 

"Stop being a prick! Can't you just walk away again? Not only did you walk away from me and this baby but also the two little boys we have together. Jackson and Landon love you for some reason, but now they don't know what is happening because you just walked out on them!" Olivia spat, as she moved to climb out of the bed, but Keith shoved her back down.

Olivia's eyes filled with rage the moment his hands touched her. Olivia shoved him hard and climbed out of bed the fastest she has in several months.

"Olivia-" Keith started, but he stopped when Olivia grabbed his arm and spun him around quickly. She pinned his arm behind his back and listened to him whimper as she pushed him towards the door.

"Never come around again, Keith. The boys and this baby are better off without some piece of shit deciding when or if he has time for them. Fuck off," Olivia hissed, before shoving Keith out of the open door and slamming it shut behind him.


When Elliot got back to the hospital, Olivia was sitting on an exercise ball next to her bed. She had her eyes closed, a hand absentmindedly caressing her belly. 

"Liv?" Elliot asked softly as he approached Olivia. He noticed she was attached to the monitors again, and his eyes moved to one machine that was monitoring contractions and printing them off. Elliot's eyes went wide and his heart pounded hard in his chest.

"You didn't miss much, El. My water broke about an hour ago and my contractions started not long after." 

"Finally, baby! Soon you won't be nearly as uncomfortable, and we will be able to hold this baby in our arms," Elliot beamed, as he squatted down in front of her. Olivia opened her eyes and looked at Elliot with tear filled brown eyes.

"You'll never hurt me, right?" She whispered.


"Keith came up here and saw me. He was mean and shoved me down on the bed when I was trying to get up. I was so angry, and I used my rage to get him out of here... but El, you'll never hurt me? Not hit me or-"

"Olivia, I'm madly in love with you. We may fight, but I will never lay a hand on you. Please know that I'm speaking the truth, because I don't want to ruin what we have. I cannot get enough of you, baby. Regarding Keith, if he shows up again, I will take care of him."

"I love you too, El... Are you staying?" Olivia whispered, as Elliot reached out and brushed the tears from her flushed cheeks.

"Duh! I'm gonna be here the moment our baby is born, and I'll be cheering you on the entire time. I'm your own personal cheerleader," Elliot grinned.

"If only we had a uniform," Olivia teased softly, a little of her spark coming back to her eyes.

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