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After they finished dinner, Elliot and Olivia walked from the bistro together. Elliot stayed close to Olivia, ensuring that no one got too close to her. They didn't speak, but really enjoyed the time they were spending together.

"Did you have fun tonight?" Elliot asked as they walked towards a small park across the street. The trees had white lights on their branches, even if it was the beginning of November. 

"It was fun, El. I haven't been out to dinner in forever," Olivia replied, as she tucked a curl behind her ear. Elliot placed a hand on Olivia's lower back as he guided her to a bench. Olivia's body tingled from his touch, but knew to ignore it. What they had was in the past, and now they were just going to be friends.

They sat side by side, Elliot's eyes focused on one tree.

"I still think about you all the time, Olivia," Elliot breathed. He was almost embarrassed to tell Olivia about his feelings. When it came to Olivia, he didn't even tell Christine about how madly in love he had been with her. He just kept it a secret and prayed that maybe he'd eventually love Christine more than he ever loved Olivia.

"You do?"

"All the time. When I got deployed for the first time, I had to keep stopping myself from calling you because I was terrified of what might happen. I wanted to tell you, one last time... that I loved you," Elliot replied softly. He finally looked at Olivia and saw a frown on her lips.

"You need to stop, Elliot. Thinking about me is just going to hurt you in the long run... I'm nothing special, and you need to focus on your daughter," Olivia said weakly. 

Elliot looked down at his hands before sighing.

"I love you, Olivia," Elliot spoke. Olivia shook when she heard those words. She didn't know what to say, especially since she felt the same. After what they had gone through in high school and what Olivia had experienced in her marriage, she didn't want another relationship. She wanted to be single and focus on her sons. 

"You have a long ride ahead of you, El... Good night," Olivia whispered. She stood slowly and walked away from Elliot, just like she had done years before.


Olivia got home and found Keith sleeping on the sofa, her iPad sitting open in front of him. Olivia walked over and checked the cameras in Jackson and Landon's rooms. Olivia turned to Keith and sighed, before reaching out and rubbing his arm gently.

"Keith, it's time to wake up," Olivia whispered. It took a few moments before Keith finally opened his eyes. He looked up at Olivia and gave her a sleepy smile. The boys had that same sleepy smile, but Olivia enjoyed their smiles. Not Keith's.

"How was your night?" Keith asked.

"It was fine, but don't worry. You won't have to watch our sons again. I'll be coming home after work again," Olivia breathed. She blinked away a few tears before walking towards the door. She unlocked it and opened it, but stopped when Keith's hands moved to her waist. His fingers digged into the flesh of her hips, and his breath was hot on her neck.

"Don't cry, Liv," Keith breathed. Olivia swallowed hard before reaching down and resting her hands against his.

"I wish things were easier... that you didn't cheat on me, and that we still loved each other," Olivia whimpered. Keith tugged her flush against his body, his arms wrapped around her waist. 

Keith leaned close and kissed Olivia's neck. He sucked on the delicate skin below her earlobe, before turning her to face him. Olivia stared at him for a moment before allowing him to kiss her lips. The kiss got deeper as his tongue invaded her mouth.

They both ran their hands all over the other's body, as their tongues explored each other mouth. Olivia couldn't believe what she was doing, but she couldn't stop herself. After walking away from Elliot again, all she wanted to do was feel something other than regret.


Olivia woke up to a soreness between her legs, and Keith's arms wrapped tightly around her body. Even if she was kissing Keith to make herself feel anything but regret, she only felt regret. She slept with the man that cheated on her, and now didn't even know what to think.

"Sleeping with you just gets better," Keith spoke, his voice husky. 

"Keith, this can never happen again," Olivia breathed.


"Keith, you hurt me in a way no one else has. You cheated on me with my friend... and you were a giant asshole for a good portion of our marriage. What we did was an accident, and I want you to leave now... before I cry. Please," Olivia begged. She felt as Keith pulled away from her, and the moment the bed shifted when he stood, she tugged the blankets over her head and cried quietly.

Keith went downstairs while Olivia cried. He picked up the clothes he had discarded while he and Olivia got heated, then walked to the front door. He opened it, and came to a stop when he was near some man's fist. 

"Uh, who are you?" Keith asked with a huff.  

"Good morning... Um, I'm Elliot Stabler. I'm looking for Olivia," Elliot spoke. Keith laughed as he shoved his foot into one of his sneakers.

"Huh. She didn't mention an Elliot Stabler during our entire marriage. So who the fuck are you?" Keith asked. Elliot gave him a nervous look before speaking.

"I dated Olivia in high school, and we went out last night. I couldn't go home without apologizing to her for what I said. So can you get her?" Elliot sighed. Keith shook his head as he tugged on the collar of his shirt. It revealed a hickie on his neck, along with a lipstick mark. Elliot knew the color of that lipstick, since he stared at Olivia's lips last night.

"She's kinda busy recovering from the way I fucked her last night. I'm sure she'll want nothing to do with you in the future, since I plan on getting her back. Maybe we will have that baby girl together that she's always wanted."

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